{% extends basetemplate %} {% load i18n user_tags extra_tags %} {% block adminjs %} {% endblock %} {% block subtitle %} {% trans "Node manager" %} {% endblock %} {% block description %} {% trans "Nodes bulk management" %} {% endblock %} {% block admincontent %}

{% trans "Filter" %}

{% trans "By type" %}

{% trans "By state" %}

{% trans "By author(s)" %}

{% if not authors.count %} {% trans "No users selected, use the box bellow to add users to the filter." %} {% else %} {% trans "Click on the cross next to a user name to remove it from the filter." %} {% endif %}

{% trans "By tag(s)" %}

{% if not tags.count %} {% trans "No tags selected, use the box bellow to add tags to the filter." %} {% else %} {% trans "Click on the cross next to a tag name to remove it from the filter." %} {% endif %} {% comment %}

{% trans "Show" %}

{{ show_form.show }}
{% endcomment %}
{% spaceless %} {% ifequal filter_form.node_type.data "all" %} {% endifequal %} {% endspaceless %} {% for node in nodes.paginator.page %} {% ifequal filter_form.node_type.data "all" %} {% endifequal %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "Type" %} {% trans "Title" %} {% trans "Author" %} {% trans "Added at" %} {% trans "Score" %} {% trans "Last acivity by" %} {% trans "Last activity at" %} {% trans "Tags" %} {% trans "State" %}
{{ node.friendly_name }}{{ node.headline }} {{ node.author.username }} {% diff_date node.added_at %} {{ node.score }} {{ node.last_activity_by.username }} {% diff_date node.last_activity_at %} {% for t in node.tags.all %} {% if t in tags %}{{ t.name }} {% else %}{{ t.name }}{% endif %} {% endfor %} {{ node.state_list|join:", " }}
{{ nodes.paginator.page_numbers }}
{% endblock %}