$aNewPhraseSearches = array();
$sPhraseType = $bIsStructured ? $oPhrase->getPhraseType() : '';
- foreach ($oPhrase->getWordSets() as $iWordSet => $aWordset) {
- // Too many permutations - too expensive
- if ($iWordSet > 120) break;
+ foreach ($oPhrase->getWordSets() as $aWordset) {
$aWordsetSearches = $aSearches;
// Add all words from this wordset
- Debug::printDebugTable('Phrases', $aPhrases);
Debug::printVar('Tokens', $aTokens);
$oValidTokens = new TokenList();
Debug::printGroupTable('Valid Tokens', $oValidTokens->debugInfo());
+ foreach ($aPhrases as $oPhrase) {
+ $oPhrase->computeWordSets($oValidTokens);
+ }
+ Debug::printDebugTable('Phrases', $aPhrases);
Debug::newSection('Search candidates');
$aGroupedSearches = $this->getGroupedSearches($aSearches, $aPhrases, $oValidTokens, $bStructuredPhrases);
$sSQL .= 'WHERE place_id in ('.$sPlaceIds.') ';
$sSQL .= ' AND (';
$sSQL .= " placex.rank_address between $this->iMinAddressRank and $this->iMaxAddressRank ";
- if (14 >= $this->iMinAddressRank && 14 <= $this->iMaxAddressRank) {
- $sSQL .= " OR (extratags->'place') = 'city'";
- }
+ $sSQL .= " OR placex.rank_search between $this->iMinAddressRank and $this->iMaxAddressRank ";
if ($this->aAddressRankList) {
$sSQL .= ' OR placex.rank_address in ('.join(',', $this->aAddressRankList).')';
$aResult = array_merge($aResult, $aOutlineResult);
- if ($aResult['extra_place'] == 'city') {
- $aResult['class'] = 'place';
- $aResult['type'] = 'city';
- $aResult['rank_search'] = 16;
- }
// Is there an icon set for this type of result?
$aClassInfo = ClassTypes\getInfo($aResult);