-import os, tarfile, datetime, logging, re, ConfigParser, shutil
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import os, tarfile, datetime, logging, re, ConfigParser, shutil, zipfile
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from forum.templatetags.extra_tags import diff_date
import xml.etree.ElementTree
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
-from xml.etree.ElementTree import Comment, _encode, ProcessingInstruction, QName, fixtag, _escape_attrib, _escape_cdata
+from xml.etree.ElementTree import Comment, _encode, ProcessingInstruction, QName, _escape_attrib, _escape_cdata, _namespace_map
from forum import settings
from django.conf import settings as djsettings
import settings as selfsettings
+import string
+ from xml.etree.ElementTree import fixtag
+except ImportError:
+ def fixtag(tag, namespaces):
+ # given a decorated tag (of the form {uri}tag), return prefixed
+ # tag and namespace declaration, if any
+ if isinstance(tag, QName):
+ tag = tag.text
+ namespace_uri, tag = string.split(tag[1:], "}", 1)
+ prefix = namespaces.get(namespace_uri)
+ if prefix is None:
+ prefix = _namespace_map.get(namespace_uri)
+ if prefix is None:
+ prefix = "ns%d" % len(namespaces)
+ namespaces[namespace_uri] = prefix
+ if prefix == "xml":
+ xmlns = None
+ else:
+ xmlns = ("xmlns:%s" % prefix, namespace_uri)
+ else:
+ xmlns = None
+ return "%s:%s" % (prefix, tag), xmlns
CACHE_KEY = "%s_exporter_state" % APP_URL
TMP_FOLDER = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tmp')
-LAST_BACKUP = os.path.join(TMP_FOLDER, 'backup.tar.gz')
DATETIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d"
if xmlns: xmlns_items.append(xmlns)
except TypeError:
raise #_raise_serialization_error(v)
- file.write(" %s=\"%s\"" % (_encode(k, encoding),
+ file.write(u" %s=\"%s\"" % (_encode(k, encoding),
_escape_attrib(v, encoding)))
for k, v in xmlns_items:
- file.write(" %s=\"%s\"" % (_encode(k, encoding),
+ file.write(u" %s=\"%s\"" % (_encode(k, encoding),
_escape_attrib(v, encoding)))
if node.text or len(node):
if node.text:
- file.write(_escape_cdata(node.text.replace("\n", (level + 1) * identator + "\n"), encoding))
+ file.write(_escape_cdata(node.text, encoding))
for n in node:
self._write(file, n, encoding, namespaces, level + 1, identator)
if node.text and len(node.text) < 125:
for k, v in xmlns_items:
del namespaces[v]
if node.tail:
- file.write(_escape_cdata(node.tail.replace("\n", level * identator + "\n"), encoding))
+ file.write(_escape_cdata(node.tail.replace("\n", (level * identator )+ "\n"), encoding))
+def make_date(date, with_time=True):
+ try:
+ return date.strftime(with_time and DATETIME_FORMAT or DATE_FORMAT)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ return date.replace(year=1900).strftime(with_time and DATETIME_FORMAT or DATE_FORMAT)
-def _add_tag(el, name, content = None):
- tag = ET.SubElement(el, name)
- if content:
- tag.text = content
- return tag
def ET_Element_add_tag(el, tag_name, content = None, **attrs):
tag = ET.SubElement(el, tag_name)
if content:
- tag.text = unicode(content).encode('utf-8')
+ try:
+ tag.text = unicode(content)
+ except Exception, e:
+ #logging.error('error converting unicode characters')
+ #import traceback
+ #logging.error(traceback.print_exc())
+ import string
+ tag.text = unicode("".join([c for c in content if c in string.printable]))
for k, v in attrs.items():
tag.set(k, unicode(v))
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write(os.path.join(tmp, filename), encoding='UTF-8')
-def create_targz(tmp, files, start_time, options, user, state, set_state):
- if os.path.exists(LAST_BACKUP):
- os.remove(LAST_BACKUP)
- t = tarfile.open(name=LAST_BACKUP, mode = 'w:gz')
+def create_targz(tmp, files, start_time, options, user, state, set_state, file_format):
+ now = datetime.datetime.now()
+ domain = re.match('[\w-]+\.[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*', djsettings.APP_URL)
+ if domain:
+ domain = '_'.join(domain.get(0).split('.'))
+ else:
+ domain = 'localhost'
+ fname = "%s-%s" % (domain, now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'))
+ if file_format == 'zip':
+ full_fname = "%s.zip" % fname
+ else:
+ full_fname = "%s.tar.gz" % fname
+ if file_format == 'zip':
+ t = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(selfsettings.EXPORTER_BACKUP_STORAGE, full_fname), 'w')
+ def add_to_file(f, a):
+ t.write(f, a)
+ else:
+ t = tarfile.open(os.path.join(selfsettings.EXPORTER_BACKUP_STORAGE, full_fname), mode = 'w:gz')
+ def add_to_file(f, a):
+ t.add(f, a)
state['overall']['status'] = _('Compressing xml files')
for f in files:
- t.add(os.path.join(tmp, f), arcname=f)
+ add_to_file(os.path.join(tmp, f), "/%s" % f)
if options.get('uplodaded_files', False):
state['overall']['status'] = _('Importing uploaded files')
state['overall']['status'] = _('Writing inf file.')
- now = datetime.datetime.now()
- domain = re.match('[\w-]+\.[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*', djsettings.APP_URL)
- if domain:
- domain = '_'.join(domain.get(0).split('.'))
- else:
- domain = 'localhost'
- fname = "%s-%s" % (domain, now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M'))
inf = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
- inf.set(DATE_AND_AUTHOR_INF_SECTION, 'file-name', "%s.tar.gz" % fname)
+ inf.set(DATE_AND_AUTHOR_INF_SECTION, 'file-name', full_fname)
inf.set(DATE_AND_AUTHOR_INF_SECTION, 'author', unicode(user.id))
inf.set(DATE_AND_AUTHOR_INF_SECTION, 'site', djsettings.APP_URL)
inf.set(DATE_AND_AUTHOR_INF_SECTION, 'started', start_time.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT))
inf.set(OPTIONS_INF_SECTION, 'with-upfiles', str(options.get('uplodaded_files', False)))
inf.set(OPTIONS_INF_SECTION, 'with-skins', str(options.get('import_skins_folder', False)))
- with open(os.path.join(tmp, 'backup.inf'), 'wb') as inffile:
+ inf.add_section(META_INF_SECTION)
+ for id, s in state.items():
+ inf.set(META_INF_SECTION, id, str(s['count']))
+ with open(os.path.join(tmp, '%s.backup.inf' % fname), 'wb') as inffile:
- t.add(os.path.join(tmp, 'backup.inf'), arcname='backup.inf')
+ add_to_file(os.path.join(tmp, '%s.backup.inf' % fname), '/backup.inf')
state['overall']['status'] = _('Saving backup file')
- shutil.copyfile(LAST_BACKUP, os.path.join(selfsettings.EXPORTER_BACKUP_STORAGE, "%s.tar.gz" % fname))
- shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(tmp, 'backup.inf'), os.path.join(selfsettings.EXPORTER_BACKUP_STORAGE, "%s.backup.inf" % fname))
+ return full_fname
def export_upfiles(tf):
folder = str(settings.UPFILES_FOLDER)
if os.path.exists(folder):
- tf.add(folder, arcname='upfiles')
+ tf.add(folder, arcname='/upfiles')
def export_skinsfolder(tf):
folder = djsettings.TEMPLATE_DIRS[0]
if os.path.exists(folder):
- tf.add(folder, arcname='skins')
+ tf.add(folder, arcname='/skins')
def export(options, user):
state['overall']['status'] = _('Compressing files')
- create_targz(tmp, dump_files, start_time, options, user, state, set_state)
+ fname = create_targz(tmp, dump_files, start_time, options, user, state, set_state, options['file_format'])
full_state['running'] = False
full_state['errors'] = False
state['overall']['status'] = _('Done')
+ state['overall']['fname'] = fname
except Exception, e:
el.add('email', u.email, validated=u.email_isvalid and 'true' or 'false')
el.add('reputation', u.reputation)
el.add('badges', bronze=u.bronze, silver=u.silver, gold=u.gold)
- el.add('joindate', u.date_joined.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT))
+ el.add('joindate', make_date(u.date_joined))
el.add('active', u.is_active and 'true' or 'false')
el.add('realname', u.real_name)
el.add('bio', u.about)
el.add('location', u.location)
el.add('website', u.website)
- el.add('birthdate', u.date_of_birth and u.date_of_birth.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) or "")
+ el.add('birthdate', u.date_of_birth and make_date(u.date_of_birth, with_time=False) or "")
roles = el.add('roles')
if not anon_data:
el.add('author', n.author.id)
- el.add('date', n.added_at.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT))
+ el.add('date', make_date(n.added_at))
el.add('parent', n.parent and n.parent.id or "")
- el.add('absparent', n.abs_parent and n.abs_parent or "")
+ el.add('absparent', n.abs_parent and n.abs_parent.id or "")
act = el.add('lastactivity')
act.add('by', n.last_activity_by and n.last_activity_by.id or "")
- act.add('at', n.last_activity_at and n.last_activity_at.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT) or "")
+ act.add('at', n.last_activity_at and make_date(n.last_activity_at) or "")
el.add('title', n.title)
el.add('body', n.body)
+ el.add('score', n.score)
tags = el.add('tags')
for t in n.tagname_list():
tags.add('tag', t)
- revs = el.add('revisions', active=n.active_revision and n.active_revision.revision or n.revisions.order_by('revision')[0].revision)
+ try:
+ active = n.active_revision and n.active_revision.revision or n.revisions.order_by('revision')[0].revision
+ except IndexError:
+ active = 0
+ revs = el.add('revisions', active=active)
for r in n.revisions.order_by('revision'):
- rev = _add_tag(revs, 'revision')
+ rev = revs.add('revision')
rev.add('number', r.revision)
rev.add('summary', r.summary)
if not anon_data:
rev.add('author', r.author.id)
- rev.add('date', r.revised_at.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT))
+ rev.add('date', make_date(r.revised_at))
rev.add('title', r.title)
rev.add('body', r.body)
rev.add('tags', ", ".join(r.tagname_list()))
el.add('marked', n.marked and 'true' or 'false')
+ el.add('wiki', n.nis.wiki and 'true' or 'false')
el.add('extraRef', n.extra_ref and n.extra_ref.id or "")
make_extra(el.add('extraData'), n.extra)
el.add('extraCount', n.extra_count and n.extra_count or "")
def export_actions(a, el, anon_data):
el.add('id', a.id)
el.add('type', a.action_type)
- el.add('date', a.action_date)
+ el.add('date', make_date(a.action_date))
if not anon_data:
el.add('user', a.user.id)
canceled.add('user', a.canceled_by.id)
canceled.add('ip', a.canceled_ip)
- canceled.add('date', a.canceled_at)
+ canceled.add('date', make_date(a.canceled_at))
if not anon_data:
reputes = el.add('reputes')
def export_settings(s, el, anon_data):
el.add('key', s.key)
make_extra(el.add('value'), s.value)