wikipedia TEXT, -- calculated wikipedia article name (language:title)
indexed_status SMALLINT,
wikipedia TEXT, -- calculated wikipedia article name (language:title)
+ token_info JSONB, -- custom column for tokenizer use only
country_code varchar(2),
housenumber TEXT,
postcode TEXT,
country_code varchar(2),
housenumber TEXT,
postcode TEXT,
@@ -152,8+161,12 @@ CREATE INDEX idx_placex_osmid ON placex USING BTREE (osm_type, osm_id) {{db.tabl
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_linked_place_id ON placex USING BTREE (linked_place_id) {{db.tablespace.address_index}} WHERE linked_place_id IS NOT NULL;
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_rank_search ON placex USING BTREE (rank_search, geometry_sector) {{db.tablespace.address_index}};
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry ON placex USING GIST (geometry) {{db.tablespace.search_index}};
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_linked_place_id ON placex USING BTREE (linked_place_id) {{db.tablespace.address_index}} WHERE linked_place_id IS NOT NULL;
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_rank_search ON placex USING BTREE (rank_search, geometry_sector) {{db.tablespace.address_index}};
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry ON placex USING GIST (geometry) {{db.tablespace.search_index}};
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry_buildings ON placex
+ USING {{postgres.spgist_geom}} (geometry) {{db.tablespace.search_index}}
+ WHERE address is not null and rank_search = 30
+ and ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon');
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry_placenode ON placex
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_geometry_placenode ON placex
- USING GIST (geometry) {{db.tablespace.search_index}}
+ USING {{postgres.spgist_geom}} (geometry) {{db.tablespace.search_index}}
WHERE osm_type = 'N' and rank_search < 26
and class = 'place' and type != 'postcode' and linked_place_id is null;
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_wikidata on placex USING BTREE ((extratags -> 'wikidata')) {{db.tablespace.address_index}} WHERE extratags ? 'wikidata' and class = 'place' and osm_type = 'N' and rank_search < 26;
WHERE osm_type = 'N' and rank_search < 26
and class = 'place' and type != 'postcode' and linked_place_id is null;
CREATE INDEX idx_placex_wikidata on placex USING BTREE ((extratags -> 'wikidata')) {{db.tablespace.address_index}} WHERE extratags ? 'wikidata' and class = 'place' and osm_type = 'N' and rank_search < 26;