+@_migration(4, 0, 99, 4)
+def add_derived_name_column_for_country_names(conn: Connection, **_: Any) -> None:
+ """ Add a new column 'derived_name' which in the future takes the
+ country names as imported from OSM data.
+ """
+ if not conn.table_has_column('country_name', 'derived_name'):
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("ALTER TABLE country_name ADD COLUMN derived_name public.HSTORE")
+@_migration(4, 0, 99, 5)
+def mark_internal_country_names(conn: Connection, config: Configuration, **_: Any) -> None:
+ """ Names from the country table should be marked as internal to prevent
+ them from being deleted. Only necessary for ICU tokenizer.
+ """
+ import psycopg2.extras # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+ tokenizer = tokenizer_factory.get_tokenizer_for_db(config)
+ with tokenizer.name_analyzer() as analyzer:
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(cur)
+ cur.execute("SELECT country_code, name FROM country_name")
+ for country_code, names in cur:
+ if not names:
+ names = {}
+ names['countrycode'] = country_code
+ analyzer.add_country_names(country_code, names)