+-- Core functions for Nominatim import flex style.
+-- The single place table.
+place_table = osm2pgsql.define_table{
+ name = "place",
+ ids = { type = 'any', id_column = 'osm_id', type_column = 'osm_type' },
+ columns = {
+ { column = 'class', type = 'text', not_null = true },
+ { column = 'type', type = 'text', not_null = true },
+ { column = 'admin_level', type = 'smallint' },
+ { column = 'name', type = 'hstore' },
+ { column = 'address', type = 'hstore' },
+ { column = 'extratags', type = 'hstore' },
+ { column = 'geometry', type = 'geometry', projection = 'WGS84', not_null = true },
+ }
+------------- Place class ------------------------------------------
+local Place = {}
+Place.__index = Place
+function Place.new(object, geom_func)
+ local self = setmetatable({}, Place)
+ self.object = object
+ self.geom_func = geom_func
+ self.admin_level = tonumber(self.object:grab_tag('admin_level'))
+ if self.admin_level == nil
+ or self.admin_level <= 0 or self.admin_level > 15
+ or math.floor(self.admin_level) ~= self.admin_level then
+ self.admin_level = 15
+ end
+ self.num_entries = 0
+ self.has_name = false
+ self.names = {}
+ self.address = {}
+ self.extratags = {}
+ return self
+function Place:delete(data)
+ if data.match ~= nil then
+ for k, v in pairs(self.object.tags) do
+ if data.match(k, v) then
+ self.object.tags[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function Place:grab_extratags(data)
+ local count = 0
+ if data.match ~= nil then
+ for k, v in pairs(self.object.tags) do
+ if data.match(k, v) then
+ self.object.tags[k] = nil
+ self.extratags[k] = v
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return count
+function Place:grab_address(data)
+ local count = 0
+ if data.match ~= nil then
+ for k, v in pairs(self.object.tags) do
+ if data.match(k, v) then
+ self.object.tags[k] = nil
+ if data.include_on_name == true then
+ self.has_name = true
+ end
+ if data.out_key ~= nil then
+ self.address[data.out_key] = v
+ return 1
+ end
+ if k:sub(1, 5) == 'addr:' then
+ self.address[k:sub(6)] = v
+ elseif k:sub(1, 6) == 'is_in:' then
+ self.address[k:sub(7)] = v
+ else
+ self.address[k] = v
+ end
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return count
+function Place:set_address(key, value)
+ self.address[key] = value
+function Place:grab_name(data)
+ local count = 0
+ if data.match ~= nil then
+ for k, v in pairs(self.object.tags) do
+ if data.match(k, v) then
+ self.object.tags[k] = nil
+ self.names[k] = v
+ if data.include_on_name ~= false then
+ self.has_name = true
+ end
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return count
+function Place:grab_tag(key)
+ return self.object:grab_tag(key)
+function Place:tags()
+ return self.object.tags
+function Place:write_place(k, v, mtype, save_extra_mains)
+ if mtype == nil then
+ return 0
+ end
+ v = v or self.object.tags[k]
+ if v == nil then
+ return 0
+ end
+ if type(mtype) == 'table' then
+ mtype = mtype[v] or mtype[1]
+ end
+ if mtype == 'always' or (self.has_name and mtype == 'named') then
+ return self:write_row(k, v, save_extra_mains)
+ end
+ if mtype == 'named_with_key' then
+ local names = {}
+ local prefix = k .. ':name'
+ for namek, namev in pairs(self.object.tags) do
+ if namek:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix
+ and (#namek == #prefix
+ or namek:sub(#prefix + 1, #prefix + 1) == ':') then
+ names[namek:sub(#k + 2)] = namev
+ end
+ end
+ if next(names) ~= nil then
+ local saved_names = self.names
+ self.names = names
+ local results = self:write_row(k, v, save_extra_mains)
+ self.names = saved_names
+ return results
+ end
+ end
+ return 0
+function Place:write_row(k, v, save_extra_mains)
+ if self.geometry == nil then
+ self.geometry = self.geom_func(self.object)
+ end
+ if self.geometry:is_null() then
+ return 0
+ end
+ if save_extra_mains then
+ for extra_k, extra_v in pairs(self.object.tags) do
+ if extra_k ~= k then
+ self.extratags[extra_k] = extra_v
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ place_table:insert{
+ class = k,
+ type = v,
+ admin_level = self.admin_level,
+ name = next(self.names) and self.names,
+ address = next(self.address) and self.address,
+ extratags = next(self.extratags) and self.extratags,
+ geometry = self.geometry
+ }
+ if save_extra_mains then
+ for k, v in pairs(self.object.tags) do
+ self.extratags[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ self.num_entries = self.num_entries + 1
+ return 1
+function tag_match(data)
+ if data == nil or next(data) == nil then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local tests = {}
+ if data.keys ~= nil then
+ for _, key in pairs(data.keys) do
+ if key:sub(1, 1) == '*' then
+ if #key > 1 then
+ local suffix = key:sub(2)
+ tests[#tests + 1] = function (k, v)
+ return k:sub(-#suffix) == suffix
+ end
+ end
+ elseif key:sub(#key, #key) == '*' then
+ local prefix = key:sub(1, #key - 1)
+ tests[#tests + 1] = function (k, v)
+ return k:sub(1, #prefix) == prefix
+ end
+ else
+ tests[#tests + 1] = function (k, v)
+ return k == key
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if data.tags ~= nil then
+ local tags = {}
+ for k, vlist in pairs(data.tags) do
+ tags[k] = {}
+ for _, v in pairs(vlist) do
+ tags[k][v] = true
+ end
+ end
+ tests[#tests + 1] = function (k, v)
+ return tags[k] ~= nil and tags[k][v] ~= nil
+ end
+ end
+ return function (k, v)
+ for _, func in pairs(tests) do
+ if func(k, v) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+-- Process functions for all data types
+function osm2pgsql.process_node(object)
+ local function geom_func(o)
+ return o:as_point()
+ end
+ process_tags(Place.new(object, geom_func))
+function osm2pgsql.process_way(object)
+ local function geom_func(o)
+ local geom = o:as_polygon()
+ if geom:is_null() then
+ geom = o:as_linestring()
+ end
+ return geom
+ end
+ process_tags(Place.new(object, geom_func))
+function relation_as_multipolygon(o)
+ return o:as_multipolygon()
+function relation_as_multiline(o)
+ return o:as_multilinestring():line_merge()
+function osm2pgsql.process_relation(object)
+ local geom_func = RELATION_TYPES[object.tags.type]
+ if geom_func ~= nil then
+ process_tags(Place.new(object, geom_func))
+ end
+function process_tags(o)
+ local fallback
+ o:delete{match = PRE_DELETE}
+ o:grab_extratags{match = PRE_EXTRAS}
+ -- Exception for boundary/place double tagging
+ if o.object.tags.boundary == 'administrative' then
+ o:grab_extratags{match = function (k, v)
+ return k == 'place' and v:sub(1,3) ~= 'isl'
+ end}
+ end
+ -- address keys
+ o:grab_address{match=function (k, v) return COUNTRY_TAGS(k, v) and #v == 2 end,
+ out_key='country'}
+ if o:grab_name{match=HOUSENAME_TAGS} > 0 then
+ fallback = {'place', 'house'}
+ end
+ if o:grab_address{match=HOUSENUMBER_TAGS, include_on_name = true} > 0 and fallback == nil then
+ fallback = {'place', 'house'}
+ end
+ if o:grab_address{match=POSTCODES, out_key='postcode'} > 0 and fallback == nil then
+ fallback = {'place', 'postcode'}
+ end
+ local is_interpolation = o:grab_address{match=INTERPOLATION_TAGS} > 0
+ local v = o:grab_tag('tiger:county')
+ if v ~= nil then
+ v, num = v:gsub(',.*', ' county')
+ if num == 0 then
+ v = v .. ' county'
+ end
+ o:set_address('tiger:county', v)
+ end
+ end
+ o:grab_address{match=ADDRESS_TAGS}
+ if is_interpolation then
+ o:write_place('place', 'houses', 'always', SAVE_EXTRA_MAINS)
+ return
+ end
+ -- name keys
+ o:grab_name{match = NAMES}
+ o:grab_name{match = REFS, include_on_name = false}
+ o:delete{match = POST_DELETE}
+ o:grab_extratags{match = POST_EXTRAS}
+ -- collect main keys
+ local num_mains = 0
+ for k, v in pairs(o:tags()) do
+ num_mains = num_mains + o:write_place(k, v, MAIN_KEYS[k], SAVE_EXTRA_MAINS)
+ end
+ if num_mains == 0 then
+ for tag, mtype in pairs(MAIN_FALLBACK_KEYS) do
+ if o:write_place(tag, nil, mtype, SAVE_EXTRA_MAINS) > 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ if fallback ~= nil then
+ o:write_place(fallback[1], fallback[2], 'always', SAVE_EXTRA_MAINS)
+ end
+ end