app_name = settings.APP_SHORT_NAME
answer_author =
question = answer.question
- question_title = question.title
+ question_title = html.mark_safe(question.title)
safe_body = html.html2text(answer.html)
+ author_link = html.objlink(, style=settings.EMAIL_ANCHOR_STYLE)
+ question_link = html.objlink(question, style=settings.EMAIL_ANCHOR_STYLE)
{% enddeclare %}
{% email %}
{% subject %}{% blocktrans %}{{ prefix }} New answer to {{ question_title }}{% endblocktrans %}{% endsubject %}
{% htmlcontent notifications/base.html %}
- {% declare %}
- author_link = html.objlink(, style=a_style)
- question_link = html.objlink(question, style=a_style)
- {% enddeclare %}
<p style="{{ p_style }}">
{% blocktrans %}
{{ author_link }} has just posted a new answer on {{ app_name }} to the question