{% extends "osqaadmin/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load user_tags %} {% block subtitle %} {% trans "Dashboard" %} {% endblock %} {% block description %} {% trans "Welcome to the OSQA administration area." %} {% endblock %} {% block admincontent %}

{%trans "Site statistics" %}

{{ statistics.total_questions }} {% trans "question" %}{{ statistics.total_questions|pluralize }} ({{ statistics.questions_last_24 }} {% trans "in the last 24 hours" %})
{{ statistics.total_answers }} {% trans "answer" %}{{ statistics.total_answers|pluralize }} ({{ statistics.answers_last_24 }} {% trans "in the last 24 hours" %})
{{ statistics.total_users }} {% trans "user" %}{{ statistics.total_users|pluralize }} ({{ statistics.users_last_24 }} {% trans "joined in the last 24 hours" %})

{%trans "Site status" %}

{% ifequal settings_pack "bootstrap" %} {% trans "Your site is running in bootstrap mode, click the button bellow to revert to defaults." %}
{% else %} {% ifequal settings_pack "default" %} {% trans "Your site is running in standard mode, click the button bellow to run in bootstrap mode." %}
{% else %} {% trans "Your site is running with some customized settings, click the buttons bellow to run with defaults or in bootstrap mode" %} {% endifequal %} {% endifequal %} {% ifnotequal settings_pack "default" %} {% endifnotequal %} {% ifnotequal settings_pack "bootstrap" %} {% endifnotequal %}

{%trans "Recalculate scores and reputation" %}

{% trans "Recent activity" %}

{% for activity in recent_activity %} {% activity_item activity %} {% endfor %}
{% endblock %}