-# Search logs for high-bandwith users and create a list of suspicious IPs.
-# There are three states: bulk, block, ban. The first are bulk requesters
-# that need throtteling, the second bulk requesters that have overdone it
-# and the last manually banned IPs.
-# The list can then be used in apache using rewrite rules to
-# direct bulk users to smaller thread pools or block them. A
-# typical apache config that uses php-fpm pools would look
-# like this:
-# Alias /nominatim-www/ "/var/www/nominatim/"
-# Alias /nominatim-bulk/ "/var/www/nominatim/"
-# <Directory "/var/www/nominatim/">
-# Options MultiViews FollowSymLinks
-# AddType text/html .php
-# </Directory>
-# <Location /nominatim-www>
-# AddHandler fcgi:/var/run/php5-fpm-www.sock .php
-# </Location>
-# <Location /nominatim-bulk>
-# AddHandler fcgi:/var/run/php5-fpm-bulk.sock .php
-# </Location>
-# Redirect 509 /nominatim-block/
-# ErrorDocument 509 "Bandwidth limit exceeded."
-# Redirect 403 /nominatim-ban/
-# ErrorDocument 403 "Access blocked."
-# RewriteEngine On
-# RewriteMap bulklist txt:/home/wherever/ip-block.map
-# RewriteRule ^/(.*) /nominatim-${bulklist:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|www}/$1 [PT]
-import os
-import psycopg2
-import datetime
-BASEDIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), '../..'))
-# Copy into settings/ip_blcoks.conf and adapt as required.
-BLOCKEDFILE= BASEDIR + '/settings/ip_blocks.map'
-LOGFILE= BASEDIR + '/log/restricted_ip.log'
-# space-separated list of IPs that are never banned
-# space-separated list of IPs manually blocked
-# user-agents that should be blocked from bulk mode
-# (matched with startswith)
-# time before a automatically blocked IP is allowed back
-# quiet time before an IP is released from the bulk pool
- execfile(os.path.expanduser(BASEDIR + "/settings/ip_blocks.conf"))
-except IOError:
- pass
-# read the previous blocklist
-WHITELIST = set(WHITELIST.split()) if WHITELIST else set()
-prevblocks = []
-prevbulks = []
-BLACKLIST = set(BLACKLIST.split()) if BLACKLIST else set()
-newblocks = set()
-newbulks = set()
- fd = open(BLOCKEDFILE)
- for line in fd:
- ip, typ = line.strip().split(' ')
- if ip not in BLACKLIST:
- if typ == 'block':
- prevblocks.append(ip)
- elif typ == 'bulk':
- prevbulks.append(ip)
- fd.close()
-except IOError:
- pass #ignore non-existing file
-# determine current load
-fd = open("/proc/loadavg")
-avgload = int(float(fd.readline().split()[2]))
-# DB load
-conn = psycopg2.connect('dbname=nominatim')
-cur = conn.cursor()
-cur.execute("select count(*)/60 from new_query_log where starttime > now() - interval '1min'")
-dbload = int(cur.fetchone()[0])
-if len(prevbulks) > MAX_BULK_IPS:
- BLOCK_LIMIT = max(3600, BLOCK_LOWER - (len(prevbulks) - MAX_BULK_IPS)*10)
-# if the bulk pool is still empty, clients will be faster, avoid having
-# them blocked in this case
-if len(prevbulks) < 10:
-# get the new block candidates
- SELECT ipaddress, max(count), max(ua) FROM
- (SELECT ipaddress, sum(case when endtime is null then 1 else 1+1.5*date_part('epoch',endtime-starttime) end) as count, substring(max(useragent) from 1 for 30) as ua FROM new_query_log
- WHERE starttime > now() - interval '1 hour' GROUP BY ipaddress) as i
- WHERE count > %s)
- (SELECT ipaddress, count * 3, ua FROM
- (SELECT ipaddress, sum(case when endtime is null then 1 else 1+1.5*date_part('epoch',endtime-starttime) end) as count, substring(max(useragent) from 1 for 30) as ua FROM new_query_log
- WHERE starttime > now() - interval '10 min' GROUP BY ipaddress) as i
- WHERE count > %s)) as o
- GROUP BY ipaddress
-bulkips = {}
-emergencyblocks = []
-useragentblocks = []
-for c in cur:
- if c[0] not in WHITELIST and c[0] not in BLACKLIST:
- # check for user agents that receive an immediate block
- missing_agent = not c[2]
- if not missing_agent:
- for ua in UA_BLOCKLIST:
- if c[2].startswith(ua):
- missing_agent = True
- break
- if (missing_agent or c[1] > BLOCK_UPPER) and c[0] not in prevblocks:
- newblocks.add(c[0])
- if missing_agent:
- useragentblocks.append(c[0])
- else:
- emergencyblocks.append(c[0])
- else:
- bulkips[c[0]] = c[1]
-# IPs from the block list that are no longer in the bulk list
-deblockcandidates = set()
-# IPs from the bulk list that are no longer in the bulk list
-debulkcandidates = set()
-# new IPs to go into the block list
-newlyblocked = []
-for ip in prevblocks:
- if ip in bulkips:
- newblocks.add(ip)
- del bulkips[ip]
- else:
- deblockcandidates.add(ip)
-for ip in prevbulks:
- if ip not in newblocks:
- if ip in bulkips:
- if bulkips[ip] > BLOCK_LIMIT:
- newblocks.add(ip)
- newlyblocked.append(ip)
- else:
- newbulks.add(ip)
- del bulkips[ip]
- else:
- debulkcandidates.add(ip)
-# cross-check deblock candidates
-if deblockcandidates:
- cur.execute("""
- SELECT DISTINCT ipaddress FROM new_query_log
- WHERE ipaddress IN ('%s') AND starttime > now() - interval '%s'
- """ % ("','".join(deblockcandidates), BLOCKCOOLOFF_PERIOD))
- for c in cur:
- newblocks.add(c[0])
- deblockcandidates.remove(c[0])
-# deblocked IPs go back to the bulk pool to catch the ones that simply
-# ignored the HTTP error and just continue to hammer the API.
-# Those that behave and stopped will be debulked a minute later.
-for ip in deblockcandidates:
- newbulks.add(ip)
-# cross-check debulk candidates
-if debulkcandidates:
- cur.execute("""
- SELECT DISTINCT ipaddress FROM new_query_log
- WHERE ipaddress IN ('%s') AND starttime > now() - interval '%s'
- AND starttime > date_trunc('day', now())
- """ % ("','".join(debulkcandidates), BULKCOOLOFF_PERIOD))
- for c in cur:
- newbulks.add(c[0])
- debulkcandidates.remove(c[0])
-for ip in bulkips.iterkeys():
- newbulks.add(ip)
-# write out the new list
-fd = open(BLOCKEDFILE, 'w')
-for ip in newblocks:
- fd.write(ip + " block\n")
-for ip in newbulks:
- fd.write(ip + " bulk\n")
-for ip in BLACKLIST:
- fd.write(ip + " ban\n")
-# write out the log
-logstr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + ' %s %s\n'
-fd = open(LOGFILE, 'a')
-if deblockcandidates:
- fd.write(logstr % ('unblocked:', ', '.join(deblockcandidates)))
-if debulkcandidates:
- fd.write(logstr % (' debulked:', ', '.join(debulkcandidates)))
-if bulkips:
- fd.write(logstr % ('new bulks:', ', '.join(bulkips.keys())))
-if emergencyblocks:
- fd.write(logstr % ('dir.block:', ', '.join(emergencyblocks)))
-if useragentblocks:
- fd.write(logstr % (' ua block:', ', '.join(useragentblocks)))
-if newlyblocked:
- fd.write(logstr % ('new block:', ', '.join(newlyblocked)))