+ -- remove internal and derived names
+ result.address := result.address - '_unlisted_place'::TEXT;
+ SELECT hstore(array_agg(key), array_agg(value)) INTO result.name
+ FROM each(p.name) WHERE key not like '\_%';
+ result.class := p.class;
+ result.type := p.type;
+ result.country_code := p.country_code;
+ result.rank_address := p.rank_address;
+ result.centroid_x := ST_X(p.centroid);
+ result.centroid_y := ST_Y(p.centroid);
+ -- Names of linked places need to be merged in, so search for a linkable
+ -- place already here.
+ SELECT * INTO location FROM find_linked_place(p);
+ IF location.place_id is not NULL THEN
+ result.linked_place_id := location.place_id;
+ IF location.name is not NULL THEN
+ {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Names original: %, location: %', result.name, location.name;{% endif %}
+ -- Add all names from the place nodes that deviate from the name
+ -- in the relation with the prefix '_place_'. Deviation means that
+ -- either the value is different or a given key is missing completely
+ IF result.name is null THEN
+ SELECT hstore(array_agg('_place_' || key), array_agg(value))
+ INTO result.name
+ FROM each(location.name);
+ SELECT hstore(array_agg('_place_' || key), array_agg(value)) INTO extra_names
+ FROM each(location.name - result.name);
+ {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Extra names: %', extra_names;{% endif %}