X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./nominatim.git/blobdiff_plain/75f951d254127d8857b6ad95cac241917f88e542..a5970d75486bae0f0532b4e4bb12e82d625c4750:/vagrant/Install-on-Centos-7.sh?ds=inline
diff --git a/vagrant/Install-on-Centos-7.sh b/vagrant/Install-on-Centos-7.sh
index 19b7ff84..d3fd9ef0 100755
--- a/vagrant/Install-on-Centos-7.sh
+++ b/vagrant/Install-on-Centos-7.sh
@@ -17,26 +17,33 @@
sudo yum install -y epel-release
+# More repositories for postgresql 11 (CentOS default 'postgresql' is 9.2), postgis
+# and llvm-toolset (https://github.com/theory/pg-semver/issues/35)
+ sudo yum install -y https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/11/redhat/rhel-7-x86_64/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
+ sudo yum install -y centos-release-scl-rh
+# More repositories for PHP 7 (default is PHP 5.4)
+ sudo yum install -y http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm
+ sudo yum-config-manager --enable remi-php72
+ sudo yum update -y
# Now you can install all packages needed for Nominatim:
#DOCS: :::sh
- sudo yum install -y postgresql-server postgresql-contrib postgresql-devel \
- postgis postgis-utils \
+ sudo yum install -y postgresql11-server postgresql11-contrib postgresql11-devel \
+ postgis25_11 postgis25_11-utils \
wget git cmake make gcc gcc-c++ libtool policycoreutils-python \
+ devtoolset-7 llvm-toolset-7 \
php-pgsql php php-intl libpqxx-devel \
- proj-epsg bzip2-devel proj-devel libxml2-devel boost-devel \
- expat-devel zlib-devel
-# If you want to run the test suite, you need to install the following
-# additional packages:
+ proj-epsg bzip2-devel proj-devel boost-devel \
+ python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-devel \
+ expat-devel zlib-devel libicu-dev
-#DOCS: :::sh
- sudo yum install -y python34-pip python34-setuptools python34-devel \
- php-phpunit-PHPUnit
- pip3 install --user behave nose pytidylib psycopg2
+ pip3 install --user psycopg2 python-dotenv psutil Jinja2 PyICU datrie pyyaml
- composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"
- sudo ln -s ~/.config/composer/vendor/bin/phpcs /usr/bin/
# System Configuration
@@ -77,8 +84,8 @@ sudo chown vagrant /srv/nominatim #DOCS:
# CentOS does not automatically create a database cluster. Therefore, start
# with initializing the database, then enable the server to start at boot:
- sudo postgresql-setup initdb
- sudo systemctl enable postgresql
+ sudo /usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgresql-11-setup initdb
+ sudo systemctl enable postgresql-11
# Next tune the postgresql configuration, which is located in
@@ -88,7 +95,7 @@ sudo chown vagrant /srv/nominatim #DOCS:
# Now start the postgresql service after updating this config file.
- sudo systemctl restart postgresql
+ sudo systemctl restart postgresql-11
# Finally, we need to add two postgres users: one for the user that does
@@ -99,36 +106,6 @@ sudo chown vagrant /srv/nominatim #DOCS:
sudo -u postgres createuser -s $USERNAME
sudo -u postgres createuser apache
-# Setting up the Apache Webserver
-# -------------------------------
-# You need to create an alias to the website directory in your apache
-# configuration. Add a separate nominatim configuration to your webserver:
-sudo tee /etc/httpd/conf.d/nominatim.conf << EOFAPACHECONF
- Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
- AddType text/html .php
- DirectoryIndex search.php
- Require all granted
-Alias /nominatim $USERHOME/build/website
-sudo sed -i 's:#.*::' /etc/httpd/conf.d/nominatim.conf #DOCS:
-# Then reload apache
- sudo systemctl enable httpd
- sudo systemctl restart httpd
# Installing Nominatim
# ====================
@@ -150,18 +127,55 @@ fi #DOCS:
# download the country grid:
if [ ! -f data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz ]; then #DOCS: :::sh
- wget -O data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz https://www.nominatim.org/data/country_grid.sql.gz
+ wget --no-verbose -O data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz https://www.nominatim.org/data/country_grid.sql.gz
fi #DOCS:
# The code must be built in a separate directory. Create this directory,
# then configure and build Nominatim in there:
#DOCS: :::sh
- mkdir build
- cd build
+ mkdir $USERHOME/build
+ cd $USERHOME/build
cmake $USERHOME/Nominatim
+ sudo make install
+# Setting up the Apache Webserver
+# -------------------------------
+# The webserver should serve the php scripts from the website directory of your
+# [project directory](../admin/Import.md#creating-the-project-directory).
+# Therefore set up a project directory and populate the website directory:
+ mkdir $USERHOME/nominatim-project
+ cd $USERHOME/nominatim-project
+ nominatim refresh --website
+# You need to create an alias to the website directory in your apache
+# configuration. Add a separate nominatim configuration to your webserver:
+sudo tee /etc/httpd/conf.d/nominatim.conf << EOFAPACHECONF
+ Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
+ AddType text/html .php
+ DirectoryIndex search.php
+ Require all granted
+Alias /nominatim $USERHOME/nominatim-project/website
+sudo sed -i 's:#.*::' /etc/httpd/conf.d/nominatim.conf #DOCS:
+# Then reload apache
+ sudo systemctl enable httpd
+ sudo systemctl restart httpd
# Adding SELinux Security Settings
@@ -171,24 +185,20 @@ fi #DOCS:
# with a web server accessible from the Internet. At a minimum the
# following SELinux labeling should be done for Nominatim:
- sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "$USERHOME/Nominatim/(website|lib|settings)(/.*)?"
- sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "$USERHOME/build/(website|lib|settings)(/.*)?"
- sudo semanage fcontext -a -t lib_t "$USERHOME/build/module/nominatim.so"
- sudo restorecon -R -v $USERHOME/Nominatim
- sudo restorecon -R -v $USERHOME/build
+ sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "/usr/local/nominatim/lib/lib-php(/.*)?"
+ sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "$USERHOME/nominatim-project/website(/.*)?"
+ sudo semanage fcontext -a -t lib_t "$USERHOME/nominatim-project/module/nominatim.so"
+ sudo restorecon -R -v /usr/local/lib/nominatim
+ sudo restorecon -R -v $USERHOME/nominatim-project
# You need to create a minimal configuration file that tells nominatim
-# the name of your webserver user and the URL of the website:
+# the name of your webserver user:
-tee settings/local.php << EOF