+jQuery.extend({createUploadIframe:function(d,b){var a="jUploadFrame"+d;if(window.ActiveXObject){var c=document.createElement('<iframe id="'+a+'" name="'+a+'" />');if(typeof b=="boolean"){c.src="javascript:false"}else{if(typeof b=="string"){c.src=b}}}else{var c=document.createElement("iframe");c.id=a;c.name=a}c.style.position="absolute";c.style.top="-1000px";c.style.left="-1000px";document.body.appendChild(c);return c},createUploadForm:function(g,b){var e="jUploadForm"+g;var a="jUploadFile"+g;var d=$('<form action="" method="POST" name="'+e+'" id="'+e+'" enctype="multipart/form-data"></form>');var c=$("#"+b);var f=$(c).clone();$(c).attr("id",a);$(c).before(f);$(c).appendTo(d);$(d).css("position","absolute");$(d).css("top","-1200px");$(d).css("left","-1200px");$(d).appendTo("body");return d},ajaxFileUpload:function(k){k=jQuery.extend({},jQuery.ajaxSettings,k);var a=new Date().getTime();var b=jQuery.createUploadForm(a,k.fileElementId);var i=jQuery.createUploadIframe(a,k.secureuri);var h="jUploadFrame"+a;var j="jUploadForm"+a;if(k.global&&!jQuery.active++){jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxStart")}var c=false;var f={};if(k.global){jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxSend",[f,k])}var d=function(l){var p=document.getElementById(h);try{if(p.contentWindow){f.responseText=p.contentWindow.document.body?p.contentWindow.document.body.innerText:null;f.responseXML=p.contentWindow.document.XMLDocument?p.contentWindow.document.XMLDocument:p.contentWindow.document}else{if(p.contentDocument){f.responseText=p.contentDocument.document.body?p.contentDocument.document.body.textContent||document.body.innerText:null;f.responseXML=p.contentDocument.document.XMLDocument?p.contentDocument.document.XMLDocument:p.contentDocument.document}}}catch(o){jQuery.handleError(k,f,null,o)}if(f||l=="timeout"){c=true;var m;try{m=l!="timeout"?"success":"error";if(m!="error"){var n=jQuery.uploadHttpData(f,k.dataType);if(k.success){k.success(n,m)}if(k.global){jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess",[f,k])}}else{jQuery.handleError(k,f,m)}}catch(o){m="error";jQuery.handleError(k,f,m,o)}if(k.global){jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxComplete",[f,k])}if(k.global&&!--jQuery.active){jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxStop")}if(k.complete){k.complete(f,m)}jQuery(p).unbind();setTimeout(function(){try{$(p).remove();$(b).remove()}catch(q){jQuery.handleError(k,f,null,q)}},100);f=null}};if(k.timeout>0){setTimeout(function(){if(!c){d("timeout")}},k.timeout)}try{var b=$("#"+j);$(b).attr("action",k.url);$(b).attr("method","POST");$(b).attr("target",h);if(b.encoding){b.encoding="multipart/form-data"}else{b.enctype="multipart/form-data"}$(b).submit()}catch(g){jQuery.handleError(k,f,null,g)}if(window.attachEvent){document.getElementById(h).attachEvent("onload",d)}else{document.getElementById(h).addEventListener("load",d,false)}return{abort:function(){}}},uploadHttpData:function(r,type){var data=!type;data=type=="xml"||data?r.responseXML:r.responseText;if(type=="script"){jQuery.globalEval(data)}if(type=="json"){eval("data = "+data)}if(type=="html"){jQuery("<div>").html(data).evalScripts()}return data}});
+/*Upload call*/
+function ajaxFileUpload(imageUrl)
+ $("#loading").ajaxStart(function(){
+ $(this).show();
+ }).ajaxComplete(function(){
+ $(this).hide();
+ });
+ $("#upload").ajaxStart(function(){
+ $(this).hide();
+ }).ajaxComplete(function(){
+ $(this).show();
+ });
+ $.ajaxFileUpload
+ (
+ {
+ url: scriptUrl+'upload/',
+ secureuri:false,
+ fileElementId:'file-upload',
+ dataType: 'xml',
+ success: function (data, status)
+ {
+ var fileURL = $(data).find('file_url').text();
+ var error = $(data).find('error').text();
+ if(error != ''){
+ alert(error);
+ }else{
+ if(fileURL == ''){
+ alert("There was an internal server error uploading your file.\nPermission denied.");
+ }
+ else{
+ imageUrl.attr('value', appUrl + fileURL);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ error: function (data, status, e)
+ {
+ alert(e);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ return false;
var Attacklab = Attacklab || {};
Attacklab.wmdBase = function(){
// The text that appears on the upper part of the dialog box when
// entering links.
- var imageDialogText = "<p style='margin-top: 0px'><b>Enter the image URL.</b></p><p>You can also add a title, which will be displayed as a tool tip.</p><p>Example:<br />http://wmd-editor.com/images/cloud1.jpg \"Optional title\"</p>";
- var linkDialogText = "<p style='margin-top: 0px'><b>Enter the web address.</b></p><p>You can also add a title, which will be displayed as a tool tip.</p><p>Example:<br />http://wmd-editor.com/ \"Optional title\"</p>";
+ var imageDialogText = "<p style='margin-top: 0px'>" + $.i18n._('enter image url') + "</p>";
+ var linkDialogText = "<p style='margin-top: 0px'>" + $.i18n._('enter url') + "</p>";
+ var uploadImageHTML ="<div>" + $.i18n._('upload image') + "</div>" +
+ "<input type=\"file\" name=\"file-upload\" id=\"file-upload\" size=\"26\" "+
+ "onchange=\"return ajaxFileUpload($('#image-url'));\"/><br>" +
+ "<img id=\"loading\" src=\"" + mediaUrl("media/images/indicator.gif") + "\" style=\"display:none;\"/>";
// The default text that appears in the dialog input box when entering
// links.
var imageDefaultText = "http://";
var pastePollInterval = 100;
// The link and title for the help button
- var helpLink = "http://wmd-editor.com/";
- var helpHoverTitle = "WMD website";
+ var helpLink = "http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax";
+ var helpHoverTitle = "MarkDown Syntax";
var helpTarget = "_blank";
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
var dialog; // The dialog box.
var background; // The background beind the dialog box.
var input; // The text box where you enter the hyperlink.
+ var type = 0;
+ // The dialog box type(0: Link, 1: Image)
+ if(arguments.length == 4){
+ type = arguments[3];
+ }
if (defaultInputText === undefined) {
defaultInputText = "";
// The input text box
input = doc.createElement("input");
+ input.id = "image-url";
input.type = "text";
input.value = defaultInputText;
style = input.style;
style.width = "80%";
style.marginLeft = style.marginRight = "auto";
+ // The upload file input
+ var upload = doc.createElement("div");
+ upload.innerHTML = uploadImageHTML;
+ upload.style.padding = "5px";
+ form.appendChild(upload);
// The ok button
var okButton = doc.createElement("input");
setupButton(redoButton, true);
+ var helpButton = document.createElement("li");
+ helpButton.className = "wmd-button";
+ helpButton.id = "wmd-help-button";
+ helpButton.XShift = "-240px";
+ helpButton.isHelp = true;
+ var helpAnchor = document.createElement("a");
+ helpAnchor.href = helpLink;
+ helpAnchor.target = helpTarget
+ helpAnchor.title = helpHoverTitle;
+ helpButton.appendChild(helpAnchor);
+ setupButton(helpButton, true);
+ buttonRow.appendChild(helpButton);
var regexText;
var replacementText;
+ if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome/)) {
+ "X".match(/()./)
+ }
this.selection = this.selection.replace(/(^\n*)/, "");
this.startTag = this.startTag + re.$1;
// insertText: If you just click the button without highlighting text, this gets inserted
command.doBorI = function(chunk, nStars, insertText){
- // Get rid of whitespace and fixup newlines.
+ // Get rid of whitespace and fix up newlines.
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n");
chunk.after = command.stripLinkDefs(chunk.after, defsToAdd);
var defs = "";
- var regex = /(\[(?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]])*\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[)(\d+)(\])/g;
+ var regex = /(\[)((?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]])*)(\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[)(\d+)(\])/g;
var addDefNumber = function(def){
defs += "\n" + def;
- var getLink = function(wholeMatch, link, id, end){
+ // note that
+ // a) the recursive call to getLink cannot go infinite, because by definition
+ // of regex, inner is always a proper substring of wholeMatch, and
+ // b) more than one level of nesting is neither supported by the regex
+ // nor making a lot of sense (the only use case for nesting is a linked image)
+ var getLink = function (wholeMatch, before, inner, afterInner, id, end) {
+ inner = inner.replace(regex, getLink);
if (defsToAdd[id]) {
- return link + refNumber + end;
+ return before + inner + afterInner + refNumber + end;
return wholeMatch;
chunk.selection = chunk.selection.replace(/^(\s|>)+$/ ,"");
chunk.selection = chunk.selection || defaultText;
+ // The original code uses a regular expression to find out how much of the
+ // text *directly before* the selection already was a blockquote:
+ /*
chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/\n?$/,"\n");
+ chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(((\n|^)(\n[ \t]*)*>(.+\n)*.*)+(\n[ \t]*)*$)/,
+ function (totalMatch) {
+ chunk.startTag = totalMatch;
+ return "";
+ });
+ */
+ // This comes down to:
+ // Go backwards as many lines a possible, such that each line
+ // a) starts with ">", or
+ // b) is almost empty, except for whitespace, or
+ // c) is preceeded by an unbroken chain of non-empty lines
+ // leading up to a line that starts with ">" and at least one more character
+ // and in addition
+ // d) at least one line fulfills a)
+ //
+ // Since this is essentially a backwards-moving regex, it's susceptible to
+ // catstrophic backtracking and can cause the browser to hang;
+ // see e.g. http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/9807.
+ //
+ // Hence we replaced this by a simple state machine that just goes through the
+ // lines and checks for a), b), and c).
+ var match = "";
+ var leftOver = "";
+ if (chunk.before) {
+ var lines = chunk.before.replace(/\n$/, "").split("\n");
+ var inChain = false;
+ for (var i in lines) {
+ var good = false;
+ line = lines[i];
+ inChain = inChain && line.length > 0; // c) any non-empty line continues the chain
+ if (/^>/.test(line)) { // a)
+ good = true;
+ if (!inChain && line.length > 1) // c) any line that starts with ">" and has at least one more character starts the chain
+ inChain = true;
+ } else if (/^[ \t]*$/.test(line)) { // b)
+ good = true;
+ } else {
+ good = inChain; // c) the line is not empty and does not start with ">", so it matches if and only if we're in the chain
+ }
+ if (good) {
+ match += line + "\n";
+ } else {
+ leftOver += match + line;
+ match = "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!/(^|\n)>/.test(match)) { // d)
+ leftOver += match;
+ match = "";
+ }
+ }
+ chunk.startTag = match;
+ chunk.before = leftOver;
+ // end of change
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/^\n?/,"\n");
- chunk.before = chunk.before.replace(/(((\n|^)(\n[ \t]*)*>(.+\n)*.*)+(\n[ \t]*)*$)/,
- function(totalMatch){
- chunk.startTag = totalMatch;
- return "";
- });
chunk.after = chunk.after.replace(/^(((\n|^)(\n[ \t]*)*>(.+\n)*.*)+(\n[ \t]*)*)/,
chunk.endTag = totalMatch;