1. Import the downloaded `gb_postcode_data.sql.gz` file.
-2. Run `utils/setup.php --calculate-postcodes` from the build directory. This will copy data form the `gb_postcode` table to the `location_postcodes` table.
+2. Run the SQL query `SELECT count(getorcreate_postcode_id(postcode)) FROM gb_postcode;`. This will update the search index.
+3. Run `utils/setup.php --calculate-postcodes` from the build directory. This will copy data form the `gb_postcode` table to the `location_postcodes` table.
2. `unzip codepo_gb.zip`
- Unpacked you'll see a directory of CSV files.
+ Unpacked you'll see a directory of CSV files.
+ $ more codepo_gb/Data/CSV/n.csv
+ "N1 0AA",10,530626,183961,"E92000001","E19000003","E18000007","","E09000019","E05000368"
+ "N1 0AB",10,530559,183978,"E92000001","E19000003","E18000007","","E09000019","E05000368"
- ```
- $ more codepo_gb/Data/CSV/n.csv
- "N1 0AA",10,530626,183961,"E92000001","E19000003","E18000007","","E09000019","E05000368"
- "N1 0AB",10,530559,183978,"E92000001","E19000003","E18000007","","E09000019","E05000368"
- ```
+ The coordinates are "Northings" and "Eastings" in [OSGB 1936](http://epsg.io/1314) projection. They can be projected to WGS84 like this
- The coordinates are "Northings" and "Eastings" in [OSGB 1936](http://epsg.io/1314) projection. They can be projected to WGS84 like this
+ SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID('POINT(530626 183961)'::geometry,27700), 4326));
+ POINT(-0.117872733220225 51.5394424719303)
- ```
- SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID('POINT(530626 183961)'::geometry,27700), 4326));
- POINT(-0.117872733220225 51.5394424719303)
- ```
- [-0.117872733220225 51.5394424719303 on OSM map](https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlon=-0.117872733220225&mlat=51.5394424719303&zoom=16)
+ [-0.117872733220225 51.5394424719303 on OSM map](https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlon=-0.117872733220225&mlat=51.5394424719303&zoom=16)
3. Create database, import CSV files, add geometry column, dump into file
- ```
- DBNAME=create_gb_postcode_file
- createdb $DBNAME
- echo 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis' | psql $DBNAME
- cat data/gb_postcode_table.sql | psql $DBNAME
- cat codepo_gb/Data/CSV/*.csv | ./data-sources/gb-postcodes/convert_codepoint.php | psql $DBNAME
- cat codepo_gb/Doc/licence.txt | iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 | dos2unix | sed 's/^/-- /g' > gb_postcode_data.sql
- pg_dump -a -t gb_postcode $DBNAME | grep -v '^--' >> gb_postcode_data.sql
- gzip -9 -f gb_postcode_data.sql
- ls -lah gb_postcode_data.*
- # dropdb $DBNAME
- ```
+ DBNAME=create_gb_postcode_file
+ createdb $DBNAME
+ echo 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis' | psql $DBNAME
+ cat data/gb_postcode_table.sql | psql $DBNAME
+ cat codepo_gb/Data/CSV/*.csv | ./data-sources/gb-postcodes/convert_codepoint.php | psql $DBNAME
+ cat codepo_gb/Doc/licence.txt | iconv -f iso-8859-1 -t utf-8 | dos2unix | sed 's/^/-- /g' > gb_postcode_data.sql
+ pg_dump -a -t gb_postcode $DBNAME | grep -v '^--' >> gb_postcode_data.sql
+ gzip -9 -f gb_postcode_data.sql
+ ls -lah gb_postcode_data.*
+ # dropdb $DBNAME