+from __future__ import with_statement
import os, tarfile, datetime, ConfigParser, logging
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from orm import orm
-import commands
+import commands, settings
NO_DEFAULT = object()
+import string
+class SafeReader():
+ def __init__(self, loc):
+ self.base = open(loc)
+ def read(self, *args):
+ return "".join(c for c in self.base.read(*args) if c in string.printable)
+ def readLine(self, *args):
+ return "".join(c for c in self.base.readLine(*args) if c in string.printable)
+ def close(self):
+ self.base.close()
class ContentElement():
def __init__(self, content):
self._content = content
+def reset_fts_indexes():
+ pass
-def start_import(fname, user):
+def start_import(fname, tag_merge, user):
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
steps = [s for s in FILE_HANDLERS]
state['overall']['parsed'] += 1
+ data = {
+ 'is_merge': True,
+ 'tag_merge': tag_merge
+ }
def run(fn, name):
def ping():
state[name]['status'] = _('Importing')
- fn(TMP_FOLDER, user, ping)
+ fn(TMP_FOLDER, user, ping, data)
state[name]['status'] = _('Done')
run(h['fn'], h['id'])
- raise Exception
+ settings.MERGE_MAPPINGS.set_value(dict(merged_nodes=data['nodes_map'], merged_users=data['users_map']))
except Exception, e:
full_state['running'] = False
def file_handler(file_name, root_tag, el_tag, name, args_handler=None, pre_callback=None, post_callback=None):
def decorator(fn):
- def decorated(location, current_user, ping):
+ def decorated(location, current_user, ping, data):
if pre_callback:
- pre_callback(current_user)
+ pre_callback(current_user, data)
if (args_handler):
- args = args_handler(current_user)
+ args = args_handler(current_user, data)
args = []
- parser.parse(os.path.join(location, file_name))
+ parser.parse(SafeReader(os.path.join(location, file_name)))
if post_callback:
return decorated
return decorator
+def verify_existence(row):
+ try:
+ return orm.User.objects.get(email=row.getc('email'))
+ except:
+ for key in row.get('authKeys').get_list('key'):
+ key = key=key.getc('key')
+ if not ("google.com" in key or "yahoo.com" in key):
+ try:
+ return orm.AuthKeyUserAssociation.objects.get(key=key).user
+ except:
+ pass
+ return None
-@file_handler('users.xml', 'users', 'user', _('Users'), args_handler=lambda u: [u])
-def user_import(row, current_user):
- existent = False
+def user_import_pre_callback(user, data):
+ data['users_map'] = {}
- if str(current_user.id) == row.getc('id'):
- existent = True
+@file_handler('users.xml', 'users', 'user', _('Users'), pre_callback=user_import_pre_callback, args_handler=lambda u, d: [u, d['is_merge'], d['users_map']])
+def user_import(row, current_user, is_merge, users_map):
+ existent = is_merge and verify_existence(row) or None
roles = row.get('roles').get_listc('role')
valid_email = row.get('email').get_attr('validated').as_bool()
badges = row.get('badges')
- user = orm.User(
- id = row.getc('id'),
- username = row.getc('username'),
- password = row.getc('password'),
- email = row.getc('email'),
- email_isvalid= valid_email,
- is_superuser = 'superuser' in roles,
- is_staff = 'moderator' in roles,
- is_active = True,
- date_joined = row.get('joindate').as_datetime(),
- about = row.getc('bio'),
- date_of_birth = row.get('birthdate').as_date(None),
- website = row.getc('website'),
- reputation = row.get('reputation').as_int(),
- gold = badges.get_attr('gold').as_int(),
- silver = badges.get_attr('silver').as_int(),
- bronze = badges.get_attr('bronze').as_int(),
- real_name = row.getc('realname'),
- location = row.getc('location'),
- )
+ if existent:
+ user = existent
+ user.reputation += row.get('reputation').as_int()
+ user.gold += badges.get_attr('gold').as_int()
+ user.silver += badges.get_attr('gold').as_int()
+ user.bronze += badges.get_attr('gold').as_int()
+ else:
+ username = row.getc('username')
+ if is_merge:
+ username_count = 0
+ while orm.User.objects.filter(username=username).count():
+ username_count += 1
+ username = "%s %s" % (row.getc('username'), username_count)
+ user = orm.User(
+ id = (not is_merge) and row.getc('id') or None,
+ username = username,
+ password = row.getc('password'),
+ email = row.getc('email'),
+ email_isvalid= valid_email,
+ is_superuser = (not is_merge) and 'superuser' in roles,
+ is_staff = ('moderator' in roles) or (is_merge and 'superuser' in roles),
+ is_active = row.get('active').as_bool(),
+ date_joined = row.get('joindate').as_datetime(),
+ about = row.getc('bio'),
+ date_of_birth = row.get('birthdate').as_date(None),
+ website = row.getc('website'),
+ reputation = row.get('reputation').as_int(),
+ gold = badges.get_attr('gold').as_int(),
+ silver = badges.get_attr('silver').as_int(),
+ bronze = badges.get_attr('bronze').as_int(),
+ real_name = row.getc('realname'),
+ location = row.getc('location'),
+ )
+ users_map[row.get('id').as_int()] = user.id
authKeys = row.get('authKeys')
for key in authKeys.get_list('key'):
- orm.AuthKeyUserAssociation(user=user, key=key.getc('key'), provider=key.getc('provider')).save()
+ if (not is_merge) or orm.AuthKeyUserAssociation.objects.filter(key=key.getc('key')).count() == 0:
+ orm.AuthKeyUserAssociation(user=user, key=key.getc('key'), provider=key.getc('provider')).save()
- notifications = row.get('notifications')
+ if not existent:
+ notifications = row.get('notifications')
- attributes = dict([(str(k), v.as_bool() and 'i' or 'n') for k, v in notifications.get('notify').attrs.items()])
- attributes.update(dict([(str(k), v.as_bool()) for k, v in notifications.get('autoSubscribe').attrs.items()]))
- attributes.update(dict([(str("notify_%s" % k), v.as_bool()) for k, v in notifications.get('notifyOnSubscribed').attrs.items()]))
+ attributes = dict([(str(k), v.as_bool() and 'i' or 'n') for k, v in notifications.get('notify').attrs.items()])
+ attributes.update(dict([(str(k), v.as_bool()) for k, v in notifications.get('autoSubscribe').attrs.items()]))
+ attributes.update(dict([(str("notify_%s" % k), v.as_bool()) for k, v in notifications.get('notifyOnSubscribed').attrs.items()]))
- ss = orm.SubscriptionSettings(user=user, enable_notifications=notifications.get_attr('enabled').as_bool(), **attributes)
+ ss = orm.SubscriptionSettings(user=user, enable_notifications=notifications.get_attr('enabled').as_bool(), **attributes)
- if existent:
- ss.id = current_user.subscription_settings.id
+ if current_user.id == row.get('id').as_int():
+ ss.id = current_user.subscription_settings.id
- ss.save()
+ ss.save()
-def pre_tag_import(user):
- tag_import.tag_mappings={}
+def pre_tag_import(user, data):
+ data['tag_mappings'] = dict([ (t.name, t) for t in orm.Tag.objects.all() ])
-@file_handler('tags.xml', 'tags', 'tag', _('Tags'), pre_callback=pre_tag_import)
-def tag_import(row):
- tag = orm.Tag(name=row.getc('name'), used_count=row.get('used').as_int(), created_by_id=row.get('author').as_int())
- tag.save()
- tag_import.tag_mappings[tag.name] = tag
+@file_handler('tags.xml', 'tags', 'tag', _('Tags'), pre_callback=pre_tag_import, args_handler=lambda u, d: [d['is_merge'], d['tag_merge'], d['users_map'], d['tag_mappings']])
+def tag_import(row, is_merge, tag_merge, users_map, tag_mappings):
+ created_by = row.get('used').as_int()
+ created_by = users_map.get(created_by, created_by)
+ tag_name = row.getc('name')
+ tag_name = tag_merge and tag_merge.get(tag_name, tag_name) or tag_name
+ if is_merge and tag_name in tag_mappings:
+ tag = tag_mappings[tag_name]
+ tag.used_count += row.get('used').as_int()
+ else:
+ tag = orm.Tag(name=tag_name, used_count=row.get('used').as_int(), created_by_id=created_by)
+ tag_mappings[tag.name] = tag
-def post_node_import():
- tag_import.tag_mappings = None
+ tag.save()
+def pre_node_import(user, data):
+ data['nodes_map'] = {}
-@file_handler('nodes.xml', 'nodes', 'node', _('Nodes'), args_handler=lambda u: [tag_import.tag_mappings], post_callback=post_node_import)
-def node_import(row, tags):
+@file_handler('nodes.xml', 'nodes', 'node', _('Nodes'), pre_callback=pre_node_import,
+ args_handler=lambda u, d: [d['is_merge'], d['tag_merge'], d['tag_mappings'], d['nodes_map'], d['users_map']])
+def node_import(row, is_merge, tag_merge, tags, nodes_map, users_map):
ntags = []
for t in row.get('tags').get_list('tag'):
- ntags.append(tags[t.content()])
+ t = t.content()
+ ntags.append(tags[tag_merge and tag_merge.get(t, t) or t])
+ author = row.get('author').as_int()
last_act = row.get('lastactivity')
+ last_act_user = last_act.get('by').as_int(None)
+ parent = row.get('parent').as_int(None)
+ abs_parent = row.get('absparent').as_int(None)
node = orm.Node(
- id = row.getc('id'),
+ id = (not is_merge) and row.getc('id') or None,
node_type = row.getc('type'),
- author_id = row.get('author').as_int(),
+ author_id = users_map.get(author, author),
added_at = row.get('date').as_datetime(),
- parent_id = row.get('parent').as_int(None),
- abs_parent_id = row.get('absparent').as_int(None),
+ parent_id = nodes_map.get(parent, parent),
+ abs_parent_id = nodes_map.get(abs_parent, abs_parent),
score = row.get('score').as_int(0),
- last_activity_by_id = last_act.get('by').as_int(None),
+ last_activity_by_id = last_act_user and users_map.get(last_act_user, last_act_user) or last_act_user,
last_activity_at = last_act.get('at').as_datetime(None),
title = row.getc('title'),
+ nodes_map[row.get('id').as_int()] = node.id
node.tags = ntags
revisions = row.get('revisions')
active = revisions.get_attr('active').as_int()
- for r in revisions.get_list('revision'):
- rev = orm.NodeRevision(
- author_id = r.getc('author'),
- body = r.getc('body'),
+ if active == 0:
+ active = orm.NodeRevision(
+ author_id = node.author_id,
+ body = row.getc('body'),
node = node,
- revised_at = r.get('date').as_datetime(),
- revision = r.get('number').as_int(),
- summary = r.getc('summary'),
- tagnames = " ".join(r.getc('tags').split(',')),
- title = r.getc('title'),
+ revised_at = row.get('date').as_datetime(),
+ revision = 1,
+ summary = _('Initial revision'),
+ tagnames = " ".join([t.name for t in ntags]),
+ title = row.getc('title'),
- rev.save()
- if rev.revision == active:
- active = rev
+ active.save()
+ else:
+ for r in revisions.get_list('revision'):
+ author = row.get('author').as_int()
+ rev = orm.NodeRevision(
+ author_id = users_map.get(author, author),
+ body = r.getc('body'),
+ node = node,
+ revised_at = r.get('date').as_datetime(),
+ revision = r.get('number').as_int(),
+ summary = r.getc('summary'),
+ tagnames = " ".join(r.getc('tags').split(',')),
+ title = r.getc('title'),
+ )
+ rev.save()
+ if rev.revision == active:
+ active = rev
node.active_revision = active
return fn
return decorator
+def pre_action_import_callback(user, data):
+ data['actions_map'] = {}
def post_action_import_callback():
with_state = orm.Node.objects.filter(id__in=orm.NodeState.objects.values_list('node_id', flat=True).distinct())
n.state_string = "".join(["(%s)" % s for s in n.states.values_list('state_type')])
-@file_handler('actions.xml', 'actions', 'action', _('Actions'), post_callback=post_action_import_callback)
-def actions_import(row):
+@file_handler('actions.xml', 'actions', 'action', _('Actions'), post_callback=post_action_import_callback,
+ pre_callback=pre_action_import_callback, args_handler=lambda u, d: [d['nodes_map'], d['users_map'], d['actions_map']])
+def actions_import(row, nodes, users, actions_map):
+ node = row.get('node').as_int(None)
+ user = row.get('user').as_int()
+ real_user = row.get('realUser').as_int(None)
action = orm.Action(
- id = row.get('id').as_int(),
+ #id = row.get('id').as_int(),
action_type = row.getc('type'),
action_date = row.get('date').as_datetime(),
- node_id = row.get('node').as_int(None),
- user_id = row.get('user').as_int(),
- real_user_id = row.get('realUser').as_int(None),
+ node_id = nodes.get(node, node),
+ user_id = users.get(user, user),
+ real_user_id = users.get(real_user, real_user),
ip = row.getc('ip'),
extra = row.get('extraData').as_pickled(),
canceled = row.get('canceled')
if canceled.get_attr('state').as_bool():
+ by = canceled.get('user').as_int()
action.canceled = True
- action.canceled_by_id = canceled.get('user').as_int()
- #action.canceled_at = canceled.get('date').as_datetime(),
+ action.canceled_by_id = users.get(by, by)
+ action.canceled_at = canceled.getc('date') #.as_datetime(),
action.canceled_ip = canceled.getc('ip')
+ actions_map[row.get('id').as_int()] = action.id
for r in row.get('reputes').get_list('repute'):
by_canceled = r.get_attr('byCanceled').as_bool()
action = action,
- user_id = r.get('user').as_int(),
+ user_id = users[r.get('user').as_int()],
value = r.get('value').as_int(),
date = by_canceled and action.canceled_at or action.action_date,
if (not action.canceled) and (action.action_type in POST_ACTION):
- POST_ACTION[action.action_type](row, action)
+ POST_ACTION[action.action_type](row, action, users, nodes, actions_map)
+# Record of all persisted votes.
+persisted_votes = []
@post_action('voteup', 'votedown', 'voteupcomment')
-def vote_action(row, action):
- orm.Vote(user_id=action.user_id, node_id=action.node_id, action=action,
- voted_at=action.action_date, value=(action.action_type != 'votedown') and 1 or -1).save()
+def vote_action(row, action, users, nodes, actions):
+ # Check to see if the vote has already been registered.
+ if not (action.user_id, action.node_id) in persisted_votes:
+ # Persist the vote action.
+ orm.Vote(user_id=action.user_id, node_id=action.node_id, action=action,
+ voted_at=action.action_date, value=(action.action_type != 'votedown') and 1 or -1).save()
+ # Record the vote action. This will help us avoid duplicates.
+ persisted_votes.append((action.user_id, action.node_id))
def state_action(state):
- def fn(row, action):
+ def fn(row, action, users, nodes, actions):
+ if orm.NodeState.objects.filter(state_type = state, node = action.node_id).count():
+ return
state_type = state,
node_id = action.node_id,
-def flag_action(row, action):
- orm.Flag(user_id=action.user_id, node_id=action.node_id, action=action, reason=action.extra).save()
+def flag_action(row, action, users, nodes, actions):
+ orm.Flag(user_id=action.user_id, node_id=action.node_id, action=action, reason=action.extra or "").save()
-def award_import_args(user):
- return [ dict([ (b.cls, b) for b in orm.Badge.objects.all() ]) ]
+def award_import_args(user, data):
+ return [ dict([ (b.cls, b) for b in orm.Badge.objects.all() ]) , data['nodes_map'], data['users_map'], data['actions_map']]
@file_handler('awards.xml', 'awards', 'award', _('Awards'), args_handler=award_import_args)
-def awards_import(row, badges):
- try:
- badge_type = badges.get(row.getc('badge'), None)
+def awards_import(row, badges, nodes, users, actions):
+ badge_type = badges.get(row.getc('badge'), None)
- if not badge_type:
- return
+ if not badge_type:
+ return
- award = orm.Award(
- user_id = row.get('user').as_int(),
- badge = badges[row.getc('badge')],
- node_id = row.get('node').as_int(None),
- action_id = row.get('action').as_int(None),
- trigger_id = row.get('trigger').as_int(None)
- ).save()
- except Exception, e:
+ action = row.get('action').as_int(None)
+ trigger = row.get('trigger').as_int(None)
+ node = row.get('node').as_int(None)
+ user = row.get('user').as_int()
+ if orm.Award.objects.filter(badge=badges[row.getc('badge')], user=users.get(user, user), node=nodes.get(node, node)).count():
+ award = orm.Award(
+ user_id = users.get(user, user),
+ badge = badge_type,
+ node_id = nodes.get(node, node),
+ action_id = actions.get(action, action),
+ trigger_id = actions.get(trigger, trigger)
+ ).save()
-@file_handler('settings.xml', 'settings', 'setting', _('Settings'))
+#@file_handler('settings.xml', 'settings', 'setting', _('Settings'))
def settings_import(row):
orm.KeyValue(key=row.getc('key'), value=row.get('value').as_pickled())