+The following sections explain how the module can be customized.
+### Changing the recognized tags
+If you just want to change which OSM tags are recognized during import,
+then there are a number of convenience functions to set the tag lists used
+during the processing.
+!!! warning
+ There are no built-in defaults for the tag lists, so all the functions
+ need to be called from your style script to fully process the data.
+ Make sure you start from one of the default style and only modify
+ the data you are interested in.
+Many of the following functions take _key match lists_. These lists can
+contain three kinds of strings to match against tag keys:
+A string that ends in an asterisk `*` is a prefix match and accordingly matches
+against any key that starts with the given string (minus the `*`).
+A suffix match can be defined similarly with a string that starts with a `*`.
+Any other string is matched exactly against tag keys.
+#### `set_main_tags()` - principal tags
+If a principal or main tag is found on an OSM object, then the object
+is included in Nominatim's search index. A single object may also have
+multiple main tags. In that case, the object will be included multiple
+times in the index, once for each main tag.
+The flex script distinguishes between four types of main tags:
+* __always__: a main tag that is used unconditionally
+* __named__: consider this main tag only, if the object has a proper name
+ (a reference is not enough, see below).
+* __named_with_key__: consider this main tag only, when the object has
+ a proper name with a domain prefix. For example, if the main tag is
+ `bridge=yes`, then it will only be added as an extra row, if there is
+ a tag `bridge:name[:XXX]` for the same object. If this property is set,
+ all other names that are not domain-specific are ignored.
+* __fallback__: use this main tag only, if there is no other main tag.
+ Fallback always implied `named`, i.e. fallbacks are only tried for
+ named objects.
+The `set_main_tags()` function takes exactly one table parameter which
+defines the keys and key/value combinations to include and the kind of
+main tag. Each lua table key defines an OSM tag key. The value may
+be a string defining the kind of main key as described above. Then the tag will
+be considered a main tag for any possible value. To further restrict
+which values are acceptable, give a table with the permitted values
+and their kind of main tag. If the table contains a simple value without
+key, then this is used as default for values that are not listed.
+!!! example
+ ``` lua
+ flex.set_main_tags{
+ boundary = {'administrative' = named},
+ highway = {'always', street_lamp = 'named'}
+ landuse = 'fallback',
+ }
+ ```
+ In this example an object with a `boundary` tag will only be included
+ when it has a value of `administrative`. Objects with `highway` tags are
+ always included. However when the value is `street_lamp` then the object
+ must have a name, too. With any other value, the object is included
+ independently of the name. Finally, if a `landuse` tag is present then
+ it will be used independely of the concrete value if neither boundary
+ nor highway tags were found and the object is named.
+#### `set_prefilters()` - ignoring tags
+Pre-filtering of tags allows to ignore them for any further processing.
+Thus pre-filtering takes precedence over any other tag processing. This is
+useful when some specific key/value combinations need to be excluded from
+processing. When tags are filtered, they may either be deleted completely
+or moved to `extratags`. Extra tags are saved with the object and returned
+to the user when requested, but are not used otherwise.
+`set_prefilters()` takes a table with four optional fields:
+* __delete_keys__ is a _key match list_ for tags that should be deleted
+* __delete_tags__ contains a table of tag keys pointing to a list of tag
+ values. Tags with matching key/value pairs are deleted.
+* __extra_keys__ is a _key match list_ for tags which should be saved into
+ extratags
+* __delete_tags__ contains a table of tag keys pointing to a list of tag
+ values. Tags with matching key/value pairs are moved to extratags.
+Key list may contain three kinds of strings:
+A string that ends in an asterisk `*` is a prefix match and accordingly matches
+against any key that starts with the given string (minus the `*`).
+A suffix match can be defined similarly with a string that starts with a `*`.
+Any other string is matched exactly against tag keys.
+!!! example
+ ``` lua
+ flex.set_prefilters{
+ delete_keys = {'source', 'source:*'},
+ extra_tags = {'amenity' = {'yes', 'no'}
+ }
+ flex.set_main_tags{
+ amenity = 'always'
+ }
+ ```
+ In this example any tags `source` and tags that begin with `source:` are
+ deleted before any other processing is done. Getting rid of frequent tags
+ this way can speed up the import.
+ Tags with `amenity=yes` or `amenity=no` are moved to extratags. Later
+ all tags with an `amenity` key are made a main tag. This effectively means
+ that Nominatim will use all amenity tags except for those with value
+ yes and no.
+#### `set_name_tags()` - defining names
+The flex script distinguishes between two kinds of names:
+* __main__: the primary names make an object fully searchable.
+ Main tags of type _named_ will only cause the object to be included when
+ such a primary name is present. Primary names are usually those found
+ in the `name` tag and its variants.
+* __extra__: extra names are still added to the search index but they are
+ alone not sufficient to make an object named.
+`set_name_tags()` takes a table with two optional fields `main` and `extra`.
+They take _key match lists_ for main and extra names respectively.
+!!! example
+ ``` lua
+ flex.set_main_tags{'highway' = {'traffic_light' = 'named'}}
+ flex.set_name_tags{main = {'name', 'name:*'},
+ extra = {'ref'}
+ }
+ ```
+ This example creates a search index over traffic lights but will
+ only include those that have a common name and not those which just
+ have some reference ID from the city.
+#### `set_address_tags()` - defining address parts
+Address tags will be used to build up the address of an object.
+`set_address_tags()` takes a table with arbitrary fields pointing to
+_key match lists_. To fields have a special meaning:
+__main__ defines
+the tags that make a full address object out of the OSM object. This
+is usually the housenumber or variants thereof. If a main address tag
+appears, then the object will always be included, if necessary with a
+fallback of `place=house`. If the key has a prefix of `addr:` or `is_in:`
+this will be stripped.
+__extra__ defines all supplementary tags for addresses, tags like `addr:street`, `addr:city` etc. If the key has a prefix of `addr:` or `is_in:` this will be stripped.
+All other fields will be handled as summary fields. If a key matches the
+key match list, then its value will be added to the address tags with the
+name of the field as key. If multiple tags match, then an arbitrary one
+Country tags are handled slightly special. Only tags with a two-letter code
+are accepted, all other values are discarded.
+!!! example
+ ``` lua
+ flex.set_address_tags{
+ main = {'addr:housenumber'},
+ extra = {'addr:*'},
+ postcode = {'postal_code', 'postcode', 'addr:postcode'},
+ country = {'country-code', 'ISO3166-1'}
+ }
+ ```
+ In this example all tags which begin with `addr:` will be saved in
+ the address tag list. If one of the tags is `addr:housenumber`, the
+ object will fall back to be entered as a `place=house` in the database
+ unless there is another interested main tag to be found.
+ Tags with keys `country-code` and `ISO3166-1` are saved with their
+ value under `country` in the address tag list. The same thing happens
+ to postcodes, they will always be saved under the key `postcode` thus
+ normalizing the multitude of keys that are used in the OSM database.
+#### `set_unused_handling()` - processing remaining tags
+This function defines what to do with tags that remain after all tags
+have been classified using the functions above. There are two ways in
+which the function can be used:
+`set_unused_handling(delete_keys = ..., delete_tags = ...)` deletes all
+keys that match the descriptions in the parameters and moves all remaining
+tags into the extratags list.
+`set_unused_handling(extra_keys = ..., extra_tags = ...)` moves all tags
+matching the parameters into the extratags list and then deletes the remaining
+tags. For the format of the parameters see the description in `set_prefilters()`
+!!! example
+ ``` lua
+ flex.set_address_tags{
+ main = {'addr:housenumber'},
+ extra = {'addr:*', 'tiger:county'}
+ }
+ flex.set_unused_handling{delete_keys = {'tiger:*'}}
+ ```