from forum.authentication import AUTH_PROVIDERS
from forum.models import AuthKeyUserAssociation, ValidationHash, Question, Answer
-from forum.actions import UserJoinsAction
+from forum.actions import UserJoinsAction, EmailValidationAction
+from forum.models.action import ActionRepute
+from forum.settings import REP_GAIN_BY_EMAIL_VALIDATION
def signin_page(request):
- request.session['on_signin_url'] = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/')
- if reverse('auth_signin') == request.session['on_signin_url'].replace(settings.APP_URL, ''):
- request.session['on_signin_url'] = reverse('index')
+ referer = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/')
+ # If the referer is equal to the sign up page, e. g. if the previous login attempt was not successful we do not
+ # change the sign in URL. The user should go to the same page.
+ if not referer.replace(settings.APP_URL, '') == reverse('auth_signin'):
+ request.session['on_signin_url'] = referer
all_providers = [provider.context for provider in AUTH_PROVIDERS.values()]
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
return HttpResponseUnauthorized(request)
+ # We check if there are some old validation hashes. If there are -- we delete them.
hash = ValidationHash.objects.get(user=request.user, type='email')
- # If we were able to get a previous validation hash we should raise an
- # Exception immediately. Otherwise new validation hash will not be created
- # and users will not receive the desired e-mail vaidation link.
- raise Exception("Validation has already been sent")
- hash = ValidationHash.objects.create_new(request.user, 'email', [])
+ pass
+ # We don't care if there are previous cashes in the database... In every case we have to create a new one
+ hash = ValidationHash.objects.create_new(request.user, 'email', [])
send_template_email([request.user], "auth/mail_validation.html", {'validation_code': hash})
request.user.message_set.create(message=_("A message with an email validation link was just sent to your address."))
user = get_object_or_404(User, id=user)
if (ValidationHash.objects.validate(code, user, 'email', [])):
- user.email_isvalid = True
- return login_and_forward(request, user, reverse('index'), _("Thank you, your email is now validated."))
+ EmailValidationAction(user=user, ip=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']).save()
+ message = _("Thank you, your email is now validated and you've got %d points." % int(REP_GAIN_BY_EMAIL_VALIDATION))
+ else:
+ message = _("Thank you, your email is now validated.")
+ return login_and_forward(request, user, reverse('index'), message)
return render_to_response('auth/mail_already_validated.html', { 'user' : user }, RequestContext(request))
if not forward:
forward = request.session.get('on_signin_url', reverse('index'))
pending_data = request.session.get('pending_submission_data', None)
if pending_data and (user.email_isvalid or pending_data['type'] not in settings.REQUIRE_EMAIL_VALIDATION_TO):