+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+ *
+ * This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
+ * For a full list of authors see the git log.
+ */
namespace Nominatim;
class ClassTypesTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
- public function testGetInfo()
+ public function testGetLabelTag()
- // 1) Admin level set
- // city Dublin
- // https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?osmtype=R&osmid=1109531
- $aPlace = array(
- 'admin_level' => 7,
- 'class' => 'boundary',
- 'type' => 'administrative',
- 'rank_address' => 14
- );
- $this->assertEquals('County', ClassTypes\getInfo($aPlace)['label']);
- $this->assertEquals('County', ClassTypes\getFallbackInfo($aPlace)['label']);
- $this->assertEquals('County', ClassTypes\getProperty($aPlace, 'label'));
- // 2) No admin level
- // Eiffel Tower
- // https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?osmtype=W&osmid=5013364
- $aPlace = array(
- 'class' => 'tourism',
- 'type' => 'attraction',
- 'rank_address' => 29
- );
- $this->assertEquals('Attraction', ClassTypes\getInfo($aPlace)['label']);
- $this->assertEquals(array('simplelabel' => 'address29'), ClassTypes\getFallbackInfo($aPlace));
- $this->assertEquals('Attraction', ClassTypes\getProperty($aPlace, 'label'));
- // 3) Unknown type
- // La Maison du Toutou, Paris
- // https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/details.php?osmtype=W&osmid=164011651
- $aPlace = array(
- 'class' => 'shop',
- 'type' => 'pet_grooming',
- 'rank_address' => 29
- );
- $this->assertEquals(false, ClassTypes\getInfo($aPlace));
- $this->assertEquals(array('simplelabel' => 'address29'), ClassTypes\getFallbackInfo($aPlace));
- $this->assertEquals(false, ClassTypes\getProperty($aPlace, 'label'));
- $this->assertEquals('mydefault', ClassTypes\getProperty($aPlace, 'label', 'mydefault'));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'boundary', 'type' => 'administrative',
+ 'rank_address' => '4', 'place_type' => 'city');
+ $this->assertEquals('city', ClassTypes\getLabelTag($aPlace));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'boundary', 'type' => 'administrative',
+ 'rank_address' => '10');
+ $this->assertEquals('state_district', ClassTypes\getLabelTag($aPlace));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'boundary', 'type' => 'administrative');
+ $this->assertEquals('administrative', ClassTypes\getLabelTag($aPlace));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'place', 'type' => 'hamlet', 'rank_address' => '20');
+ $this->assertEquals('hamlet', ClassTypes\getLabelTag($aPlace));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'highway', 'type' => 'residential',
+ 'rank_address' => '26');
+ $this->assertEquals('road', ClassTypes\getLabelTag($aPlace));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'place', 'type' => 'house_number',
+ 'rank_address' => '30');
+ $this->assertEquals('house_number', ClassTypes\getLabelTag($aPlace));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'amenity', 'type' => 'prison',
+ 'rank_address' => '30');
+ $this->assertEquals('amenity', ClassTypes\getLabelTag($aPlace));
- public function testGetClassTypesWithImportance()
+ public function testGetLabel()
- $aClasses = ClassTypes\getListWithImportance();
- $this->assertGreaterThan(
- 200,
- count($aClasses)
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- array(
- 'label' => 'Country',
- 'frequency' => 0,
- 'icon' => 'poi_boundary_administrative',
- 'defzoom' => 6,
- 'defdiameter' => 15,
- 'importance' => 3
- ),
- $aClasses['place:country']
- );
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'boundary', 'type' => 'administrative',
+ 'rank_address' => '4', 'place_type' => 'city');
+ $this->assertEquals('City', ClassTypes\getLabel($aPlace));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'boundary', 'type' => 'administrative',
+ 'rank_address' => '10');
+ $this->assertEquals('State District', ClassTypes\getLabel($aPlace));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'boundary', 'type' => 'administrative');
+ $this->assertEquals('Administrative', ClassTypes\getLabel($aPlace));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'amenity', 'type' => 'prison');
+ $this->assertEquals('Prison', ClassTypes\getLabel($aPlace));
+ $aPlace = array('class' => 'amenity', 'type' => 'foobar');
+ $this->assertNull(ClassTypes\getLabel($aPlace));
+ public function testGetBoundaryLabel()
+ {
+ $this->assertEquals('City', ClassTypes\getBoundaryLabel(8, null));
+ $this->assertEquals('Administrative', ClassTypes\getBoundaryLabel(18, null));
+ $this->assertEquals('None', ClassTypes\getBoundaryLabel(18, null, 'None'));
+ $this->assertEquals('State', ClassTypes\getBoundaryLabel(4, 'de', 'None'));
+ $this->assertEquals('County', ClassTypes\getBoundaryLabel(4, 'se', 'None'));
+ $this->assertEquals('Municipality', ClassTypes\getBoundaryLabel(7, 'se', 'None'));
+ }
- public function testGetResultDiameter()
+ public function testGetDefRadius()
$aResult = array('class' => '', 'type' => '');
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0.0001,
- ClassTypes\getProperty($aResult, 'defdiameter', 0.0001)
- );
+ $this->assertEquals(0.00005, ClassTypes\getDefRadius($aResult));
$aResult = array('class' => 'place', 'type' => 'country');
- $this->assertEquals(
- 15,
- ClassTypes\getProperty($aResult, 'defdiameter', 0.0001)
- );
- $aResult = array('class' => 'boundary', 'type' => 'administrative', 'admin_level' => 6);
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0.32,
- ClassTypes\getProperty($aResult, 'defdiameter', 0.0001)
- );
+ $this->assertEquals(7, ClassTypes\getDefRadius($aResult));
+ }
+ public function testGetIcon()
+ {
+ $aResult = array('class' => '', 'type' => '');
+ $this->assertNull(ClassTypes\getIcon($aResult));
+ $aResult = array('class' => 'place', 'type' => 'airport');
+ $this->assertEquals('transport_airport2', ClassTypes\getIcon($aResult));
+ }
+ public function testGetImportance()
+ {
+ $aResult = array('class' => '', 'type' => '');
+ $this->assertNull(ClassTypes\getImportance($aResult));
+ $aResult = array('class' => 'place', 'type' => 'airport');
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(0, ClassTypes\getImportance($aResult));