diff --git a/lib/template/includes/introduction.php b/lib/template/includes/introduction.php
index f891c785..ce136d2d 100644
--- a/lib/template/includes/introduction.php
+++ b/lib/template/includes/introduction.php
@@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ look up data by its geographic coordinate (reverse search). Each result comes wi
link to a details page where you can inspect what data about the object is saved in
the database and investigate how the address of the object has been computed.
-For more information visit the Nominatim home page.
diff --git a/munin/nominatim_query_speed_querylog b/munin/nominatim_query_speed_querylog
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f35793fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/munin/nominatim_query_speed_querylog
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Plugin to monitor the types of requsts made to the API
+# Uses the query log.
+# Parameters:
+# config (required)
+# autoconf (optional - used by munin-config)
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+CONFIG="""graph_title Total Nominatim response time
+graph_vlabel Time to response
+graph_category Nominatim
+graph_period minute
+graph_args --base 1000
+avgs.label Average search time
+avgs.draw LINE
+avgs.type GAUGE
+avgs.min 0
+avgs.info Moving 5 minute average time to perform search
+avgr.label Average reverse time
+avgr.draw LINE
+avgr.type GAUGE
+avgr.min 0
+avgr.info Moving 5 minute average time to perform reverse
+max.label Slowest time to response (1/100)
+max.draw LINE
+max.type GAUGE
+max.min 0
+max.info Slowest query in last 5 minutes (unit: 100s)"""
+ENTRY_REGEX = re.compile(r'\[[^]]+\] (?P[0-9.]+) (?P\d+) (?P[a-z]+) ')
+TIME_REGEX = re.compile(r'\[(?P\d\d\d\d)-(?P\d\d)-(?P\d\d) (?P\d\d):(?P\d\d):(?P\d\d)[0-9.]*\] ')
+class LogFile:
+ """ A query log file, unpacked. """
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.fd = open(filename, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')
+ self.len = os.path.getsize(filename)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.fd.close()
+ def seek_next(self, abstime):
+ self.fd.seek(abstime)
+ self.fd.readline()
+ l = self.fd.readline()
+ e = TIME_REGEX.match(l)
+ if e is None:
+ return None
+ e = e.groupdict()
+ return datetime(int(e['t_year']), int(e['t_month']), int(e['t_day']),
+ int(e['t_hour']), int(e['t_min']), int(e['t_sec']))
+ def seek_to_date(self, target):
+ # start position for binary search
+ fromseek = 0
+ fromdate = self.seek_next(0)
+ if fromdate > target:
+ return True
+ # end position for binary search
+ toseek = -100
+ while -toseek < self.len:
+ todate = self.seek_next(self.len + toseek)
+ if todate is not None:
+ break
+ toseek -= 100
+ if todate is None or todate < target:
+ return False
+ toseek = self.len + toseek
+ while True:
+ bps = (toseek - fromseek) / (todate - fromdate).total_seconds()
+ newseek = fromseek + int((target - fromdate).total_seconds() * bps)
+ newdate = self.seek_next(newseek)
+ if newdate is None:
+ return False;
+ error = abs((target - newdate).total_seconds())
+ if error < 1:
+ return True
+ if newdate > target:
+ toseek = newseek
+ todate = newdate
+ oldfromseek = fromseek
+ fromseek = toseek - error * bps
+ while True:
+ if fromseek <= oldfromseek:
+ fromseek = oldfromseek
+ fromdate = self.seek_next(fromseek)
+ break
+ fromdate = self.seek_next(fromseek)
+ if fromdate < target:
+ break;
+ bps *=2
+ fromseek -= error * bps
+ else:
+ fromseek = newseek
+ fromdate = newdate
+ oldtoseek = toseek
+ toseek = fromseek + error * bps
+ while True:
+ if toseek > oldtoseek:
+ toseek = oldtoseek
+ todate = self.seek_next(toseek)
+ break
+ todate = self.seek_next(toseek)
+ if todate > target:
+ break
+ bps *=2
+ toseek += error * bps
+ if toseek - fromseek < 500:
+ return True
+ def loglines(self):
+ for l in self.fd:
+ e = ENTRY_REGEX.match(l)
+ if e is not None:
+ yield e.groupdict()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
+ print(CONFIG)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ sumrev = 0
+ numrev = 0
+ sumsearch = 0
+ numsearch = 0
+ maxres = 0
+ if 'NOMINATIM_QUERYLOG' in os.environ:
+ lf = LogFile(os.environ['NOMINATIM_QUERYLOG'])
+ if lf.seek_to_date(datetime.now() - timedelta(minutes=5)):
+ for l in lf.loglines():
+ dur = float(l['dur'])
+ if l['type'] == 'reverse':
+ numrev += 1
+ sumrev += dur
+ elif l['type'] == 'search':
+ numsearch += 1
+ sumsearch += dur
+ if dur > maxres:
+ maxres = dur
+ print('avgs.value', 0 if numsearch == 0 else sumsearch/numsearch)
+ print('avgr.value', 0 if numrev == 0 else sumrev/numrev)
+ print('max.value', maxres/100.0)
diff --git a/munin/nominatim_requests_querylog b/munin/nominatim_requests_querylog
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..8a103cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/munin/nominatim_requests_querylog
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Plugin to monitor the types of requsts made to the API
+# Uses the query log.
+# Parameters:
+# config (required)
+# autoconf (optional - used by munin-config)
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+CONFIG="""graph_title Requests by API call
+graph_args --base 1000 -l 0
+graph_vlabel requests per minute
+graph_category nominatim
+z1.label reverse
+z1.draw AREA
+z1.type GAUGE
+z2.label search (successful)
+z2.draw STACK
+z2.type GAUGE
+z3.label search (no result)
+z3.draw STACK
+z3.type GAUGE
+z4.label lookup
+z4.draw STACK
+z4.type GAUGE
+z4.label details
+z4.draw STACK
+z4.type GAUGE"""
+ENTRY_REGEX = re.compile(r'\[[^]]+\] (?P[0-9.]+) (?P\d+) (?P[a-z]+) ')
+TIME_REGEX = re.compile(r'\[(?P\d\d\d\d)-(?P\d\d)-(?P\d\d) (?P\d\d):(?P\d\d):(?P\d\d)[0-9.]*\] ')
+class LogFile:
+ """ A query log file, unpacked. """
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.fd = open(filename, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace')
+ self.len = os.path.getsize(filename)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.fd.close()
+ def seek_next(self, abstime):
+ self.fd.seek(abstime)
+ self.fd.readline()
+ l = self.fd.readline()
+ e = TIME_REGEX.match(l)
+ if e is None:
+ return None
+ e = e.groupdict()
+ return datetime(int(e['t_year']), int(e['t_month']), int(e['t_day']),
+ int(e['t_hour']), int(e['t_min']), int(e['t_sec']))
+ def seek_to_date(self, target):
+ # start position for binary search
+ fromseek = 0
+ fromdate = self.seek_next(0)
+ if fromdate > target:
+ return True
+ # end position for binary search
+ toseek = -100
+ while -toseek < self.len:
+ todate = self.seek_next(self.len + toseek)
+ if todate is not None:
+ break
+ toseek -= 100
+ if todate is None or todate < target:
+ return False
+ toseek = self.len + toseek
+ while True:
+ bps = (toseek - fromseek) / (todate - fromdate).total_seconds()
+ newseek = fromseek + int((target - fromdate).total_seconds() * bps)
+ newdate = self.seek_next(newseek)
+ if newdate is None:
+ return False;
+ error = abs((target - newdate).total_seconds())
+ if error < 1:
+ return True
+ if newdate > target:
+ toseek = newseek
+ todate = newdate
+ oldfromseek = fromseek
+ fromseek = toseek - error * bps
+ while True:
+ if fromseek <= oldfromseek:
+ fromseek = oldfromseek
+ fromdate = self.seek_next(fromseek)
+ break
+ fromdate = self.seek_next(fromseek)
+ if fromdate < target:
+ break;
+ bps *=2
+ fromseek -= error * bps
+ else:
+ fromseek = newseek
+ fromdate = newdate
+ oldtoseek = toseek
+ toseek = fromseek + error * bps
+ while True:
+ if toseek > oldtoseek:
+ toseek = oldtoseek
+ todate = self.seek_next(toseek)
+ break
+ todate = self.seek_next(toseek)
+ if todate > target:
+ break
+ bps *=2
+ toseek += error * bps
+ if toseek - fromseek < 500:
+ return True
+ def loglines(self):
+ for l in self.fd:
+ e = ENTRY_REGEX.match(l)
+ if e is not None:
+ yield e.groupdict()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'config':
+ print(CONFIG)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ reverse = 0
+ searchy = 0
+ searchn = 0
+ lookup = 0
+ details = 0
+ if 'NOMINATIM_QUERYLOG' in os.environ:
+ lf = LogFile(os.environ['NOMINATIM_QUERYLOG'])
+ if lf.seek_to_date(datetime.now() - timedelta(minutes=5)):
+ for l in lf.loglines():
+ if l['type'] == 'reverse':
+ reverse += 1
+ elif l['type'] == 'search':
+ if l['numres'] == '0':
+ searchn += 1
+ else:
+ searchy += 1
+ elif l['type'] == 'place':
+ lookup +=1
+ else:
+ details += 1
+ print('z1.value', reverse/5)
+ print('z2.value', searchy/5)
+ print('z3.value', searchn/5)
+ print('z4.value', lookup/5)
+ print('z4.value', details/5)
diff --git a/munin/nominatim_throttled_ips b/munin/nominatim_throttled_ips
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a56ff31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/munin/nominatim_throttled_ips
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Plugin to monitor the number of IPs in special pools
+# Parameters:
+# config (required)
+# autoconf (optional - used by munin-config)
+if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
+ echo 'graph_title Restricted IPs'
+ echo 'graph_args -l 0'
+ echo 'graph_vlabel number of IPs'
+ echo 'graph_category nominatim'
+ echo 'bulk.label bulk'
+ echo 'bulk.draw AREA'
+ echo 'bulk.type GAUGE'
+ echo 'block.label blocked'
+ echo 'block.draw STACK'
+ echo 'block.type GAUGE'
+ exit 0
+BASEDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
+cut -f 2 -d ' ' $BASEDIR/../../bin/settings/ip_blocks.map | sort | uniq -c | sed 's:[[:space:]]*\([0-9]\+\) \(.*\):\2.value \1:'
diff --git a/sql/functions/address_lookup.sql b/sql/functions/address_lookup.sql
index 55fa23f2..7e8a9ecd 100644
--- a/sql/functions/address_lookup.sql
+++ b/sql/functions/address_lookup.sql
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ BEGIN
FOR location IN
SELECT placex.place_id, osm_type, osm_id, name, class, type,
coalesce(extratags->'linked_place', extratags->'place') as place_type,
- admin_level, fromarea, isaddress,
+ admin_level, fromarea, isaddress and linked_place_id is NULL as isaddress,
CASE WHEN rank_address = 11 THEN 5 ELSE rank_address END as rank_address,
distance, country_code, postcode
FROM place_addressline join placex on (address_place_id = placex.place_id)
diff --git a/sql/tiger_import_finish.sql b/sql/tiger_import_finish.sql
index 374c00b3..09942bac 100644
--- a/sql/tiger_import_finish.sql
+++ b/sql/tiger_import_finish.sql
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_location_property_tiger_place_id_imp ON location_propert
GRANT SELECT ON location_property_tiger_import TO "{www-user}";
-DROP TABLE IF EXISTS location_property_tiger;
-ALTER TABLE location_property_tiger_import RENAME TO location_property_tiger;
+--DROP TABLE IF EXISTS location_property_tiger;
+--ALTER TABLE location_property_tiger_import RENAME TO location_property_tiger;
-ALTER INDEX idx_location_property_tiger_parent_place_id_imp RENAME TO idx_location_property_tiger_housenumber_parent_place_id;
-ALTER INDEX idx_location_property_tiger_place_id_imp RENAME TO idx_location_property_tiger_place_id;
+--ALTER INDEX idx_location_property_tiger_parent_place_id_imp RENAME TO idx_location_property_tiger_housenumber_parent_place_id;
+--ALTER INDEX idx_location_property_tiger_place_id_imp RENAME TO idx_location_property_tiger_place_id;
DROP FUNCTION tiger_line_import (linegeo geometry, in_startnumber integer, in_endnumber integer, interpolationtype text, in_street text, in_isin text, in_postcode text);
diff --git a/utils/cron_ipanalyse.py b/utils/cron_ipanalyse.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..97bad8da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/cron_ipanalyse.py
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+# Search apache logs for high-bandwith users and create a list of suspicious IPs.
+# There are three states: bulk, block, ban. The first are bulk requesters
+# that need throtteling, the second bulk requesters that have overdone it
+# and the last manually banned IPs.
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from collections import defaultdict
+# Copy into settings/ip_blcoks.conf and adapt as required.
+BASEDIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), '../..'))
+BLOCKEDFILE= BASEDIR + '/settings/ip_blocks.map'
+LOGFILE= BASEDIR + '/log/restricted_ip.log'
+# space-separated list of IPs that are never banned
+# space-separated list of IPs manually blocked
+# user-agents that should be blocked from bulk mode
+# (matched with startswith)
+# time before a automatically blocked IP is allowed back
+# quiet time before an IP is released from the bulk pool
+# time to check if new accesses appear despite being blocked
+ with open(BASEDIR + "/settings/ip_blocks.conf") as f:
+ code = compile(f.read(), BASEDIR + "/settings/ip_blocks.conf", 'exec')
+ exec(code)
+except IOError:
+ pass
+time_regex = r'(?P\d\d)/(?P[A-Za-z]+)/(?P\d\d\d\d):(?P\d\d):(?P\d\d):(?P\d\d) [+-]\d\d\d\d'
+format_pat= re.compile(r'(?P[a-f\d\.:]+) - - \['+ time_regex + r'] "(?P.*?)" (?P\d+) (?P\d+) "(?P.*?)" "(?P.*?)"')
+time_pat= re.compile(r'[a-f\d:\.]+ - - \[' + time_regex + '\] ')
+logtime_pat = "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"
+MONTHS = { 'Jan' : 1, 'Feb' : 2, 'Mar' : 3, 'Apr' : 4, 'May' : 5, 'Jun' : 6,
+ 'Jul' : 7, 'Aug' : 8, 'Sep' : 9, 'Oct' : 10, 'Nov' : 11, 'Dec' : 12 }
+class LogEntry:
+ def __init__(self, logline):
+ e = format_pat.match(logline)
+ if e is None:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid log line:", logline)
+ e = e.groupdict()
+ self.ip = e['ip']
+ self.date = datetime(int(e['t_year']), MONTHS[e['t_month']], int(e['t_day']),
+ int(e['t_hour']), int(e['t_min']), int(e['t_sec']))
+ qp = e['query'].split(' ', 2)
+ if len(qp) < 2:
+ self.request = None
+ self.query = None
+ else:
+ self.query = qp[1]
+ if qp[0] == 'OPTIONS':
+ self.request = None
+ else:
+ if '/?' in qp[1]:
+ self.request = 'S'
+ elif '/search' in qp[1]:
+ self.request = 'S'
+ elif '/reverse' in qp[1]:
+ self.request = 'R'
+ elif '/details' in qp[1]:
+ self.request = 'D'
+ elif '/lookup' in qp[1]:
+ self.request = 'L'
+ else:
+ self.request = None
+ self.query = e['query']
+ self.retcode = int(e['return'])
+ self.referer = e['referer'] if e['referer'] != '-' else None
+ self.ua = e['ua'] if e['ua'] != '-' else None
+ def get_log_time(logline):
+ e = format_pat.match(logline)
+ if e is None:
+ return None
+ e = e.groupdict()
+ #return datetime.strptime(e['time'], logtime_pat).replace(tzinfo=None)
+ return datetime(int(e['t_year']), MONTHS[e['t_month']], int(e['t_day']),
+ int(e['t_hour']), int(e['t_min']), int(e['t_sec']))
+class LogFile:
+ """ An apache log file, unpacked. """
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.fd = open(filename)
+ self.len = os.path.getsize(filename)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.fd.close()
+ def seek_next(self, abstime):
+ self.fd.seek(abstime)
+ self.fd.readline()
+ l = self.fd.readline()
+ return LogEntry.get_log_time(l) if l is not None else None
+ def seek_to_date(self, target):
+ # start position for binary search
+ fromseek = 0
+ fromdate = self.seek_next(0)
+ if fromdate > target:
+ return True
+ # end position for binary search
+ toseek = -100
+ while -toseek < self.len:
+ todate = self.seek_next(self.len + toseek)
+ if todate is not None:
+ break
+ toseek -= 100
+ if todate is None or todate < target:
+ return False
+ toseek = self.len + toseek
+ while True:
+ bps = (toseek - fromseek) / (todate - fromdate).total_seconds()
+ newseek = fromseek + int((target - fromdate).total_seconds() * bps)
+ newdate = self.seek_next(newseek)
+ if newdate is None:
+ return False;
+ error = abs((target - newdate).total_seconds())
+ if error < 1:
+ return True
+ if newdate > target:
+ toseek = newseek
+ todate = newdate
+ oldfromseek = fromseek
+ fromseek = toseek - error * bps
+ while True:
+ if fromseek <= oldfromseek:
+ fromseek = oldfromseek
+ fromdate = self.seek_next(fromseek)
+ break
+ fromdate = self.seek_next(fromseek)
+ if fromdate < target:
+ break;
+ bps *=2
+ fromseek -= error * bps
+ else:
+ fromseek = newseek
+ fromdate = newdate
+ oldtoseek = toseek
+ toseek = fromseek + error * bps
+ while True:
+ if toseek > oldtoseek:
+ toseek = oldtoseek
+ todate = self.seek_next(toseek)
+ break
+ todate = self.seek_next(toseek)
+ if todate > target:
+ break
+ bps *=2
+ toseek += error * bps
+ if toseek - fromseek < 500:
+ return True
+ def loglines(self):
+ for l in self.fd:
+ try:
+ yield LogEntry(l)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass # ignore invalid lines
+class BlockList:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.whitelist = set(WHITELIST.split()) if WHITELIST else set()
+ self.blacklist = set(BLACKLIST.split()) if BLACKLIST else set()
+ self.prevblocks = set()
+ self.prevbulks = set()
+ try:
+ fd = open(BLOCKEDFILE)
+ for line in fd:
+ ip, typ = line.strip().split(' ')
+ if ip not in self.blacklist:
+ if typ == 'block':
+ self.prevblocks.add(ip)
+ elif typ == 'bulk':
+ self.prevbulks.add(ip)
+ fd.close()
+ except IOError:
+ pass #ignore non-existing file
+class IPstats:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.redirected = 0
+ self.short_total = 0
+ self.short_api = 0
+ self.long_total = 0
+ self.long_api = 0
+ self.block_total = 0
+ self.bad_ua = False
+ def add_long(self, logentry):
+ self.long_total += 1
+ if logentry.retcode == 301:
+ return
+ if logentry.request is not None:
+ self.long_api += 1
+ if not self.bad_ua:
+ if logentry.ua is None:
+ self.bad_ua = True
+ def add_short(self, logentry):
+ self.short_total += 1
+ if logentry.retcode == 301:
+ self.redirected += 1
+ return
+ if logentry.request is not None:
+ self.short_api += 1
+ self.add_long(logentry)
+ def add_block(self, logentry):
+ self.block_total += 1
+ def ignores_warnings(self, wasblocked):
+ return self.block_total > 5 or (wasblocked and self.redirected > 5)
+ def new_state(self, was_blocked, was_bulked):
+ if was_blocked:
+ # deblock only if the IP has been really quiet
+ # (properly catches the ones that simply ignore the HTTP error)
+ return None if self.long_total < 20 else 'block'
+ if self.long_api > BLOCK_UPPER \
+ or self.short_api > BLOCK_UPPER / 3 \
+ or (self.redirected > 100 and self.short_total == self.redirected):
+ # client totally overdoing it
+ return 'block'
+ if was_bulked:
+ if self.short_total < 20:
+ # client has stopped, debulk
+ return None
+ if self.long_api > BLOCK_LIMIT or self.short_api > BLOCK_LIMIT / 3:
+ # client is still hammering us, block
+ return 'emblock'
+ return 'bulk'
+ if self.long_api > BULKLONG_LIMIT or self.short_api > BULKSHORT_LIMIT:
+ #if self.bad_ua:
+ # return 'uablock' # bad useragent
+ return 'bulk'
+ return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print("Usage: %s logfile startdate" % sys.argv[0])
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+ dt = datetime.now() - BLOCKCOOLOFF_DELTA
+ else:
+ dt = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[2], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ if os.path.getsize(sys.argv[1]) < 2*1030*1024:
+ sys.exit(0) # not enough data
+ lf = LogFile(sys.argv[1])
+ if not lf.seek_to_date(dt):
+ sys.exit(0)
+ bl = BlockList()
+ notlogged = bl.whitelist | bl.blacklist
+ stats = defaultdict(IPstats)
+ for l in lf.loglines():
+ if l.ip not in notlogged:
+ stats[l.ip].add_long(l)
+ if l.date > shortstart:
+ break
+ total200 = 0
+ for l in lf.loglines():
+ if l.ip not in notlogged:
+ stats[l.ip].add_short(l)
+ if l.request is not None and l.retcode == 200:
+ total200 += 1
+ if l.date > blockstart and l.retcode in (403, 429):
+ stats[l.ip].add_block(l)
+ # adapt limits according to CPU and DB load
+ fd = open("/proc/loadavg")
+ cpuload = int(float(fd.readline().split()[2]))
+ fd.close()
+ # check the number of excess connections to apache
+ dbcons = int(subprocess.check_output("netstat -s | grep 'connections established' | sed 's:^\s*::;s: .*::'", shell=True))
+ fpms = int(subprocess.check_output('ps -Af | grep php-fpm | wc -l', shell=True))
+ dbload = max(0, dbcons - fpms)
+ numbulks = len(bl.prevbulks)
+ if numbulks > MAX_BULK_IPS:
+ BLOCK_LIMIT = max(3600, BLOCK_LOWER - (numbulks - MAX_BULK_IPS)*10)
+ # if the bulk pool is still empty, clients will be faster, avoid having
+ # them blocked in this case
+ if numbulks < 10:
+ # collecting statistics
+ unblocked = []
+ debulked = []
+ bulked = []
+ blocked = []
+ uablocked = []
+ emblocked = []
+ # write out new state file
+ fd = open(BLOCKEDFILE, 'w')
+ for k,v in stats.items():
+ wasblocked = k in bl.prevblocks
+ wasbulked = k in bl.prevbulks
+ state = v.new_state(wasblocked, wasbulked)
+ if state is not None:
+ if state == 'uablock':
+ uablocked.append(k)
+ state = 'block'
+ elif state == 'emblock':
+ emblocked.append(k)
+ state = 'block'
+ elif state == 'block':
+ if not wasblocked:
+ blocked.append(k)
+ elif state == 'bulk':
+ if not wasbulked:
+ bulked.append(k)
+ fd.write("%s %s\n" % (k, state))
+ else:
+ if wasblocked:
+ unblocked.append(k)
+ elif wasbulked:
+ debulked.append(k)
+ for i in bl.blacklist:
+ fd.write("%s ban\n" % i)
+ fd.close()
+ # TODO write logs (need to collect some statistics)
+ logstr = datetime.now().strftime('%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S') + ' %s %s\n'
+ fd = open(LOGFILE, 'a')
+ if unblocked:
+ fd.write(logstr % ('unblocked:', ', '.join(unblocked)))
+ if debulked:
+ fd.write(logstr % (' debulked:', ', '.join(debulked)))
+ if bulked:
+ fd.write(logstr % ('new bulks:', ', '.join(bulked)))
+ if emblocked:
+ fd.write(logstr % ('dir.block:', ', '.join(emblocked)))
+ if uablocked:
+ fd.write(logstr % (' ua block:', ', '.join(uablocked)))
+ if blocked:
+ fd.write(logstr % ('new block:', ', '.join(blocked)))
+ #for k,v in stats.items():
+ # if v.ignores_warnings(k in bl.prevblocks) and k not in notlogged and ':' not in k:
+ # fd.write(logstr % ('Warning ignored:', k))
+ fd.close()
diff --git a/utils/update.php b/utils/update.php
index 189a1825..dd0dc6d0 100644
--- a/utils/update.php
+++ b/utils/update.php
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ $aCMDOptions
getCmdOpt($_SERVER['argv'], $aCMDOptions, $aResult, true, true);
if (!isset($aResult['index-instances'])) $aResult['index-instances'] = 1;
if (!isset($aResult['index-rank'])) $aResult['index-rank'] = 0;
diff --git a/website/403.html b/website/403.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d8e3233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/403.html
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Access blocked
Access blocked
You have been blocked because you have violated the
+usage policy
+of OSM's Nominatim geocoding service. Please be aware that OSM's resources are
+limited and shared between many users. The usage policy is there to ensure that
+the service remains usable for everybody.
Please review the terms and make sure that your
+software adheres to the terms. You should in particular verify that you have set a
+custom HTTP referrer or HTTP user agent that identifies your application, and
+that you are not overusing the service with massive bulk requests.
If you feel that this block is unjustified or remains after you have adopted
+your usage, you may contact the Nominatim system administrator at
+nominatim@openstreetmap.org to have this block lifted.
You have been temporarily blocked because you have been overusing OSM's geocoding service or because you have not provided sufficient identification of your application. This block will be automatically lifted after a while. Please take the time and adapt your scripts to reduce the number of requests and make sure that you send a valid UserAgent or Referer.
For more information, consult the usage policy for the OSM Nominatim server.