-import hashlib\r
-from time import time\r
-from datetime import datetime\r
-from urllib import urlopen, urlencode\r
-from forum.authentication.base import AuthenticationConsumer, ConsumerTemplateContext, InvalidAuthentication\r
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _\r
-import settings\r
- from json import load as load_json\r
- from django.utils.simplejson import JSONDecoder\r
- def load_json(json):\r
- decoder = JSONDecoder()\r
- return decoder.decode(json.read())\r
-class FacebookAuthConsumer(AuthenticationConsumer):\r
- \r
- def process_authentication_request(self, request):\r
- API_KEY = settings.FB_API_KEY\r
- if API_KEY in request.COOKIES:\r
- if self.check_cookies_signature(request.COOKIES):\r
- if self.check_session_expiry(request.COOKIES):\r
- return request.COOKIES[API_KEY + '_user']\r
- else:\r
- raise InvalidAuthentication(_('Sorry, your Facebook session has expired, please try again'))\r
- else:\r
- raise InvalidAuthentication(_('The authentication with Facebook connect failed due to an invalid signature'))\r
- else:\r
- raise InvalidAuthentication(_('The authentication with Facebook connect failed, cannot find authentication tokens'))\r
- def generate_signature(self, values):\r
- keys = []\r
- for key in sorted(values.keys()):\r
- keys.append(key)\r
- signature = ''.join(['%s=%s' % (key, values[key]) for key in keys]) + settings.FB_APP_SECRET\r
- return hashlib.md5(signature).hexdigest()\r
- def check_session_expiry(self, cookies):\r
- return datetime.fromtimestamp(float(cookies[settings.FB_API_KEY+'_expires'])) > datetime.now()\r
- def check_cookies_signature(self, cookies):\r
- API_KEY = settings.FB_API_KEY\r
- values = {}\r
- for key in cookies.keys():\r
- if (key.startswith(API_KEY + '_')):\r
- values[key.replace(API_KEY + '_', '')] = cookies[key]\r
- return self.generate_signature(values) == cookies[API_KEY]\r
- def get_user_data(self, key):\r
- request_data = {\r
- 'method': 'Users.getInfo',\r
- 'api_key': settings.FB_API_KEY,\r
- 'call_id': time(),\r
- 'v': '1.0',\r
- 'uids': key,\r
- 'fields': 'name,first_name,last_name,email',\r
- 'format': 'json',\r
- }\r
- request_data['sig'] = self.generate_signature(request_data)\r
- fb_response = load_json(urlopen(settings.REST_SERVER, urlencode(request_data)))[0]\r
- return {\r
- 'username': fb_response['first_name'] + ' ' + fb_response['last_name'],\r
- 'email': fb_response['email']\r
- }\r
-class FacebookAuthContext(ConsumerTemplateContext):\r
- mode = 'BIGICON'\r
- type = 'CUSTOM'\r
- weight = 100\r
- human_name = 'Facebook'\r
- code_template = 'modules/facebookauth/button.html'\r
- extra_css = ["http://www.facebook.com/css/connect/connect_button.css"]\r
+import hashlib
+from time import time
+from datetime import datetime
+from urllib import urlopen, urlencode
+from urlparse import parse_qs
+from forum.authentication.base import AuthenticationConsumer, ConsumerTemplateContext, InvalidAuthentication
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
+from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
+import settings
+ from json import load as load_json
+ from django.utils.simplejson import JSONDecoder
+ def load_json(json):
+ decoder = JSONDecoder()
+ return decoder.decode(json.read())
+class FacebookAuthConsumer(AuthenticationConsumer):
+ def process_authentication_request(self, request):
+ API_KEY = str(settings.FB_API_KEY)
+ # Check if the Facebook cookie has been received.
+ if 'fbs_%s' % API_KEY in request.COOKIES:
+ fbs_cookie = request.COOKIES['fbs_%s' % API_KEY]
+ parsed_fbs = parse_qs(smart_unicode(fbs_cookie))
+ self.parsed_fbs = parsed_fbs
+ # Check if the session hasn't expired.
+ if self.check_session_expiry(request.COOKIES):
+ return parsed_fbs['uid'][0]
+ else:
+ raise InvalidAuthentication(_('Sorry, your Facebook session has expired, please try again'))
+ else:
+ raise InvalidAuthentication(_('The authentication with Facebook connect failed, cannot find authentication tokens'))
+ def check_session_expiry(self, cookies):
+ return datetime.fromtimestamp(float(self.parsed_fbs['expires'][0])) > datetime.now()
+ def get_user_data(self, cookies):
+ API_KEY = str(settings.FB_API_KEY)
+ fbs_cookie = cookies['fbs_%s' % API_KEY]
+ parsed_fbs = parse_qs(smart_unicode(fbs_cookie))
+ # Communicate with the access token to the Facebook oauth interface.
+ json = load_json(urlopen('https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=%s' % parsed_fbs['access_token'][0]))
+ first_name = smart_unicode(json['first_name'])
+ last_name = smart_unicode(json['last_name'])
+ full_name = '%s %s' % (first_name, last_name)
+ # There is a limit in the Django user model for the username length (no more than 30 characaters)
+ if len(full_name) <= 30:
+ username = full_name
+ # If the full name is too long use only the first
+ elif len(first_name) <= 30:
+ username = first_name
+ # If it's also that long -- only the last
+ elif len(last_name) <= 30:
+ username = last_name
+ # If the real name of the user is indeed that weird, let him choose something on his own =)
+ else:
+ username = ''
+ # Check whether the length if the email is greater than 75, if it is -- just replace the email
+ # with a blank string variable, otherwise we're going to have trouble with the Django model.
+ email = smart_unicode(json['email'])
+ if len(email) > 75:
+ email = ''
+ # Return the user data.
+ return {
+ 'username': username,
+ 'email': email,
+ }
+class FacebookAuthContext(ConsumerTemplateContext):
+ mode = 'BIGICON'
+ type = 'CUSTOM'
+ weight = 100
+ human_name = 'Facebook'
+ code_template = 'modules/facebookauth/button.html'
+ extra_css = []
API_KEY = settings.FB_API_KEY
\ No newline at end of file