-{% load i18n %}\r
-<a id="post-{{ post.id }}-upvote" title="{% trans "I like this post (click again to cancel)" %}"\r
- class="ajax-command post-vote up {% ifequal user_vote "up" %} on{% endifequal %}"\r
- href="{% url vote_post id=post.id,vote_type='up' %}" rel="nofollow"> </a>\r
-<div id="post-{{ post.id }}-score" class="post-score"\r
- title="{% trans "current number of votes" %}">\r
- {{ post.score }}\r
-<a id="post-{{ post.id }}-downvote" title="{% trans "I dont like this post (click again to cancel)" %}"\r
- class="ajax-command post-vote down{% ifequal user_vote "down" %} on{% endifequal %}"\r
- href="{% url vote_post id=post.id,vote_type='down' %}" rel="nofollow"> </a>
\ No newline at end of file
+{% load i18n %}
+<a id="post-{{ post.id }}-upvote" title="{% trans "I like this post (click again to cancel)" %}"
+ class="ajax-command post-vote up {% ifequal user_vote "up" %} on{% endifequal %}"
+ href="{% url "vote_post" id=post.id vote_type='up' %}" rel="nofollow"> </a>
+<div id="post-{{ post.id }}-score" class="post-score"
+ title="{% trans "current number of votes" %}">
+ {{ post.score }}
+<a id="post-{{ post.id }}-downvote" title="{% trans "I dont like this post (click again to cancel)" %}"
+ class="ajax-command post-vote down{% ifequal user_vote "down" %} on{% endifequal %}"
+ href="{% url "vote_post" id=post.id vote_type='down' %}" rel="nofollow"> </a>