LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_interpolation(wayid INTEGER, interpolationtype TEXT) RETURNS INTEGER
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_interpolation(wayid BIGINT, interpolationtype TEXT) RETURNS INTEGER
AS $$
NEW.rank_search := 8;
NEW.rank_address := NEW.rank_search;
ELSEIF NEW.type in ('region') THEN
- NEW.rank_search := 10;
- NEW.rank_address := NEW.rank_search;
+ NEW.rank_search := 18; -- dropped from previous value of 10
+ NEW.rank_address := 0; -- So badly miss-used that better to just drop it!
ELSEIF NEW.type in ('county') THEN
NEW.rank_search := 12;
NEW.rank_address := NEW.rank_search;
IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.osm_type = 'N' THEN
-- Is this node part of a relation?
- FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id::integer] and members @> ARRAY['n'||NEW.osm_id]
+ FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id] and members @> ARRAY['n'||NEW.osm_id]
-- At the moment we only process one type of relation - associatedStreet
IF relation.tags @> ARRAY['associatedStreet'] AND array_upper(relation.members, 1) IS NOT NULL THEN
-- Is this node part of a way?
- FOR way IN select id from planet_osm_ways where nodes @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id::integer] LOOP
+ FOR way IN select id from planet_osm_ways where nodes @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id] LOOP
--RAISE WARNING '%', way;
FOR location IN select * from placex where osm_type = 'W' and osm_id =
-- Is the WAY part of a relation
IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL THEN
- FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[location.osm_id::integer] and members @> ARRAY['w'||location.osm_id]
+ FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[location.osm_id] and members @> ARRAY['w'||location.osm_id]
-- At the moment we only process one type of relation - associatedStreet
IF relation.tags @> ARRAY['associatedStreet'] AND array_upper(relation.members, 1) IS NOT NULL THEN
IF NEW.parent_place_id IS NULL AND NEW.osm_type = 'W' THEN
-- Is this way part of a relation?
- FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id::integer] and members @> ARRAY['w'||NEW.osm_id]
+ FOR relation IN select * from planet_osm_rels where parts @> ARRAY[NEW.osm_id] and members @> ARRAY['w'||NEW.osm_id]
-- At the moment we only process one type of relation - associatedStreet
IF relation.tags @> ARRAY['associatedStreet'] AND array_upper(relation.members, 1) IS NOT NULL THEN