+echo 'Checking search indices are valid ... ';
+$sSQL = <<< END
+ SELECT relname
+ FROM pg_class, pg_index
+ WHERE pg_index.indisvalid = false
+ AND pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class.oid;
+$aInvalid = $oDB->getCol($sSQL);
+if (empty($aInvalid)) {
+ $print_success();
+} else {
+ $print_fail();
+ echo <<< END
+ At least one index is invalid. That can happen, e.g. when index creation was
+ disrupted and later restarted. You should run the index stage of setup again.
+ See the question 'Can a stopped/killed import process be resumed?' in the
+ troubleshooting guide.
+ Affected indices:
+ echo join(', ', $aInvalid) . "\n";
+ exit(1);