Feature: Structured search queries
Testing correctness of results with
Scenario: Postcode only
When sending json search query "" with address
| postalcode |
- | 22547 |
+ | 9495 |
Then results contain
| type |
- | postcode |
+ | ^post(al_)?code |
And result addresses contain
| postcode |
- | 22547 |
+ | 9495 |
Scenario: Street, postcode and country
When sending xml search query "" with address
Scenario: Amenity, city
When sending json search query "" with address
| city | amenity |
- | Vaduz | church |
+ | Vaduz | bar |
Then result addresses contain
| country |
| Liechtenstein |
And results contain
| class | type |
- | amenity | place_of_worship |
+ | amenity | ^(pub)\|(bar)\|(restaurant) |
- Scenario: gihub #176
+ #176
+ Scenario: Structured search restricts rank
When sending json search query "" with address
| city |
- | Mercedes |
- Then at least 1 result is returned
+ | Vaduz |
+ Then result addresses contain
+ | town |
+ | Vaduz |
+ #3651
+ Scenario: Structured search with surrounding extra characters
+ When sending xml search query "" with address
+ | street | city | postalcode |
+ | "19 Am schrägen Weg" | "Vaduz" | "9491" |
+ Then result addresses contain
+ | house_number | road |
+ | 19 | Am Schrägen Weg |