- 1. Settings file
- 2. Database
- 3. Running OSQA in the development server
- 4. Installation under Apache/WSGI
- 5. Full text search
- 6. Email subscriptions
- 7. Sitemap
- 8. Miscellaneous
-C. CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS (settings_local.py)
+For installation instruction go to:
-0. We recommend you to use python-setuptools to install pre-requirement libraries.
-If you haven't installed it, please try to install it first.
-e.g, sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
-1. Python2.5/2.6, MySQL, Django v1.0/1.1
-Note: email subscription sender job requires Django 1.1, everything else works with 1.0
-Make sure mysql for python provider has been installed.
-sudo easy_install mysql-python
-2. Python-openid v2.2
-sudo easy_install python-openid
-4. html5lib
-Used for HTML sanitizer
-sudo easy_install html5lib
-5. Markdown2
-sudo easy_install markdown2
-6. Django Debug Toolbar
-7. djangosphinx (optional - for full text questions+answer+tag)
-8. sphinx search engine (optional, works together with djangosphinx)
-9. recaptcha_django
-10. python recaptcha module
-Notice that you will need to register with recaptcha.net and receive
-recaptcha public and private keys that need to be saved in your
-settings_local.py file
-NOTES: django_authopenid is included into OSQA code
-and is significantly modified. http://code.google.com/p/django-authopenid/
-no need to install this library
-0. Make sure you have all above python libraries installed.
- make osqa installation server-readable on Linux command might be:
- chown -R yourlogin:apache /path/to/OSQA
- directories templates/upfiles and log must be server writable
- on Linux type chmod
- chmod -R g+w /path/to/OSQA/upfiles
- chmod -R g+w /path/to/log
- above it is assumed that webserver runs under group named "apache"
-1. Settings file
-Copy settings_local.py.dist to settings_local.py and
-update all your settings. Check settings.py and update
-it as well if necessory.
-Section C explains configuration paramaters.
-2. Database
-Prepare your database by using the same database/account
-configuration from above.
-create database osqa DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
-grant all on osqa.* to 'osqa'@'localhost';
-And then run "python manage.py syncdb" to synchronize your database.
-3. Running OSQA on the development server
-Run "python manage.py runserver" to startup django
-development environment.
-(Under Linux you can use command "python manage.py runserver `hostname -i`:8000",
-where you can use any other available number for the port)
-you might want to have DEBUG=True in the beginning of settings.py
-when using the test server
-4. Installation under Apache/WSGI
-4.1 Prepare wsgi script
-Make a file readable by your webserver with the following content:
-import os
-import sys
-sys.path.insert(0,'/one/level/above') #insert to make sure that forum will be found
-sys.path.append('/one/level/above/OSQA') #maybe this is not necessary
-os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'OSQA.settings'
-import django.core.handlers.wsgi
-application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
-insert method is used for path because if the forum directory name
-is by accident the same as some other python module
-you wull see strange errors - forum won't be found even though
-it's in the python path. for example using name "test" is
-not a good idea - as there is a module with such name
-4.2 Configure webserver
-Settings below are not perfect but may be a good starting point
-WSGISocketPrefix /path/to/socket/sock #must be readable and writable by apache
-WSGIPythonHome /usr/local #must be readable by apache
-WSGIPythonEggs /var/python/eggs #must be readable and writable by apache
-#NOTE: all urs below will need to be adjusted if
-#settings.FORUM_SCRIPT_ALIAS !='' (e.g. = 'forum/')
-#this allows "rooting" forum at http://example.com/forum, if you like
-<VirtualHost ...your ip...:80>
- ServerAdmin forum@example.com
- DocumentRoot /path/to/osqa-site
- ServerName example.com
- #run mod_wsgi process for django in daemon mode
- #this allows avoiding confused timezone settings when
- #another application runs in the same virtual host
- WSGIDaemonProcess OSQA
- WSGIProcessGroup OSQA
- #force all content to be served as static files
- #otherwise django will be crunching images through itself wasting time
- Alias /m/ /path/to/osqa-site/forum/skins/
- Alias /upfiles/ /path/to/osqa-site/forum/upfiles/
- <Directory /path/to/osqa-site/forum/skins>
- Order deny,allow
- Allow from all
- </Directory>
- #this is your wsgi script described in the prev section
- WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/osqa-site/osqa.wsgi
- #this will force admin interface to work only
- #through https (optional)
- #"nimda" is the secret spelling of "admin" ;)
- <Location "/nimda">
- RewriteEngine on
- RewriteRule /nimda(.*)$ https://example.com/nimda$1 [L,R=301]
- </Location>
- CustomLog /var/log/httpd/OSQA/access_log common
- ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/OSQA/error_log
-#(optional) run admin interface under https
-<VirtualHost ..your ip..:443>
- ServerAdmin forum@example.com
- DocumentRoot /path/to/osqa-site
- ServerName example.com
- SSLEngine on
- SSLCertificateFile /path/to/ssl-certificate/server.crt
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/ssl-certificate/server.key
- WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/osqa-site/osqa.wsgi
- CustomLog /var/log/httpd/OSQA/access_log common
- ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/OSQA/error_log
- DirectoryIndex index.html
-5. Full text search (using sphinx search)
- Currently full text search works only with sphinx search engine
- And builtin PostgreSQL (postgres only >= 8.3???)
- 5.1 Instructions for Sphinx search setup
- Sphinx at this time supports only MySQL and PostgreSQL databases
- to enable this, install sphinx search engine and djangosphinx
- configure sphinx, sample configuration can be found in
- sphinx/sphinx.conf file usually goes somewhere in /etc tree
- build osqa index first time manually
- % indexer --config /path/to/sphinx.conf --index osqa
- setup cron job to rebuild index periodically with command
- your crontab entry may be something like
- 0 9,15,21 * * * /usr/local/bin/indexer --config /etc/sphinx/sphinx.conf --all --rotate >/dev/null 2>&1
- adjust it as necessary this one will reindex three times a day at 9am 3pm and 9pm
- if your forum grows very big ( good luck with that :) you'll
- need to two search indices one diff index and one main
- please refer to online sphinx search documentation for the information
- on the subject http://sphinxsearch.com/docs/
- in settings_local.py set
- adjust other settings that have SPHINX_* prefix accordingly
- remember that there must be trailing comma in parentheses for
- SHPINX_SEARCH_INDICES tuple - particlarly with just one item!
- in settings.py look for INSTALLED_APPS
- and uncomment #'djangosphinx',
-6. Email subscriptions
- This function at the moment requires Django 1.1
- edit paths in the file cron/send_email_alerts
- set up a cron job to call cron/send_email_alerts once or twice a day
- subscription sender may be tested manually in shell
- by calling cron/send_email_alerts
-7. Sitemap
-Sitemap will be available at /<settings_local.FORUM_SCRIPT_ALIAS>sitemap.xml
-e.g yoursite.com/forum/sitemap.xml
-google will be pinged each time question, answer or
-comment is saved or a question deleted
-for this to be useful - do register you sitemap with Google at
-8. Miscellaneous
-There are some demo scripts under sql_scripts folder,
-including badges and test accounts for CNProg.com. You
-don't need them to run your sample.
-#the only parameter that needs to be touched in settings.py is
-DEBUG=False #set to True to enable debug mode
-#all forum parameters are set in file settings_local.py
-LOG_FILENAME = 'osqa.log' #where logging messages should go
-DATABASE_NAME = 'osqa' # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
-DATABASE_USER = '' # Not used with sqlite3.
-DATABASE_PASSWORD = '' # Not used with sqlite3.
-DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql' #mysql, etc
-EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '' #not necessary if mailserver is run on local machine
-TIME_ZONE = 'America/Tijuana'
-APP_TITLE = u'OSQA Q&A Forum' #title of your forum
-APP_KEYWORDS = u'OSQA,forum,community' #keywords for search engines
-APP_DESCRIPTION = u'Ask and answer questions.' #site description for searche engines
-APP_INTRO = u'<p>Ask and answer questions, make the world better!</p>' #slogan that goes to front page in logged out mode
-APP_COPYRIGHT = '' #copyright message
-#if you set FORUM_SCRIPT_ALIAS= 'forum/'
-#then OSQA will run at url http://example.com/forum
-#FORUM_SCRIPT_ALIAS cannot have leading slash, otherwise it can be set to anything
-FORUM_SCRIPT_ALIAS = '' #no leading slash, default = '' empty string
-LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en' #forum language (see language instructions on the wiki)
-EMAIL_VALIDATION = 'off' #string - on|off
-EMAIL_UNIQUE = False #if True, email addresses must be unique in all accounts
-APP_URL = 'http://osqa.com' #used by email notif system and RSS
-GOOGLE_SITEMAP_CODE = '' #code for google site crawler (look up google webmaster tools)
-GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_KEY = '' #key to enable google analytics on this site
-BOOKS_ON = False #if True - books tab will be on
-WIKI_ON = True #if False - community wiki feature is disabled
-#experimental - allow password login through external site
-#must implement django_authopenid/external_login.py
-#included prototype external_login works with Mediawiki
-USE_EXTERNAL_LEGACY_LOGIN = True #if false OSQA uses it's own login/password
-EXTERNAL_LEGACY_LOGIN_HOST = 'login.osqa.com'
-EXTERNAL_LEGACY_LOGIN_PROVIDER_NAME = '<span class="orange">OSQA</span>'
-FEEDBACK_SITE_URL = None #None or url
-LOGIN_URL = '/%s%s%s' % (FORUM_SCRIPT_ALIAS,'account/','signin/')
-DJANGO_VERSION = 1.1 #must be either 1.0 or 1.1
-RESOURCE_REVISION=4 #increment when you update media files - clients will be forced to load new version
-D. Customization
-Other than settings_local.py the following will most likely need customization:
-* locale/*/django.po - language files that may also contain your site-specific messages
- if you want to start with english messages file - look for words like "forum" and
- "OSQA" in the msgstr lines
-* templates/header.html and templates/footer.html may contain extra links
-* templates/about.html - a place to explain for is your forum for
-* templates/faq.html - put answers to users frequent questions
-* templates/content/style/style.css - modify style sheet to add disctinctive look to your forum
+ http://wiki.osqa.net/display/docs/OSQA+Installation+and+Upgrade+Guides
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