from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _\r
from django.utils.http import urlquote_plus\r
from django.utils.html import strip_tags\r
+from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode\r
from django.utils import simplejson\r
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, NoReverseMatch\r
from forum.forms import *\r
decorated = decorate.params.withfn(params)(fn)\r
def result(context, request, user):\r
- rev_page_title = user.username + " - " + tab_description\r
+ rev_page_title = smart_unicode(user.username) + " - " + tab_description\r
"tab": "users",\r
return {"view_user" : user, "activities" : activities}\r
-@user_view('users/reputation.html', 'reputation', _('karma history'), _('graph of user karma'))\r
+@user_view('users/reputation.html', 'reputation', _('reputation history'), _('graph of user karma'))\r
def user_reputation(request, user):\r
rep = list(user.reputes.order_by('date'))\r
values = [r.value for r in rep]\r
@user_view('users/subscriptions.html', 'subscriptions', _('subscription'), _('subscriptions'), True, tabbed=False)\r
def user_subscriptions(request, user):\r
- enabled = user.subscription_settings.enable_notifications\r
+ enabled = True\r
tab = request.GET.get('tab', "settings")\r
message = _('New subscription settings are now saved')\r
- if 'notswitch' in request.POST:\r
- enabled = not enabled\r
- if enabled:\r
- message = _('Notifications are now enabled')\r
- else:\r
- message = _('Notifications are now disabled')\r
user.subscription_settings.enable_notifications = enabled\r\r