<td valign="top" style="padding-right: 20px;">
{% for tag in user_tags%}
<a rel="tag"
- title="{% blocktrans with tag.name as tag_name %}see other questions with {{view_user}}'s contributions tagged '{{ tag_name }}' {% endblocktrans %}"
+ class="tag-link-{{ tag.name }}"
+ title="{% blocktrans with tag.name as tag_name %}see other questions with {{view_user}}'s contributions tagged '{{ tag_name }}' {% endblocktrans %}"
href="{% url tag_questions tag|urlencode %}?user={{view_user.username}}">{{tag.name}}</a>
<span class="tag-number">× {{ tag.user_tag_usage_count|intcomma }}</span><br/>
{% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:"10" %}
<tr style="vertical-align: top;">
<td style="line-height:35px; padding-right: 20px;">
{% for award, count in awards %}
- <a href="{% url badges %}{{award.id}}/{{award.name|slugify}}" title="{{ award.description }}" class="medal"><span class="badge{{ award.type }}">●</span> {{ award.name }}</a><span class="tag-number"> × {{ count|intcomma }}</span><br/>
+ {% spaceless %}
+ <a href="{% url badges %}{{award.id}}/{{award.name|slugify}}" title="{{ award.description }}" class="medal">
+ <span class="badge{{ award.type }}">●</span> {{ award.name }}
+ </a>
+ {% ifnotequal count 1 %}
+ <span class="tag-number"> × {{ count|intcomma }}</span>
+ {% endifnotequal %}<br/>
{% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:"6" %}
<td width="180" style="line-height:35px">
{% endif %}
+ {% endspaceless %}
{% endfor %}