2016-01-20 | Sarah Hoffmann | make headers more compact | tree | commitdiff |
2016-01-19 | Marc Tobias Metten | new reverse HTML page incl leaflet map | tree | commitdiff |
2016-01-19 | Marc Tobias Metten | responsive details-error page. Shared header and footer | tree | commitdiff |
2016-01-15 | Marc Tobias Metten | details.php now also responsive | tree | commitdiff |
2016-01-15 | marc tobias | status after hackweekend London | tree | commitdiff |
2015-08-23 | Marc Tobias Metten | details.php now also responsive | tree | commitdiff |
2015-08-22 | marc tobias | status after hackweekend London | tree | commitdiff |
2012-11-28 | Brian Quinion | Merge branch 'master' of github.com:twain47/Nominatim | tree | commitdiff |
2012-11-16 | Sarah Hoffmann | clean up details page | tree | commitdiff |
2012-11-16 | Sarah Hoffmann | clean up html for search form | tree | commitdiff |