from base import *
from utils import PickledObjectField
+from django.conf import settings as django_settings
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.contrib.auth.models import User as DjangoUser, AnonymousUser as DjangoAnonymousUser
-from django.db.models import Q
+from django.db.models import Q, Manager
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
return decorated
return decorator
+class UserManager(CachedManager):
+ def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not len(args) and len(kwargs) == 1 and 'username' in kwargs:
+ matching_users = self.filter(username=kwargs['username'])
+ if len(matching_users) == 1:
+ return matching_users[0]
+ elif len(matching_users) > 1:
+ for user in matching_users:
+ if user.username == kwargs['username']:
+ return user
+ return matching_users[0]
+ return super(UserManager, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
class User(BaseModel, DjangoUser):
is_approved = models.BooleanField(default=False)
email_isvalid = models.BooleanField(default=False)
- reputation = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
+ reputation = models.IntegerField(default=0)
gold = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
silver = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
bronze = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
vote_up_count = DenormalizedField("actions", canceled=False, action_type="voteup")
vote_down_count = DenormalizedField("actions", canceled=False, action_type="votedown")
+ objects = UserManager()
def __unicode__(self):
return smart_unicode(self.username)
#todo: temporary thing, for now lets just assume that the site owner will always be the first user of the application
return == 1
- @property
- def decorated_name(self):
+ def _decorated_name(self):
username = smart_unicode(self.username)
if self.is_staff:
return u"%s \u2666" % username
- return self.username
+ return username
+ @property
+ def decorated_name(self):
+ return self._decorated_name()
def last_activity(self):
return md5(
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
- if self.reputation < 0:
+ # If the community doesn't allow negative reputation, set it to 0
+ if not settings.ALLOW_NEGATIVE_REPUTATION and self.reputation < 0:
self.reputation = 0
new = not bool(
def get_profile_url(self):
- return ('user_profile', (), {'id':, 'slug': slugify(smart_unicode(self.username))})
+ keyword_arguments = {
+ 'slug': slugify(smart_unicode(self.username))
+ }
+ if settings.INCLUDE_ID_IN_USER_URLS:
+ keyword_arguments.update({
+ 'id':,
+ })
+ return ('user_profile', (), keyword_arguments)
def get_absolute_url(self):
return self.get_profile_url()
def get_asked_url(self):
- return ('user_questions', (), {'mode': _('asked-by'), 'user':, 'slug': slugify(self.username)})
+ return ('user_questions', (), {'mode': _('asked-by'), 'user':, 'slug': slugify(smart_unicode(self.username))})
+ @models.permalink
+ def get_user_subscriptions_url(self):
+ keyword_arguments = {
+ 'slug': slugify(smart_unicode(self.username))
+ }
+ if settings.INCLUDE_ID_IN_USER_URLS:
+ keyword_arguments.update({
+ 'id':,
+ })
+ return ('user_subscriptions', (), keyword_arguments)
def get_answered_url(self):
return ('user_questions', (), {'mode': _('answered-by'), 'user':, 'slug': slugify(self.username)})
- @models.permalink
def get_subscribed_url(self):
- return ('user_questions', (), {'mode': _('subscribed-by'), 'user':, 'slug': slugify(self.username)})
+ try:
+ # Try to retrieve the Subscribed User URL.
+ url = reverse('user_questions',
+ kwargs={'mode': _('subscribed-by'), 'user':, 'slug': slugify(smart_unicode(self.username))})
+ return url
+ except Exception, e:
+ # If some Exception has been raised, don't forget to log it.
+ logging.error("Error retrieving a subscribed user URL: %s" % e)
def get_profile_link(self):
profile_link = u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (self.get_profile_url(), self.username)
return votes_today
+ def can_use_canned_comments(self):
+ # The canned comments feature is available only for admins and moderators,
+ # and only if the "Use canned comments" setting is activated in the administration.
+ if (self.is_superuser or self.is_staff) and settings.USE_CANNED_COMMENTS:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
def can_view_deleted_post(self, post):
return == self
return self == or self.reputation >= int(settings.REP_TO_DELETE_COMMENTS)
def can_convert_comment_to_answer(self, comment):
+ # We need to know what is the comment parent node type.
+ comment_parent_type = comment.parent.node_type
+ # If the parent is not a question or an answer this comment cannot be converted to an answer.
+ if comment_parent_type != "question" and comment_parent_type != "answer":
+ return False
return (comment.parent.node_type in ('question', 'answer')) and (self.is_superuser or self.is_staff or (
self == or (self.reputation >= int(settings.REP_TO_CONVERT_COMMENTS_TO_ANSWERS)))
return (not answer.marked) and (self.is_superuser or self.is_staff or == self or self.reputation >= int
- def can_convert_to_question(self, answer):
- return (not answer.marked) and (self.is_superuser or self.is_staff or == self or self.reputation >= int
+ def can_convert_to_question(self, node):
+ return (not node.marked) and (self.is_superuser or self.is_staff or == self or self.reputation >= int
def can_reopen_question(self, question):
- return self == and self.reputation >= int(settings.REP_TO_REOPEN_OWN)
+ # Check whether the setting to Unify close and reopen permissions has been activated
+ # If we unify close to reopen check whether the user has permissions to close.
+ # If he has -- he can reopen his question too.
+ can_reopen = (
+ self == and self.reputation >= int(settings.REP_TO_CLOSE_OWN)
+ ) or self.reputation >= int(settings.REP_TO_CLOSE_OTHERS)
+ else:
+ # Check whether the user is the author and has the required permissions to reopen
+ can_reopen = self == and self.reputation >= int(settings.REP_TO_REOPEN_OWN)
+ return can_reopen
def can_delete_post(self, post):
except MultipleObjectsReturned:
logging.error("Multiple suspension actions found for user %s (%s)" % (self.username,
self.__dict__['_suspension_dencache_'] = self.reputes.filter(action__action_type="suspend", action__canceled=False
- ).order_by('-action__action_date')[0]
+ ).order_by('-action__action_date')[0].action
return self.__dict__['_suspension_dencache_']
def infer_cache_key(cls, querydict):
if 'user' in querydict and 'key' in querydict:
- return cls._generate_cache_key("%s:%s" % (querydict['user'].id, querydict['key']))
+ cache_key = cls._generate_cache_key("%s:%s" % (querydict['user'].id, querydict['key']))
+ if len(cache_key) > django_settings.CACHE_MAX_KEY_LENGTH:
+ cache_key = cache_key[:django_settings.CACHE_MAX_KEY_LENGTH]
+ return cache_key
return None