+namespace Nominatim;
protected $aExcludePlaceIDs = array();
protected $bDeDupe = true;
- protected $bReverseInPlan = false;
+ protected $bReverseInPlan = true;
protected $iLimit = 20;
protected $iFinalLimit = 10;
protected $aStructuredQuery = false;
- function Geocode(&$oDB)
+ public function __construct(&$oDB)
$this->oDB =& $oDB;
- function setReverseInPlan($bReverse)
+ public function setReverseInPlan($bReverse)
$this->bReverseInPlan = $bReverse;
- function setLanguagePreference($aLangPref)
+ public function setLanguagePreference($aLangPref)
$this->aLangPrefOrder = $aLangPref;
- function getIncludeAddressDetails()
+ public function getIncludeAddressDetails()
return $this->bIncludeAddressDetails;
- function getIncludeExtraTags()
+ public function getIncludeExtraTags()
return $this->bIncludeExtraTags;
- function getIncludeNameDetails()
+ public function getIncludeNameDetails()
return $this->bIncludeNameDetails;
- function setIncludePolygonAsPoints($b = true)
+ public function setIncludePolygonAsPoints($b = true)
$this->bIncludePolygonAsPoints = $b;
- function setIncludePolygonAsText($b = true)
+ public function setIncludePolygonAsText($b = true)
$this->bIncludePolygonAsText = $b;
- function setIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON($b = true)
+ public function setIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON($b = true)
$this->bIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON = $b;
- function setIncludePolygonAsKML($b = true)
+ public function setIncludePolygonAsKML($b = true)
$this->bIncludePolygonAsKML = $b;
- function setIncludePolygonAsSVG($b = true)
+ public function setIncludePolygonAsSVG($b = true)
$this->bIncludePolygonAsSVG = $b;
- function setPolygonSimplificationThreshold($f)
+ public function setPolygonSimplificationThreshold($f)
$this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold = $f;
- function setLimit($iLimit = 10)
+ public function setLimit($iLimit = 10)
if ($iLimit > 50) $iLimit = 50;
if ($iLimit < 1) $iLimit = 1;
$this->iLimit = $iLimit + min($iLimit, 10);
- function getExcludedPlaceIDs()
+ public function getExcludedPlaceIDs()
return $this->aExcludePlaceIDs;
- function getViewBoxString()
+ public function getViewBoxString()
if (!$this->aViewBox) return null;
return $this->aViewBox[0].','.$this->aViewBox[3].','.$this->aViewBox[2].','.$this->aViewBox[1];
- function setFeatureType($sFeatureType)
+ public function setFeatureType($sFeatureType)
switch ($sFeatureType) {
case 'country':
- function setRankRange($iMin, $iMax)
+ public function setRankRange($iMin, $iMax)
$this->iMinAddressRank = $iMin;
$this->iMaxAddressRank = $iMax;
- function setRoute($aRoutePoints, $fRouteWidth)
+ public function setRoute($aRoutePoints, $fRouteWidth)
$this->aViewBox = false;
$this->sViewboxLargeSQL .= ','.($fRouteWidth/30).')';
- function setViewbox($aViewbox)
+ public function setViewbox($aViewbox)
$this->aViewBox = array_map('floatval', $aViewbox);
$this->sViewboxLargeSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(".$aBigViewBox[0].",".$aBigViewBox[1]."),ST_Point(".$aBigViewBox[2].",".$aBigViewBox[3].")),4326)";
- function setNearPoint($aNearPoint, $fRadiusDeg = 0.1)
+ public function setNearPoint($aNearPoint, $fRadiusDeg = 0.1)
$this->aNearPoint = array((float)$aNearPoint[0], (float)$aNearPoint[1], (float)$fRadiusDeg);
- function setQuery($sQueryString)
+ public function setQuery($sQueryString)
$this->sQuery = $sQueryString;
$this->aStructuredQuery = false;
- function getQueryString()
+ public function getQueryString()
return $this->sQuery;
- function loadParamArray($oParams)
+ public function loadParamArray($oParams)
= $oParams->getBool('addressdetails', $this->bIncludeAddressDetails);
$aCountries[] = strtolower($sCountryCode);
- if (isset($aCountryCodes))
+ if (isset($aCountries))
$this->aCountryCodes = $aCountries;
- function setQueryFromParams($oParams)
+ public function setQueryFromParams($oParams)
// Search query
$sQuery = $oParams->getString('q');
- function loadStructuredAddressElement($sValue, $sKey, $iNewMinAddressRank, $iNewMaxAddressRank, $aItemListValues)
+ public function loadStructuredAddressElement($sValue, $sKey, $iNewMinAddressRank, $iNewMaxAddressRank, $aItemListValues)
$sValue = trim($sValue);
if (!$sValue) return false;
return true;
- function setStructuredQuery($sAmentiy = false, $sStreet = false, $sCity = false, $sCounty = false, $sState = false, $sCountry = false, $sPostalCode = false)
+ public function setStructuredQuery($sAmentiy = false, $sStreet = false, $sCity = false, $sCounty = false, $sState = false, $sCountry = false, $sPostalCode = false)
$this->sQuery = false;
- function fallbackStructuredQuery()
+ public function fallbackStructuredQuery()
if (!$this->aStructuredQuery) return false;
return false;
- function getDetails($aPlaceIDs)
+ public function getDetails($aPlaceIDs)
//$aPlaceIDs is an array with key: placeID and value: tiger-housenumber, if found, else -1
if (sizeof($aPlaceIDs) == 0) return array();
return $aSearchResults;
- function getGroupedSearches($aSearches, $aPhraseTypes, $aPhrases, $aValidTokens, $aWordFrequencyScores, $bStructuredPhrases)
+ public function getGroupedSearches($aSearches, $aPhraseTypes, $aPhrases, $aValidTokens, $aWordFrequencyScores, $bStructuredPhrases)
Calculate all searches using aValidTokens i.e.
- function lookup()
+ public function lookup()
if (!$this->sQuery && !$this->aStructuredQuery) return false;
// TODO: filter out the pointless search terms (2 letter name tokens and less)
// they might be right - but they are just too darned expensive to run
if (sizeof($aSearch['aName'])) $aTerms[] = "name_vector @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aName'], ",")."]";
- if (sizeof($aSearch['aNameNonSearch'])) $aTerms[] = "array_cat(name_vector,ARRAY[]::integer[]) @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aNameNonSearch'], ",")."]";
+ //if (sizeof($aSearch['aNameNonSearch'])) $aTerms[] = "array_cat(name_vector,ARRAY[]::integer[]) @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aNameNonSearch'], ",")."]";
if (sizeof($aSearch['aAddress']) && $aSearch['aName'] != $aSearch['aAddress']) {
// For infrequent name terms disable index usage for address
if (CONST_Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold
&& sizeof($aSearch['aName']) == 1
&& $aWordFrequencyScores[$aSearch['aName'][reset($aSearch['aName'])]] < CONST_Search_NameOnlySearchFrequencyThreshold
) {
- $aTerms[] = "array_cat(nameaddress_vector,ARRAY[]::integer[]) @> ARRAY[".join(array_merge($aSearch['aAddress'], $aSearch['aAddressNonSearch']), ",")."]";
+ //$aTerms[] = "array_cat(nameaddress_vector,ARRAY[]::integer[]) @> ARRAY[".join(array_merge($aSearch['aAddress'], $aSearch['aAddressNonSearch']), ",")."]";
+ $aTerms[] = "array_cat(nameaddress_vector,ARRAY[]::integer[]) @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aAddress'],",")."]";
} else {
$aTerms[] = "nameaddress_vector @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aAddress'], ",")."]";
- if (sizeof($aSearch['aAddressNonSearch'])) {
+ /*if (sizeof($aSearch['aAddressNonSearch'])) {
$aTerms[] = "array_cat(nameaddress_vector,ARRAY[]::integer[]) @> ARRAY[".join($aSearch['aAddressNonSearch'], ",")."]";
- }
+ }*/
if ($aSearch['sCountryCode']) $aTerms[] = "country_code = '".pg_escape_string($aSearch['sCountryCode'])."'";
if ($aLookup['place_id']) {
$aSearchResults = $this->getDetails(array($aLookup['place_id'] => -1));
+ $aResultPlaceIDs[$aLookup['place_id']] = -1;
} else {
$aSearchResults = array();