location_rank_search := 0;
location_distance := 0;
location_parent := NULL;
+ -- added ourself as address already
+ address_havelevel[NEW.rank_address] := true;
-- RAISE WARNING ' getNearFeatures(%,''%'',%,''%'')',NEW.partition, place_centroid, search_maxrank, isin_tokens;
FOR location IN SELECT * from getNearFeatures(NEW.partition, place_centroid, search_maxrank, isin_tokens) LOOP
FOR location IN select * from get_addressdata(for_place_id) where isaddress order by rank_address desc LOOP
currresult := trim(get_name_by_language(location.name, languagepref));
- IF currresult != prevresult AND currresult IS NOT NULL THEN
+ IF currresult != prevresult AND currresult IS NOT NULL AND result[(100 - location.rank_address)] IS NULL THEN
result[(100 - location.rank_address)] := trim(get_name_by_language(location.name, languagepref));
prevresult := currresult;