from django import template
from django.utils.html import *
from django.utils import simplejson
+from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
from django.db.models import Q, Count
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
from forum.actions import QuestionViewAction
from forum.http_responses import HttpResponseUnauthorized
from forum.feed import RssQuestionFeed, RssAnswerFeed
+from forum.utils.pagination import generate_uri
import decorators
class HottestQuestionsSort(pagination.SortBase):
settings.APP_TITLE + _(' - ')+ _('latest questions'),
def index(request):
paginator_context = QuestionListPaginatorContext()
def tag(request, tag):
+ try:
+ tag =
+ except Tag.DoesNotExist:
+ raise Http404
+ # Getting the questions QuerySet
+ questions = Question.objects.filter(
+ if request.method == "GET":
+ user = request.GET.get('user', None)
+ if user is not None:
+ try:
+ questions = questions.filter(author=User.objects.get(username=user))
+ except User.DoesNotExist:
+ raise Http404
return question_list(request,
- Question.objects.filter(tags__name=unquote(tag)),
- mark_safe(_('questions tagged <span class="tag">%(tag)s</span>') % {'tag': tag}),
+ questions,
+ mark_safe(_(u'questions tagged <span class="tag">%(tag)s</span>') % {'tag': tag}),
- mark_safe(_('Questions Tagged With %(tag)s') % {'tag': tag}),
+ mark_safe(_(u'Questions Tagged With %(tag)s') % {'tag': tag}),
@decorators.render('questions.html', 'questions', tabbed=False)
#answer_description = _("answers")
if not feed_url:
- req_params = "&".join(["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in request.GET.items() if not k in (_('page'), _('pagesize'), _('sort'))])
+ req_params = generate_uri(request.GET, (_('page'), _('pagesize'), _('sort')))
if req_params:
req_params = '&' + req_params
- feed_url = mark_safe(request.path + "?type=rss" + req_params)
+ feed_url = request.path + "?type=rss" + req_params
return pagination.paginated(request, ('questions', paginator_context or QuestionListPaginatorContext()), {
"questions" : questions.distinct(),
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('tags') + '?q=%s' % urlquote(keywords.strip()))
elif search_type == "user":
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users') + '?q=%s' % urlquote(keywords.strip()))
- elif search_type == "question":
+ else:
return question_search(request, keywords)
return render_to_response("search.html", context_instance=RequestContext(request))
paginator_context = None
+ feed_url = mark_safe(escape(request.path + "?type=rss&q=" + keywords))
return question_list(request, initial,
_("questions matching '%(keywords)s'") % {'keywords': keywords},
_("questions matching '%(keywords)s'") % {'keywords': keywords},
- paginator_context=paginator_context)
+ paginator_context=paginator_context,
+ feed_url=feed_url)
@decorators.render('tags.html', 'tags', _('tags'), weight=100)
if request.method == "GET":
stag = request.GET.get("q", "").strip()
if stag:
- tags = tags.filter(name__contains=stag)
+ tags = tags.filter(name__icontains=stag)
return pagination.paginated(request, ('tags', TagPaginatorContext()), {
"tags" : tags,
def update_question_view_times(request, question):
- if not 'last_seen_in_question' in request.session:
- request.session['last_seen_in_question'] = {}
+ last_seen_in_question = request.session.get('last_seen_in_question', {})
- last_seen = request.session['last_seen_in_question'].get(, None)
+ last_seen = last_seen_in_question.get(, None)
- if (not last_seen) or last_seen < question.last_activity_at:
+ if (not last_seen) or (last_seen < question.last_activity_at):
QuestionViewAction(question, request.user, ip=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']).save()
- request.session['last_seen_in_question'][] =
- request.session['last_seen_in_question'][] =
+ last_seen_in_question[] =
+ request.session['last_seen_in_question'] = last_seen_in_question
-def match_question_slug(slug):
+def match_question_slug(id, slug):
slug_words = slug.split('-')
qs = Question.objects.filter(title__istartswith=slug_words[0])
raise Http404()
- count = answer.question.answers.filter(Q(marked=True) | filter).count()
+ count = answer.question.answers.filter(Q(marked=True) | filter).exclude(state_string="(deleted)").count()
pagesize = pc.pagesize(request)
page = count / pagesize
question = Question.objects.get(id=id)
if slug:
- question = match_question_slug(slug)
+ question = match_question_slug(id, slug)
if question is not None:
return HttpResponseRedirect(question.get_absolute_url())
return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(question.get_absolute_url())
if request.POST:
- answer_form = AnswerForm(question, request.POST)
+ answer_form = AnswerForm(request.POST, user=request.user)
- answer_form = AnswerForm(question)
+ answer_form = AnswerForm(user=request.user)
answers = request.user.get_visible_answers(question)