- <li>{% trans "this question or answer has been deleted;" %}</li>
- <li>{% trans "url has error - please check it;" %}</li>
- <li>{% trans "the page you tried to visit is protected or you don't have sufficient points, see" %} <a href="{% url faq %}"> faq</a>;</li>
- <li>{% trans "if you believe this error 404 should not have occurred, please" %}
- <a href="{{feedback_site_url}}" target="_blank">{% trans "report this problem" %}</a></li>
+ <li>{% trans "you followed a link on an email, but you're currently logged in as another user;" %}</li>
+ <li>{% trans "there are errors in the url, please confirm it;" %}</li>
+ <li>{% trans "if you believe you shouldn't bee seeing this error, please" %}
+ <a href="{% if settings.CONTACT_URL %}{{ settings.CONTACT_URL }}{% else %}{% url "feedback" %}{% endif %}" target="_blank">
+ {% trans "report this problem" %}
+ </a>
+ </li>