LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-create or replace function getNearestNamedRoadFeature(in_partition INTEGER, point GEOMETRY, isin_token INTEGER)
+create or replace function getNearestNamedRoadFeature(in_partition INTEGER, point GEOMETRY, isin_token INTEGER[])
RETURNS setof nearfeature AS $$
r nearfeature%rowtype;
SELECT place_id, name_vector, address_rank, search_rank,
ST_Distance(centroid, point) as distance, null as isguess
FROM search_name_-partition-
- WHERE name_vector @> ARRAY[isin_token]
+ WHERE name_vector @> isin_token
AND ST_DWithin(centroid, point, 0.01)
AND search_rank between 26 and 27
ORDER BY distance ASC limit 1
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-create or replace function getNearestNamedPlaceFeature(in_partition INTEGER, point GEOMETRY, isin_token INTEGER)
+create or replace function getNearestNamedPlaceFeature(in_partition INTEGER, point GEOMETRY, isin_token INTEGER[])
RETURNS setof nearfeature AS $$
r nearfeature%rowtype;
SELECT place_id, name_vector, address_rank, search_rank,
ST_Distance(centroid, point) as distance, null as isguess
FROM search_name_-partition-
- WHERE name_vector @> ARRAY[isin_token]
+ WHERE name_vector @> isin_token
AND ST_DWithin(centroid, point, 0.03)
AND search_rank between 16 and 22
ORDER BY distance ASC limit 1