return RefreshPageCommand()
+def convert_to_question(request, id):
+ user = request.user
+ answer = get_object_or_404(Answer, id=id)
+ question = answer.question
+ if not request.POST:
+ description = lambda a: _("Answer by %(uname)s: %(snippet)s...") % {'uname':,
+ 'snippet': a.summary[:10]}
+ nodes = [(, _("Question"))]
+ [nodes.append((, description(a))) for a in
+ question.answers.filter_state(deleted=False).exclude(]
+ return render_to_response('node/convert_to_question.html', {'answer': answer})
+ if not user.is_authenticated():
+ raise AnonymousNotAllowedException(_("convert answers to questions"))
+ if not user.can_convert_to_question(answer):
+ raise NotEnoughRepPointsException(_("convert answers to questions"))
+ try:
+ title = request.POST.get('title', None)
+ except:
+ raise CommandException(_("You haven't specified the title of the new question"))
+ AnswerToQuestionAction(user=user, node=answer, ip=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']).save(data=dict(title=title))
+ return RefreshPageCommand()
def subscribe(request, id, user=None):
if user: