{% extends "base_content.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block head %}{% endblock %} {% block title %}{% spaceless %}{% trans "Connect your OpenID with this site" %}{% endspaceless %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% trans "Connect your OpenID with your account on this site" %}
{# Only display the OpenID greeting if a provider is detected. #} {% if provider %}

{% trans "You are here for the first time with " %}{{ provider }}

{% endif %}

{% trans "Please choose your screen name and confirm your email address. A valid email address is necessary to receive notifications about activity in the areas of this community you're most interested in, and will help you become an involved participant in this community." %}

{% trans "This account already exists, please use another." %}

{% if form1.errors %} {% endif %}
{{ form1.next }}
{% if form1.username.errors %}

{{ form1.username.errors|join:", " }}

{% endif %} {{ form1.username }}
{% if form1.email.errors %}

{{ form1.email.errors|join:", " }}

{% endif %} {{ form1.email }}
{% if form1.password1 %}
{% if form1.password1.errors %}

{{ form1.password1.errors|join:", " }}

{% endif %} {{ form1.password1 }}
{% if form1.password2.errors %}

{{ form1.password2.errors|join:", " }}

{% endif %} {{ form1.password2 }}
{% endif %} {% if form1.recaptcha %}
{% if form1.recaptcha.errors %}

{{ form1.recaptcha.errors|join:", " }}

{% endif %} {{ form1.recaptcha }}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} {% if form2 %} {% endif %} {% endcomment %} {% endblock %}