-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
-# Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
-# For a full list of authors see the git log.
-This is a file for a function that converts Kanji (Japanese) numerals to Arabic numerals.
-def convert_kanji_sequence_to_number(sequence: str) -> str:
- """Converts Kanji numbers to Arabic numbers
- """
- kanji_map = {
- '零': '0',
- '一': '1',
- '二': '2',
- '三': '3',
- '四': '4',
- '五': '5',
- '六': '6',
- '七': '7',
- '八': '8',
- '九': '9'
- }
- converted = ''
- current_number = ''
- for char in sequence:
- if char in kanji_map:
- current_number += kanji_map[char]
- else:
- converted += current_number
- current_number = ''
- converted += char
- converted += current_number
- return converted