From 21adb3740e878c8f6b4df26f8f7409f98d1f0fec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sarah Hoffmann Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 21:04:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] take viewbox into account for final result ranking fixes #12 --- lib/Geocode.php | 51 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/lib/Geocode.php b/lib/Geocode.php index c6febe73..d3cc793f 100644 --- a/lib/Geocode.php +++ b/lib/Geocode.php @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ protected $bBoundedSearch = false; protected $aViewBox = false; + protected $sViewboxSmallSQL = false; + protected $sViewboxLargeSQL = false; protected $aRoutePoints = false; protected $iMaxRank = 20; @@ -370,12 +372,16 @@ // Get the details for display (is this a redundant extra step?) $sPlaceIDs = join(',',$aPlaceIDs); + $sImportanceSQL = ''; + if ($this->sViewboxSmallSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " case when ST_Contains($this->sViewboxSmallSQL, ST_Collect(centroid)) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * "; + if ($this->sViewboxLargeSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " case when ST_Contains($this->sViewboxLargeSQL, ST_Collect(centroid)) THEN 1 ELSE 0.75 END * "; + $sSQL = "select osm_type,osm_id,class,type,admin_level,rank_search,rank_address,min(place_id) as place_id, min(parent_place_id) as parent_place_id, calculated_country_code as country_code,"; $sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,"; $sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as placename,"; $sSQL .= "get_name_by_language(name, ARRAY['ref']) as ref,"; $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, "; - $sSQL .= "coalesce(importance,0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) as importance, "; + $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."coalesce(importance,0.75-(rank_search::float/40)) as importance, "; $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(CASE WHEN placex.rank_search < 28 THEN placex.place_id ELSE placex.parent_place_id END) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, "; $sSQL .= "(extratags->'place') as extra_place "; $sSQL .= "from placex where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) "; @@ -400,20 +406,20 @@ $sSQL .= "null as placename,"; $sSQL .= "null as ref,"; $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, "; - $sSQL .= "-0.15 as importance, "; + $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."-1.15 as importance, "; $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(location_property_tiger.parent_place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, "; $sSQL .= "null as extra_place "; $sSQL .= "from location_property_tiger where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) "; $sSQL .= "and 30 between $this->iMinAddressRank and $this->iMaxAddressRank "; $sSQL .= "group by place_id"; - if (!$this->bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id"; + if (!$this->bDeDupe) $sSQL .= ",place_id "; $sSQL .= " union "; $sSQL .= "select 'L' as osm_type,place_id as osm_id,'place' as class,'house' as type,null as admin_level,30 as rank_search,30 as rank_address,min(place_id) as place_id, min(parent_place_id) as parent_place_id,'us' as country_code,"; $sSQL .= "get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as langaddress,"; $sSQL .= "null as placename,"; $sSQL .= "null as ref,"; $sSQL .= "avg(ST_X(centroid)) as lon,avg(ST_Y(centroid)) as lat, "; - $sSQL .= "-0.10 as importance, "; + $sSQL .= $sImportanceSQL."-1.10 as importance, "; $sSQL .= "(select max(p.importance*(p.rank_address+2)) from place_addressline s, placex p where s.place_id = min(location_property_aux.parent_place_id) and p.place_id = s.address_place_id and s.isaddress and p.importance is not null) as addressimportance, "; $sSQL .= "null as extra_place "; $sSQL .= "from location_property_aux where place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) "; @@ -423,7 +429,7 @@ $sSQL .= ",get_address_by_language(place_id, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL) "; } - $sSQL .= "order by importance desc"; + $sSQL .= " order by importance desc"; if (CONST_Debug) { echo "
"; var_dump($sSQL); } $aSearchResults = $this->oDB->getAll($sSQL); @@ -489,7 +495,7 @@ } // View Box SQL - $sViewboxCentreSQL = $sViewboxSmallSQL = $sViewboxLargeSQL = false; + $sViewboxCentreSQL = false; $bBoundingBoxSearch = false; if ($this->aViewBox) { @@ -500,8 +506,8 @@ $aBigViewBox[1] = $this->aViewBox[1] + $fWidth; $aBigViewBox[3] = $this->aViewBox[3] - $fWidth; - $sViewboxSmallSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(".(float)$this->aViewBox[0].",".(float)$this->aViewBox[1]."),ST_Point(".(float)$this->aViewBox[2].",".(float)$this->aViewBox[3].")),4326)"; - $sViewboxLargeSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(".(float)$aBigViewBox[0].",".(float)$aBigViewBox[1]."),ST_Point(".(float)$aBigViewBox[2].",".(float)$aBigViewBox[3].")),4326)"; + $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(".(float)$this->aViewBox[0].",".(float)$this->aViewBox[1]."),ST_Point(".(float)$this->aViewBox[2].",".(float)$this->aViewBox[3].")),4326)"; + $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(".(float)$aBigViewBox[0].",".(float)$aBigViewBox[1]."),ST_Point(".(float)$aBigViewBox[2].",".(float)$aBigViewBox[3].")),4326)"; $bBoundingBoxSearch = $this->bBoundedSearch; } @@ -519,20 +525,20 @@ $sViewboxCentreSQL .= ")'::geometry,4326)"; $sSQL = "select st_buffer(".$sViewboxCentreSQL.",".(float)($_GET['routewidth']/69).")"; - $sViewboxSmallSQL = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL); - if (PEAR::isError($sViewboxSmallSQL)) + $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL); + if (PEAR::isError($this->sViewboxSmallSQL)) { - failInternalError("Could not get small viewbox.", $sSQL, $sViewboxSmallSQL); + failInternalError("Could not get small viewbox.", $sSQL, $this->sViewboxSmallSQL); } - $sViewboxSmallSQL = "'".$sViewboxSmallSQL."'::geometry"; + $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = "'".$this->sViewboxSmallSQL."'::geometry"; $sSQL = "select st_buffer(".$sViewboxCentreSQL.",".(float)($_GET['routewidth']/30).")"; - $sViewboxLargeSQL = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL); - if (PEAR::isError($sViewboxLargeSQL)) + $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = $this->oDB->getOne($sSQL); + if (PEAR::isError($this->sViewboxLargeSQL)) { - failInternalError("Could not get large viewbox.", $sSQL, $sViewboxLargeSQL); + failInternalError("Could not get large viewbox.", $sSQL, $this->sViewboxLargeSQL); } - $sViewboxLargeSQL = "'".$sViewboxLargeSQL."'::geometry"; + $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = "'".$this->sViewboxLargeSQL."'::geometry"; $bBoundingBoxSearch = $this->bBoundedSearch; } @@ -1182,7 +1188,7 @@ { $sSQL = "select place_id from place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']." ct"; if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " join placex using (place_id)"; - $sSQL .= " where st_contains($sViewboxSmallSQL, ct.centroid)"; + $sSQL .= " where st_contains($this->sViewboxSmallSQL, ct.centroid)"; if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and calculated_country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)"; if (sizeof($this->aExcludePlaceIDs)) { @@ -1200,7 +1206,7 @@ { $sSQL = "select place_id from place_classtype_".$aSearch['sClass']."_".$aSearch['sType']." ct"; if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " join placex using (place_id)"; - $sSQL .= " where st_contains($sViewboxLargeSQL, ct.centroid)"; + $sSQL .= " where st_contains($this->sViewboxLargeSQL, ct.centroid)"; if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and calculated_country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)"; if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, ct.centroid) asc"; $sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit"; @@ -1211,7 +1217,7 @@ else { $sSQL = "select place_id from placex where class='".$aSearch['sClass']."' and type='".$aSearch['sType']."'"; - $sSQL .= " and st_contains($sViewboxSmallSQL, geometry) and linked_place_id is null"; + $sSQL .= " and st_contains($this->sViewboxSmallSQL, geometry) and linked_place_id is null"; if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and calculated_country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)"; if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, centroid) asc"; $sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit"; @@ -1263,7 +1269,7 @@ $aTerms[] = "country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)"; } - if ($bBoundingBoxSearch) $aTerms[] = "centroid && $sViewboxSmallSQL"; + if ($bBoundingBoxSearch) $aTerms[] = "centroid && $this->sViewboxSmallSQL"; if ($sNearPointSQL) $aOrder[] = "ST_Distance($sNearPointSQL, centroid) asc"; if ($aSearch['sHouseNumber']) @@ -1274,8 +1280,9 @@ { $sImportanceSQL = '(case when importance = 0 OR importance IS NULL then 0.75-(search_rank::float/40) else importance end)'; } - if ($sViewboxSmallSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " * case when ST_Contains($sViewboxSmallSQL, centroid) THEN 1 ELSE 0.5 END"; - if ($sViewboxLargeSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " * case when ST_Contains($sViewboxLargeSQL, centroid) THEN 1 ELSE 0.5 END"; + if ($this->sViewboxSmallSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " * case when ST_Contains($this->sViewboxSmallSQL, centroid) THEN 1 ELSE 0.5 END"; + if ($this->sViewboxLargeSQL) $sImportanceSQL .= " * case when ST_Contains($this->sViewboxLargeSQL, centroid) THEN 1 ELSE 0.5 END"; + $aOrder[] = "$sImportanceSQL DESC"; if (sizeof($aSearch['aFullNameAddress'])) { -- 2.39.5