-# these packages get installed to the phpenv-set PHP (below /home/travis/.phpenv/),
-# not the system PHP (/usr/bin/php)
-sudo PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=`which php` pear -q install pear/PEAR-1.10.0
-sudo PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=`which php` pear -q install DB
-sudo PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=`which php` pear -q install PHP_CodeSniffer
-sudo PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN=`which php` pear list
-# re-populate the shims/ directory, e.g. adds phpcs
-phpenv rehash
-ls -la /home/travis/.phpenv/shims/
+# these packages get installed to the phpenv-set PHP (inside /home/travis/.phpenv/),
+# not the system PHP (/usr/bin/php, /usr/share/php/ etc)