{% load i18n extra_tags email_tags %} {% declare %} prefix = html.mark_safe(smart_str(settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX)) post = comment.parent question = post.question and post.question or post post_author = smart_str(post.author.username) safe_post_author = html.mark_safe(smart_str(post.author.username)) comment_author = html.mark_safe(smart_str(comment.author)) question_title = html.mark_safe(smart_str(question.title)) safe_body = html.html2text(smart_str(comment.comment)) author_link = html.objlink(smart_str(comment.author), style=settings.EMAIL_ANCHOR_STYLE) question_link = html.objlink(smart_str(question), style=settings.EMAIL_ANCHOR_STYLE) {% enddeclare %} {% email %} {% subject %}{% blocktrans %}{{ prefix }} New comment on: {{ question_title }}{% endblocktrans %}{% endsubject %} {% htmlcontent notifications/base.html %}
{% blocktrans %}{{ author_link }} has just posted a comment on {% endblocktrans %} {% ifnotequal post question %} {% blocktrans %}the answer posted by {{ post_author }} to {% endblocktrans %} {% endifnotequal %} {% blocktrans %}the question {{ question_link }}{% endblocktrans %}
{{ comment.comment }}
{% trans "Don't forget to come over and cast your vote." %}
{% endhtmlcontent %} {% textcontent notifications/base_text.html %} {% blocktrans %}{{ comment_author }} has just posted a comment on {% endblocktrans %} {% ifnotequal post question %} {% blocktrans %}the answer posted by {{ safe_post_author }} to {% endblocktrans %} {% endifnotequal %} {% blocktrans %}the question "{{ question_title }}"{% endblocktrans %} {{ safe_body }} {% trans "Don't forget to come over and cast your vote." %} {% endtextcontent %} {% endemail %}