import logging
import select
+import time
+import psycopg2.extras
from nominatim.indexer.progress import ProgressLogger
from nominatim.indexer import runners
LOG.warning("Starting indexing boundaries using %s threads",
- for rank in range(max(minrank, 4), min(maxrank, 26)):
- self._index(runners.BoundaryRunner(rank))
+ with self.tokenizer.name_analyzer() as analyzer:
+ for rank in range(max(minrank, 4), min(maxrank, 26)):
+ self._index(runners.BoundaryRunner(rank, analyzer))
def index_by_rank(self, minrank, maxrank):
""" Index all entries of placex in the given rank range (inclusive)
LOG.warning("Starting indexing rank (%i to %i) using %i threads",
minrank, maxrank, self.num_threads)
- for rank in range(max(1, minrank), maxrank):
- self._index(runners.RankRunner(rank))
+ with self.tokenizer.name_analyzer() as analyzer:
+ for rank in range(max(1, minrank), maxrank):
+ self._index(runners.RankRunner(rank, analyzer))
- if maxrank == 30:
- self._index(runners.RankRunner(0))
- self._index(runners.InterpolationRunner(), 20)
- self._index(runners.RankRunner(30), 20)
- else:
- self._index(runners.RankRunner(maxrank))
+ if maxrank == 30:
+ self._index(runners.RankRunner(0, analyzer))
+ self._index(runners.InterpolationRunner(analyzer), 20)
+ self._index(runners.RankRunner(30, analyzer), 20)
+ else:
+ self._index(runners.RankRunner(maxrank, analyzer))
def index_postcodes(self):
LOG.warning("Starting %s (using batch size %s)", runner.name(), batch)
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
+ psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(conn)
with conn.cursor() as cur:
total_tuples = cur.scalar(runner.sql_count_objects())
LOG.debug("Total number of rows: %i", total_tuples)
+ # need to fetch those manually because register_hstore cannot
+ # fetch them on an asynchronous connection below.
+ hstore_oid = cur.scalar("SELECT 'hstore'::regtype::oid")
+ hstore_array_oid = cur.scalar("SELECT 'hstore[]'::regtype::oid")
progress = ProgressLogger(runner.name(), total_tuples)
+ fetcher_wait = 0
+ pool_wait = 0
if total_tuples > 0:
with conn.cursor(name='places') as cur:
+ fetcher = DBConnection(self.dsn, cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
+ psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(fetcher.conn,
+ oid=hstore_oid,
+ array_oid=hstore_array_oid)
with WorkerPool(self.dsn, self.num_threads) as pool:
- while True:
- places = [p for p in cur.fetchmany(batch)]
+ places = self._fetch_next_batch(cur, fetcher, runner)
+ while places is not None:
if not places:
- break
- LOG.debug("Processing places: %s", str(places))
- worker = pool.next_free_worker()
- runner.index_places(worker, places)
- progress.add(len(places))
+ t0 = time.time()
+ fetcher.wait()
+ fetcher_wait += time.time() - t0
+ places = fetcher.cursor.fetchall()
+ # asynchronously get the next batch
+ next_places = self._fetch_next_batch(cur, fetcher, runner)
+ # And insert the curent batch
+ for idx in range(0, len(places), batch):
+ t0 = time.time()
+ worker = pool.next_free_worker()
+ pool_wait += time.time() - t0
+ part = places[idx:idx+batch]
+ LOG.debug("Processing places: %s", str(part))
+ runner.index_places(worker, part)
+ progress.add(len(part))
+ places = next_places
+ fetcher.wait()
+ fetcher.close()
+ LOG.warning("Wait time: fetcher: {}s, pool: {}s".format(fetcher_wait, pool_wait))
+ def _fetch_next_batch(self, cur, fetcher, runner):
+ ids = cur.fetchmany(100)
+ if not ids:
+ return None
+ if not hasattr(runner, 'get_place_details'):
+ return ids
+ runner.get_place_details(fetcher, ids)
+ return []