+### Import and Database Settings
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Database connection string |
+| **Format:** | string: `pgsql:<param1>=<value1>;<param2>=<value2>;...` |
+| **Default:** | pgsql:dbname=nominatim |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --website` |
+Sets the connection parameters for the Nominatim database. At a minimum
+the name of the database (`dbname`) is required. You can set any additional
+parameter that is understood by libpq. See the [Postgres documentation](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-PARAMKEYWORDS) for a full list.
+!!! note
+ It is usually recommended not to set the password directly in this
+ configuration parameter. Use a
+ [password file](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-pgpass.html)
+ instead.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Database query user |
+| **Format:** | string |
+| **Default:** | www-data |
+| **After Changes:** | cannot be changed after import |
+Defines the name of the database user that will run search queries. Usually
+this is the user under which the webserver is executed. When running Nominatim
+via php-fpm, you can also define a separate query user. The Postgres user
+needs to be set up before starting the import.
+Nominatim grants minimal rights to this user to all tables that are needed
+for running geocoding queries.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Directory where to find the PostgreSQL server module |
+| **Format:** | path |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ (use `<project_directory>/module`) |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --functions` |
+| **Comment:** | Legacy tokenizer only |
+Defines the directory in which the PostgreSQL server module `nominatim.so`
+is stored. The directory and module must be accessible by the PostgreSQL
+For information on how to use this setting when working with external databases,
+see [Advanced Installations](../admin/Advanced-Installations.md).
+The option is only used by the Legacy tokenizer and ignored otherwise.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Tokenizer used for normalizing and parsing queries and names |
+| **Format:** | string |
+| **Default:** | legacy |
+| **After Changes:** | cannot be changed after import |
+Sets the tokenizer type to use for the import. For more information on
+available tokenizers and how they are configured, see
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Configuration file for the tokenizer |
+| **Format:** | path |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ (default file depends on tokenizer) |
+| **After Changes:** | see documentation for each tokenizer |
+Points to the file with additional configuration for the tokenizer.
+See the [Tokenizer](../customize/Tokenizers.md) descriptions for details
+on the file format.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Number of occurrences before a word is considered frequent |
+| **Format:** | int |
+| **Default:** | 50000 |
+| **After Changes:** | cannot be changed after import |
+| **Comment:** | Legacy tokenizer only |
+The word frequency count is used by the Legacy tokenizer to automatically
+identify _stop words_. Any partial term that occurs more often then what
+is defined in this setting, is effectively ignored during search.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Avoid invalidating large areas |
+| **Format:** | bool |
+| **Default:** | yes |
+Nominatim computes the address of each place at indexing time. This has the
+advantage to make search faster but also means that more objects needs to
+be invalidated when the data changes. For example, changing the name of
+the state of Florida would require recomputing every single address point
+in the state to make the new name searchable in conjunction with addresses.
+Setting this option to 'yes' means that Nominatim skips reindexing of contained
+objects when the area becomes too large.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Restrict search languages |
+| **Format:** | comma,separated list of language codes |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ |
+Normally Nominatim will include all language variants of name:XX
+in the search index. Set this to a comma separated list of language
+codes, to restrict import to a subset of languages.
+Currently only affects the initial import of country names and special phrases.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Rules for normalizing terms for comparisons |
+| **Format:** | string: semicolon-separated list of ICU rules |
+| **Default:** | :: NFD (); [[:Nonspacing Mark:] [:Cf:]] >; :: lower (); [[:Punctuation:][:Space:]]+ > ' '; :: NFC (); |
+| **Comment:** | Legacy tokenizer only |
+[Special phrases](Special-Phrases.md) have stricter matching requirements than
+normal search terms. They must appear exactly in the query after this term
+normalization has been applied.
+Only has an effect on the Legacy tokenizer. For the ICU tokenizer the rules
+defined in the
+[normalization section](Tokenizers.md#normalization-and-transliteration)
+will be used.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Enable searching for Tiger house number data |
+| **Format:** | boolean |
+| **Default:** | no |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim --refresh --functions` |
+When this setting is enabled, search and reverse queries also take data
+from [Tiger house number data](Tiger.md) into account.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Enable searching in external house number tables |
+| **Format:** | boolean |
+| **Default:** | no |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim --refresh --functions` |
+| **Comment:** | Do not use. |
+When this setting is enabled, search queries also take data from external
+house number tables into account.
+*Warning:* This feature is currently unmaintained and should not be used.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Use HTTP proxy when downloading data |
+| **Format:** | boolean |
+| **Default:** | no |
+When this setting is enabled and at least
+[NOMINATIM_HTTP_PROXY_HOST](#nominatim_http_proxy_host) and
+[NOMINATIM_HTTP_PROXY_PORT](#nominatim_http_proxy_port) are set, the
+configured proxy will be used, when downloading external data like
+replication diffs.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Host name of the proxy to use |
+| **Format:** | string |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ |
+When [NOMINATIM_HTTP_PROXY](#nominatim_http_proxy) is enabled, this setting
+configures the proxy host name.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Port number of the proxy to use |
+| **Format:** | integer |
+| **Default:** | 3128 |
+When [NOMINATIM_HTTP_PROXY](#nominatim_http_proxy) is enabled, this setting
+configures the port number to use with the proxy.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Username for proxies that require login |
+| **Format:** | string |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ |
+When [NOMINATIM_HTTP_PROXY](#nominatim_http_proxy) is enabled, use this
+setting to define the username for proxies that require a login.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Password for proxies that require login |
+| **Format:** | string |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ |
+When [NOMINATIM_HTTP_PROXY](#nominatim_http_proxy) is enabled, use this
+setting to define the password for proxies that require a login.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Location of the osm2pgsql binary |
+| **Format:** | path |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ (use binary shipped with Nominatim) |
+| **Comment:** | EXPERT ONLY |
+Nominatim uses [osm2pgsql](https://osm2pgsql.org) to load the OSM data
+initially into the database. Nominatim comes bundled with a version of
+osm2pgsql that is guaranteed to be compatible. Use this setting to use
+a different binary instead. You should do this only, when you know exactly
+what you are doing. If the osm2pgsql version is not compatible, then the
+result is undefined.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Directory with the wikipedia importance data |
+| **Format:** | path |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ (project directory) |
+Set a custom location for the
+[wikipedia ranking file](../admin/Import.md#wikipediawikidata-rankings). When
+unset, Nominatim expects the data to be saved in the project directory.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Configuration file for special phrase imports |
+| **Format:** | path |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ (use default settings) |
+The _phrase_config_ file configures black and white lists of tag types,
+so that some of them can be ignored, when loading special phrases from
+the OSM wiki. The default settings can be found in the configuration
+directory as `phrase-settings.json`.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Configuration file for rank assignments |
+| **Format:** | path |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ (use default settings) |
+The _address level config_ configures rank assignments for places. See
+[Place Ranking](Ranking.md) for a detailed explanation what rank assignments
+are and what the configuration file must look like. The default configuration
+can be found in the configuration directory as `address-levels.json`.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Configuration to use for the initial OSM data import |
+| **Format:** | string or path |
+| **Default:** | extratags |
+The _style configuration_ describes which OSM objects and tags are taken
+into consideration for the search database. This setting may either
+be a string pointing to one of the internal styles or it may be a path
+pointing to a custom style.
+See [Import Styles](Import-Styles.md)
+for more information on the available internal styles and the format of the
+configuration file.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Location of osm2pgsql flatnode file |
+| **Format:** | path |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ (do not use a flatnote file) |
+| **After Changes:** | Only change when moving the file physically. |
+The `osm2pgsql flatnode file` is file that efficiently stores geographic
+location for OSM nodes. For larger imports it can significantly speed up
+the import. When this option is unset, then osm2pgsql uses a PsotgreSQL table
+to store the locations.
+!!! warning
+ The flatnode file is not only used during the initial import but also
+ when adding new data with `nominatim add-data` or `nominatim replication`.
+ Make sure you keep the flatnode file around and this setting unmodified,
+ if you plan to add more data or run regular updates.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Group of settings for distributing the database over tablespaces |
+| **Format:** | string |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ (do not use a table space) |
+| **After Changes:** | no effect after initial import |
+Nominatim allows to distribute the search database over up to 10 different
+[PostgreSQL tablespaces](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/manage-ag-tablespaces.html).
+If you use this option, make sure that the tablespaces exist before starting
+the import.
+The available tablespace groups are:
+: Data used by the geocoding frontend.
+: Indexes used by the geocoding frontend.
+: Raw OSM data cache used for import and updates.
+: Indexes on the raw OSM data cache.
+: Data table with the pre-filtered but still unprocessed OSM data.
+ Used only during imports and updates.
+: Indexes on raw data table. Used only during imports and updates.
+: Data tables used for computing search terms and addresses of places
+ during import and updates.
+: Indexes on the data tables for search term and address computation.
+ Used only for import and updates.
+: Auxiliary data tables for non-OSM data, e.g. for Tiger house number data.
+: Indexes on auxiliary data tables.
+### Replication Update Settings
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Base URL of the replication service |
+| **Format:** | url |
+| **Default:** | https://planet.openstreetmap.org/replication/minute |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim replication --init` |
+Replication services deliver updates to OSM data. Use this setting to choose
+which replication service to use. See [Updates](../admin/Update.md) for more
+information on how to set up regular updates.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Maximum amount of data to download per update cycle (in MB) |
+| **Format:** | integer |
+| **Default:** | 50 |
+| **After Changes:** | restart the replication process |
+At each update cycle Nominatim downloads diffs until either no more diffs
+are available on the server (i.e. the database is up-to-date) or the limit
+given in this setting is exceeded. Nominatim guarantees to downloads at least
+one diff, if one is available, no matter how small the setting.
+The default for this setting is fairly conservative because Nominatim keeps
+all data downloaded in one cycle in RAM. Using large values in a production
+server may interfere badly with the search frontend because it evicts data
+from RAM that is needed for speedy answers to incoming requests. It is usually
+a better idea to keep this setting lower and run multiple update cycles
+to catch up with updates.
+When catching up in non-production mode, for example after the initial import,
+the setting can easily be changed temporarily on the command line:
+ NOMINATIM_REPLICATION_MAX_DIFF=3000 nominatim replication
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Publication interval of the replication service (in seconds) |
+| **Format:** | integer |
+| **Default:** | 75 |
+| **After Changes:** | restart the replication process |
+This setting determines when Nominatim will attempt to download again a new
+update. The time is computed from the publication date of the last diff
+downloaded. Setting this to a slightly higher value than the actual
+publication interval avoids unnecessary rechecks.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Wait time to recheck for a pending update (in seconds) |
+| **Format:** | integer |
+| **Default:** | 60 |
+| **After Changes:** | restart the replication process |
+When replication updates are run in continuous mode (using `nominatim replication`),
+this setting determines how long Nominatim waits until it looks for updates
+again when updates were not available on the server.
+Note that this is different from
+Nominatim will never attempt to query for new updates for UPDATE_INTERVAL
+seconds after the current database date. Only after the update interval has
+passed it asks for new data. If then no new data is found, it waits for
+RECHECK_INTERVAL seconds before it attempts again.
+### API Settings
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Send permissive CORS access headers |
+| **Format:** | boolean |
+| **Default:** | yes |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --website` |
+When this setting is enabled, API HTTP responses include the HTTP
+[CORS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CORS) headers
+`access-control-allow-origin: *` and `access-control-allow-methods: OPTIONS,GET`.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | URL prefix for static icon images |
+| **Format:** | url |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --website` |
+When a mapicon URL is configured, then Nominatim includes an additional `icon`
+field in the responses, pointing to an appropriate icon for the place type.
+Map icons used to be included in Nominatim itself but now have moved to the
+[nominatim-ui](https://github.com/osm-search/nominatim-ui/) project. If you
+want the URL to be included in API responses, make the `/mapicon`
+directory of the project available under a public URL and point this setting
+to the directory.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Language of responses when no language is requested |
+| **Format:** | language code |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ (use the local language of the feature) |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --website` |
+Nominatim localizes the place names in responses when the corresponding
+translation is available. Users can request a custom language setting through
+the HTTP accept-languages header or through the explicit parameter
+[accept-languages](../api/Search.md#language-of-results). If neither is
+given, it falls back to this setting. If the setting is also empty, then
+the local languages (in OSM: the name tag without any language suffix) is
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Enable a special batch query mode |
+| **Format:** | boolean |
+| **Default:** | no |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --website` |
+This feature is currently undocumented and potentially broken.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Threshold for switching the search index lookup strategy |
+| **Format:** | integer |
+| **Default:** | 500 |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --website` |
+This setting defines the threshold over which a name is no longer considered
+as rare. When searching for places with rare names, only the name is used
+for place lookups. Otherwise the name and any address information is used.
+This setting only has an effect after `nominatim refresh --word-counts` has
+been called to compute the word frequencies.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Maximum number of OSM ids accepted by /lookup |
+| **Format:** | integer |
+| **Default:** | 50 |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --website` |
+The /lookup point accepts list of ids to look up address details for. This
+setting restricts the number of places a user may look up with a single
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Number of different geometry formats that may be returned |
+| **Format:** | integer |
+| **Default:** | 1 |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --website` |
+Nominatim supports returning full geometries of places. The geometries may
+be requested in different formats with one of the
+[`polygon_*` parameters](../api/Search.md#polygon-output). Use this
+setting to restrict the number of geometry types that may be requested
+with a single query.
+Setting this parameter to 0 disables polygon output completely.
+### Logging Settings
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Log requests into the database |
+| **Format:** | boolean |
+| **Default:** | no |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --website` |
+Enable logging requests into a database table with this setting. The logs
+can be found in the table `new_query_log`.
+When using this logging method, it is advisable to set up a job that
+regularly clears out old logging information. Nominatim will not do that
+on its own.
+Can be used as the same time as NOMINATIM_LOG_FILE.
+| Summary | |
+| -------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
+| **Description:** | Log requests into a file |
+| **Format:** | path |
+| **Default:** | _empty_ (logging disabled) |
+| **After Changes:** | run `nominatim refresh --website` |
+Enable logging of requests into a file with this setting by setting the log
+file where to log to. The entries in the log file have the following format:
+ <request time> <execution time in s> <number of results> <type> "<query string>"
+Request time is the time when the request was started. The execution time is
+given in ms and corresponds to the time the query took executing in PHP.
+type contains the name of the endpoint used.
+Can be used as the same time as NOMINATIM_LOG_DB.