1 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
4 from forum.models import Question, Action
5 from django.template import Template, Context
6 from django.utils.translation import ungettext, ugettext as _
7 from django.utils.html import strip_tags
8 from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
9 from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
10 from django.conf import settings as django_settings
11 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
12 from django import template
13 from forum.actions import *
14 from forum import settings
16 register = template.Library()
18 @register.inclusion_tag('node/vote_buttons.html')
19 def vote_buttons(post, user):
20 context = dict(post=post, user_vote='none')
22 if user.is_authenticated():
23 context['user_vote'] = {1: 'up', -1: 'down', None: 'none'}[VoteAction.get_for(user, post)]
27 @register.inclusion_tag('node/accept_button.html')
28 def accept_button(answer, user):
31 'can_accept': user.is_authenticated() and user.can_accept_answer(answer),
38 @register.inclusion_tag('node/wiki_symbol.html')
39 def wiki_symbol(user, post):
41 'is_wiki': post.nis.wiki,
42 'post_type': post.friendly_name
46 if user.can_edit_post(post):
47 context['can_edit'] = True
48 context['edit_url'] = reverse('edit_' + post.node_type, kwargs={'id': post.id})
49 context['by'] = post.nstate.wiki.by.username
50 context['at'] = post.nstate.wiki.at
54 @register.inclusion_tag('node/favorite_mark.html')
55 def favorite_mark(question, user):
57 FavoriteAction.objects.get(canceled=False, node=question, user=user)
62 return {'favorited': favorited, 'favorite_count': question.favorite_count, 'question': question}
64 @register.simple_tag
65 def post_classes(post):
68 if post.nis.deleted:
69 classes.append('deleted')
71 if post.node_type == "answer":
72 if (not settings.DISABLE_ACCEPTING_FEATURE) and post.nis.accepted:
73 classes.append('accepted-answer')
75 if post.author == post.question.author:
76 classes.append('answered-by-owner')
78 return " ".join(classes)
80 def post_control(text, url, command=False, withprompt=False, confirm=False, title="", copy=False):
81 classes = (command and "ajax-command" or " ") + (withprompt and " withprompt" or " ") + (confirm and " confirm" or " ") + \
82 (copy and " copy" or " ")
83 return {'text': text, 'url': url, 'classes': classes, 'title': title}
86 moderation_enabled = False
87 for m in django_settings.MODULE_LIST:
88 if m.__name__.endswith('moderation'):
89 moderation_enabled = True
91 @register.inclusion_tag('node/post_controls.html' if not moderation_enabled else "modules/moderation/node/post_controls.html")
92 def post_controls(post, user):
95 post_type = post.node_type
97 # We show the link tool if the post is an Answer. It is visible to Guests too.
98 if post_type == "answer":
99 # Answer permanent link tool
100 controls.append(post_control(_('permanent link'), reverse('answer_permanent_link', kwargs={'id' : post.id,}),
101 title=_("answer permanent link"), command=True, withprompt=True, copy=True))
103 # Users should be able to award points for an answer. Users cannot award their own answers
104 if user != post.author and user.is_authenticated():
105 controls.append(post_control(_("award points"), reverse('award_points', kwargs={'user_id' : post.author.id,
106 'answer_id' : post.id}), title=_("award points to %s") % smart_unicode(post.author.username),
107 command=True, withprompt=True))
109 # The other controls are visible only to authenticated users.
110 if user.is_authenticated():
112 edit_url = reverse('edit_' + post_type, kwargs={'id': post.id})
113 if user.can_edit_post(post):
114 controls.append(post_control(_('edit'), edit_url))
115 elif post_type == 'question' and user.can_retag_questions():
116 controls.append(post_control(_('retag'), edit_url))
120 if post_type == 'question':
121 if post.nis.closed and user.can_reopen_question(post):
122 controls.append(post_control(_('reopen'), reverse('reopen', kwargs={'id': post.id}), command=True))
123 elif not post.nis.closed and user.can_close_question(post):
124 controls.append(post_control(_('close'), reverse('close', kwargs={'id': post.id}), command=True, withprompt=True))
126 if user.can_flag_offensive(post):
127 label = _('report')
129 if user.can_view_offensive_flags(post):
130 label = "%s (%d)" % (label, post.flag_count)
132 controls.append(post_control(label, reverse('flag_post', kwargs={'id': post.id}),
133 command=True, withprompt=True, title=_("report as offensive (i.e containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)")))
135 if user.can_delete_post(post):
136 if post.nis.deleted:
137 controls.append(post_control(_('undelete'), reverse('delete_post', kwargs={'id': post.id}),
138 command=True, confirm=True))
140 controls.append(post_control(_('delete'), reverse('delete_post', kwargs={'id': post.id}),
141 command=True, confirm=True))
143 if user.can_delete_post(post):
144 menu.append(post_control(_('see revisions'),
145 reverse('revisions',
146 kwargs={'id': post.id}),
147 command=False, confirm=False))
149 if settings.WIKI_ON:
150 if (not post.nis.wiki) and user.can_wikify(post):
151 menu.append(post_control(_('mark as community wiki'), reverse('wikify', kwargs={'id': post.id}),
152 command=True, confirm=True))
154 elif post.nis.wiki and user.can_cancel_wiki(post):
155 menu.append(post_control(_('cancel community wiki'), reverse('wikify', kwargs={'id': post.id}),
156 command=True, confirm=True))
158 if post.node_type == "answer" and user.can_convert_to_comment(post):
159 menu.append(post_control(_('convert to comment'), reverse('convert_to_comment', kwargs={'id': post.id}),
160 command=True, withprompt=True))
162 if post.node_type == "answer" and user.can_convert_to_question(post):
163 menu.append(post_control(_('convert to question'), reverse('convert_to_question', kwargs={'id': post.id}),
164 command=False, confirm=True))
166 if user.is_superuser or user.is_staff:
167 plain_text = strip_tags(post.html)
169 char_count = len(plain_text)
170 fullStr = plain_text + " "
171 left_trimmedStr = re.sub(re.compile(r"^[^\w]+", re.IGNORECASE), "", fullStr)
172 cleanedStr = re.sub(re.compile(r"[^\w]+", re.IGNORECASE), " ", left_trimmedStr)
173 splitString = cleanedStr.split(" ")
174 word_count = len(splitString) - 1
176 metrics = mark_safe("<b>%s %s / %s %s</b>" % (char_count, ungettext('character', 'characters', char_count),
177 word_count, ungettext('word', 'words', word_count)))
179 menu.append(post_control(metrics, "#", command=False, withprompt=False))
181 return {'controls': controls, 'menu': menu, 'post': post, 'user': user}
183 @register.inclusion_tag('node/comments.html')
184 def comments(post, user):
185 all_comments = post.comments.filter_state(deleted=False).order_by('-added_at')
187 if len(all_comments) <= 5:
188 top_scorers = all_comments
190 top_scorers = sorted(all_comments, lambda c1, c2: cmp(c2.score, c1.score))[0:5]
194 for c in all_comments:
196 'can_delete': user.can_delete_comment(c),
197 'can_like': user.can_like_comment(c),
198 'can_edit': user.can_edit_comment(c),
199 'can_convert': user.can_convert_comment_to_answer(c)
202 if c in top_scorers or c.is_reply_to(user):
203 context['top_scorer'] = True
206 if context['can_like']:
207 context['likes'] = VoteAction.get_for(user, c) == 1
209 context['user'] = c.user
210 context['comment'] = c.comment
211 context.update(dict(c.__dict__))
212 comments.append(context)
214 # Generate canned comments
215 canned_comments = []
216 for comment in settings.CANNED_COMMENTS:
217 t = Template(smart_unicode(comment))
220 'settings' : settings,
222 canned_comments.append(t.render(c))
224 total = len(all_comments)
226 'comments': comments,
227 'canned_comments': canned_comments,
229 'can_comment': user.can_comment(post),
230 'max_length': settings.FORM_MAX_COMMENT_BODY,
231 'min_length': settings.FORM_MIN_COMMENT_BODY,
232 'show_gravatar': settings.FORM_GRAVATAR_IN_COMMENTS,
233 'showing': showing,
235 'more_comments_count' : int(total - showing),
240 @register.inclusion_tag("node/contributors_info.html")
241 def contributors_info(node, verb=None):
243 'node_verb': verb and verb or ((node.node_type == "question") and _("asked") or (
244 (node.node_type == "answer") and _("answered") or _("posted"))),
248 @register.inclusion_tag("node/reviser_info.html")
249 def reviser_info(revision):
250 return {'revision': revision}