import datetime
import logging
from urllib import unquote
-from django.conf import settings
+from forum import settings as django_settings
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, get_object_or_404
-from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse, HttpResponseForbidden, Http404
+from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse, Http404, HttpResponsePermanentRedirect
from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, InvalidPage
from django.template import RequestContext
+from django import template
from django.utils.html import *
from django.utils import simplejson
-from django.db.models import Q
+from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
+from django.db.models import Q, Count
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
+from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
+from django.utils.http import urlquote as django_urlquote
+from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
-from forum.utils.html import sanitize_html
-from markdown2 import Markdown
-#from lxml.html.diff import htmldiff
+from forum.utils.html import sanitize_html, hyperlink
from forum.utils.diff import textDiff as htmldiff
+from forum.utils import pagination
from forum.forms import *
from forum.models import *
-from forum.auth import *
-from forum.const import *
-from forum import auth
-from forum.utils.forms import get_next_url
-# used in index page
-#refactor - move these numbers somewhere?
-# used in tags list
-# used in questions
-# used in answers
-markdowner = Markdown(html4tags=True)
-#system to display main content
-def _get_tags_cache_json():#service routine used by views requiring tag list in the javascript space
- """returns list of all tags in json format
- no caching yet, actually
- """
- tags = Tag.objects.filter(deleted=False).all()
- tags_list = []
- for tag in tags:
- dic = {'n':, 'c': tag.used_count}
- tags_list.append(dic)
- tags = simplejson.dumps(tags_list)
- return tags
-def _get_and_remember_questions_sort_method(request, view_dic, default):#service routine used by q listing views and question view
- """manages persistence of post sort order
- it is assumed that when user wants newest question -
- then he/she wants newest answers as well, etc.
- how far should this assumption actually go - may be a good question
- """
- if default not in view_dic:
- raise Exception('default value must be in view_dic')
- q_sort_method = request.REQUEST.get('sort', None)
- if q_sort_method == None:
- q_sort_method = request.session.get('questions_sort_method', default)
- if q_sort_method not in view_dic:
- q_sort_method = default
- request.session['questions_sort_method'] = q_sort_method
- return q_sort_method, view_dic[q_sort_method]
-#refactor? - we have these
-#views that generate a listing of questions in one way or another:
-#index, unanswered, questions, search, tag
-#should we dry them up?
-#related topics - information drill-down, search refinement
-def index(request):#generates front page - shows listing of questions sorted in various ways
- """index view mapped to the root url of the Q&A site
- """
- view_dic = {
- "latest":"-last_activity_at",
- "hottest":"-answer_count",
- "mostvoted":"-score",
- }
- view_id, orderby = _get_and_remember_questions_sort_method(request, view_dic, 'latest')
- pagesize = request.session.get("pagesize",QUESTIONS_PAGE_SIZE)
+from forum.forms import get_next_url
+from forum.actions import QuestionViewAction
+from forum.http_responses import HttpResponseUnauthorized
+from forum.feed import RssQuestionFeed, RssAnswerFeed
+from forum.utils.pagination import generate_uri
+import decorators
+class HottestQuestionsSort(pagination.SortBase):
+ def apply(self, questions):
+ return questions.annotate(new_child_count=Count('all_children')).filter(
+ - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).order_by('-new_child_count')
+class QuestionListPaginatorContext(pagination.PaginatorContext):
+ def __init__(self, id='QUESTIONS_LIST', prefix='', pagesizes=(15, 30, 50), default_pagesize=30):
+ super (QuestionListPaginatorContext, self).__init__(id, sort_methods=(
+ (_('active'), pagination.SimpleSort(_('active'), '-last_activity_at', _("Most <strong>recently updated</strong> questions"))),
+ (_('newest'), pagination.SimpleSort(_('newest'), '-added_at', _("most <strong>recently asked</strong> questions"))),
+ (_('hottest'), HottestQuestionsSort(_('hottest'), _("most <strong>active</strong> questions in the last 24 hours</strong>"))),
+ (_('mostvoted'), pagination.SimpleSort(_('most voted'), '-score', _("most <strong>voted</strong> questions"))),
+ ), pagesizes=pagesizes, default_pagesize=default_pagesize, prefix=prefix)
+class AnswerSort(pagination.SimpleSort):
+ def apply(self, answers):
+ return answers.order_by(*(['-marked'] + list(self._get_order_by())))
+ else:
+ return super(AnswerSort, self).apply(answers)
+class AnswerPaginatorContext(pagination.PaginatorContext):
+ def __init__(self, id='ANSWER_LIST', prefix='', default_pagesize=10):
+ super (AnswerPaginatorContext, self).__init__(id, sort_methods=(
+ (_('oldest'), AnswerSort(_('oldest answers'), 'added_at', _("oldest answers will be shown first"))),
+ (_('newest'), AnswerSort(_('newest answers'), '-added_at', _("newest answers will be shown first"))),
+ (_('votes'), AnswerSort(_('popular answers'), ('-score', 'added_at'), _("most voted answers will be shown first"))),
+ ), default_sort=_('votes'), pagesizes=(5, 10, 20), default_pagesize=default_pagesize, prefix=prefix)
+class TagPaginatorContext(pagination.PaginatorContext):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super (TagPaginatorContext, self).__init__('TAG_LIST', sort_methods=(
+ (_('name'), pagination.SimpleSort(_('by name'), 'name', _("sorted alphabetically"))),
+ (_('used'), pagination.SimpleSort(_('by popularity'), '-used_count', _("sorted by frequency of tag use"))),
+ ), default_sort=_('used'), pagesizes=(30, 60, 120))
+def feed(request):
+ return RssQuestionFeed(
+ request,
+ Question.objects.filter_state(deleted=False).order_by('-last_activity_at'),
+ settings.APP_TITLE + _(' - ')+ _('latest questions'),
+ settings.APP_DESCRIPTION)(request)
+def index(request):
+ paginator_context = QuestionListPaginatorContext()
+ paginator_context.base_path = reverse('questions')
+ return question_list(request,
+ Question.objects.all(),
+ base_path=reverse('questions'),
+ feed_url=reverse('latest_questions_feed'),
+ paginator_context=paginator_context)
+@decorators.render('questions.html', 'unanswered', _('unanswered'), weight=400)
+def unanswered(request):
+ return question_list(request,
+ Question.objects.exclude(id__in=Question.objects.filter(children__marked=True).distinct()).exclude(marked=True),
+ _('open questions without an accepted answer'),
+ None,
+ _("Unanswered Questions"))
+@decorators.render('questions.html', 'questions', _('questions'), weight=0)
+def questions(request):
+ return question_list(request, Question.objects.all(), _('questions'))
+def tag(request, tag):
- page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
- except ValueError:
- page = 1
+ tag =
+ except Tag.DoesNotExist:
+ raise Http404
- qs = Question.objects.exclude(deleted=True).order_by(orderby)
+ # Getting the questions QuerySet
+ questions = Question.objects.filter(
- objects_list = Paginator(qs, pagesize)
- questions =
+ if request.method == "GET":
+ user = request.GET.get('user', None)
- # RISK - inner join queries
- #questions = questions.select_related()
- tags = Tag.objects.get_valid_tags(INDEX_TAGS_SIZE)
+ if user is not None:
+ try:
+ questions = questions.filter(author=User.objects.get(username=user))
+ except User.DoesNotExist:
+ raise Http404
+ return question_list(request,
+ questions,
+ mark_safe(_(u'questions tagged <span class="tag">%(tag)s</span>') % {'tag': tag}),
+ None,
+ mark_safe(_(u'Questions Tagged With %(tag)s') % {'tag': tag}),
+ False)
+@decorators.render('questions.html', 'questions', tabbed=False)
+def user_questions(request, mode, user, slug):
+ user = get_object_or_404(User, id=user)
+ if mode == _('asked-by'):
+ questions = Question.objects.filter(author=user)
+ description = _("Questions asked by %s")
+ elif mode == _('answered-by'):
+ questions = Question.objects.filter(children__author=user, children__node_type='answer').distinct()
+ description = _("Questions answered by %s")
+ elif mode == _('subscribed-by'):
+ if not (request.user.is_superuser or request.user == user):
+ return HttpResponseUnauthorized(request)
+ questions = user.subscriptions
+ if request.user == user:
+ description = _("Questions you subscribed %s")
+ else:
+ description = _("Questions subscribed by %s")
+ else:
+ raise Http404
- awards = Award.objects.get_recent_awards()
- (interesting_tag_names, ignored_tag_names) = (None, None)
- if request.user.is_authenticated():
- pt = MarkedTag.objects.filter(user=request.user)
- interesting_tag_names = pt.filter(reason='good').values_list('tag__name', flat=True)
- ignored_tag_names = pt.filter(reason='bad').values_list('tag__name', flat=True)
- tags_autocomplete = _get_tags_cache_json()
- return render_to_response('index.html', {
- 'interesting_tag_names': interesting_tag_names,
- 'tags_autocomplete': tags_autocomplete,
- 'ignored_tag_names': ignored_tag_names,
- "questions" : questions,
- "tab_id" : view_id,
- "tags" : tags,
- "awards" : awards[:INDEX_AWARD_SIZE],
- "context" : {
- 'is_paginated' : True,
- 'pages': objects_list.num_pages,
- 'page': page,
- 'has_previous': questions.has_previous(),
- 'has_next': questions.has_next(),
- 'previous': questions.previous_page_number(),
- 'next': questions.next_page_number(),
- 'base_url' : request.path + '?sort=%s&' % view_id,
- 'pagesize' : pagesize
- }}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
-def unanswered(request):#generates listing of unanswered questions
- return questions(request, unanswered=True)
-def questions(request, tagname=None, unanswered=False):#a view generating listing of questions, used by 'unanswered' too
- """
- List of Questions, Tagged questions, and Unanswered questions.
- """
- # template file
- # "questions.html" or maybe index.html in the future
- template_file = "questions.html"
- # Set flag to False by default. If it is equal to True, then need to be saved.
- pagesize_changed = False
- # get pagesize from session, if failed then get default value
- pagesize = request.session.get("pagesize",QUESTIONS_PAGE_SIZE)
- try:
- page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
- except ValueError:
- page = 1
+ return question_list(request, questions,
+ mark_safe(description % hyperlink(user.get_profile_url(), user.username)),
+ page_title=description % user.username)
- view_dic = {"latest":"-added_at", "active":"-last_activity_at", "hottest":"-answer_count", "mostvoted":"-score" }
- view_id, orderby = _get_and_remember_questions_sort_method(request,view_dic,'latest')
+def question_list(request, initial,
+ list_description=_('questions'),
+ base_path=None,
+ page_title=_("All Questions"),
+ allowIgnoreTags=True,
+ feed_url=None,
+ paginator_context=None,
+ feed_sort=('-added_at',),
+ feed_req_params_exclude=(_('page'), _('pagesize'), _('sort'))):
- # check if request is from tagged questions
- qs = Question.objects.exclude(deleted=True)
+ questions = initial.filter_state(deleted=False)
- if tagname is not None:
- qs = qs.filter(tags__name = unquote(tagname))
+ if request.user.is_authenticated() and allowIgnoreTags:
+ questions = questions.filter(~Q(tags__id__in = request.user.marked_tags.filter(user_selections__reason = 'bad')))
- if unanswered:
- qs = qs.exclude(answer_accepted=True)
+ if page_title is None:
+ page_title = _("Questions")
- author_name = None
- #user contributed questions & answers
- if 'user' in request.GET:
- try:
- author_name = request.GET['user']
- u = User.objects.get(username=author_name)
- qs = qs.filter(Q(author=u) | Q(answers__author=u))
- except User.DoesNotExist:
- author_name = None
+ if request.GET.get('type', None) == 'rss':
+ if feed_sort:
+ questions = questions.order_by(*feed_sort)
+ return RssQuestionFeed(request, questions, page_title, list_description)(request)
- if request.user.is_authenticated():
- uid_str = str(
- qs = qs.extra(
- select = SortedDict([
- (
- 'interesting_score',
- 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM forum_markedtag, question_tags '
- + 'WHERE forum_markedtag.user_id = %s '
- + 'AND forum_markedtag.tag_id = question_tags.tag_id '
- + 'AND forum_markedtag.reason = \'good\' '
- + 'AND question_tags.question_id ='
- ),
- ]),
- select_params = (uid_str,),
- )
- if request.user.hide_ignored_questions:
- ignored_tags = Tag.objects.filter(user_selections__reason='bad',
- user_selections__user = request.user)
- qs = qs.exclude(tags__in=ignored_tags)
- else:
- qs = qs.extra(
- select = SortedDict([
- (
- 'ignored_score',
- 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM forum_markedtag, question_tags '
- + 'WHERE forum_markedtag.user_id = %s '
- + 'AND forum_markedtag.tag_id = question_tags.tag_id '
- + 'AND forum_markedtag.reason = \'bad\' '
- + 'AND question_tags.question_id ='
- )
- ]),
- select_params = (uid_str, )
- )
- qs = qs.select_related(depth=1).order_by(orderby)
- objects_list = Paginator(qs, pagesize)
- questions =
- # Get related tags from this page objects
- if questions.object_list.count() > 0:
- related_tags = Tag.objects.get_tags_by_questions(questions.object_list)
- else:
- related_tags = None
- tags_autocomplete = _get_tags_cache_json()
+ keywords = ""
+ if request.GET.get("q"):
+ keywords = request.GET.get("q").strip()
- # get the list of interesting and ignored tags
- (interesting_tag_names, ignored_tag_names) = (None, None)
- if request.user.is_authenticated():
- pt = MarkedTag.objects.filter(user=request.user)
- interesting_tag_names = pt.filter(reason='good').values_list('tag__name', flat=True)
- ignored_tag_names = pt.filter(reason='bad').values_list('tag__name', flat=True)
- return render_to_response(template_file, {
- "questions" : questions,
- "author_name" : author_name,
- "tab_id" : view_id,
- "questions_count" : objects_list.count,
- "tags" : related_tags,
- "tags_autocomplete" : tags_autocomplete,
- "searchtag" : tagname,
- "is_unanswered" : unanswered,
- "interesting_tag_names": interesting_tag_names,
- 'ignored_tag_names': ignored_tag_names,
- "context" : {
- 'is_paginated' : True,
- 'pages': objects_list.num_pages,
- 'page': page,
- 'has_previous': questions.has_previous(),
- 'has_next': questions.has_next(),
- 'previous': questions.previous_page_number(),
- 'next': questions.next_page_number(),
- 'base_url' : request.path + '?sort=%s&' % view_id,
- 'pagesize' : pagesize
- }}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
-def search(request): #generates listing of questions matching a search query - including tags and just words
- """generates listing of questions matching a search query
- supports full text search in mysql db using sphinx and internally in postgresql
- falls back on simple partial string matching approach if
- full text search function is not available
- """
- if request.method == "GET":
+ #answer_count = Answer.objects.filter_state(deleted=False).filter(parent__in=questions).count()
+ #answer_description = _("answers")
+ if not feed_url:
+ req_params = generate_uri(request.GET, feed_req_params_exclude)
+ if req_params:
+ req_params = '&' + req_params
+ feed_url = request.path + "?type=rss" + req_params
+ return pagination.paginated(request, ('questions', paginator_context or QuestionListPaginatorContext()), {
+ "questions" : questions.distinct(),
+ "questions_count" : questions.count(),
+ "keywords" : keywords,
+ "list_description": list_description,
+ "base_path" : base_path,
+ "page_title" : page_title,
+ "tab" : "questions",
+ 'feed_url': feed_url,
+ })
+def search(request):
+ if request.method == "GET" and "q" in request.GET:
keywords = request.GET.get("q")
search_type = request.GET.get("t")
- try:
- page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
- except ValueError:
- page = 1
- if keywords is None:
+ if not keywords:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(index))
if search_type == 'tag':
- return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('tags') + '?q=%s&page=%s' % (keywords.strip(), page))
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('tags') + '?q=%s' % urlquote(keywords.strip()))
elif search_type == "user":
- return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users') + '?q=%s&page=%s' % (keywords.strip(), page))
- elif search_type == "question":
- template_file = "questions.html"
- # Set flag to False by default. If it is equal to True, then need to be saved.
- pagesize_changed = False
- # get pagesize from session, if failed then get default value
- user_page_size = request.session.get("pagesize", QUESTIONS_PAGE_SIZE)
- # set pagesize equal to logon user specified value in database
- if request.user.is_authenticated() and request.user.questions_per_page > 0:
- user_page_size = request.user.questions_per_page
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('users') + '?q=%s' % urlquote(keywords.strip()))
+ else:
+ return question_search(request, keywords)
+ else:
+ return render_to_response("search.html", context_instance=RequestContext(request))
- try:
- page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
- # get new pagesize from UI selection
- pagesize = int(request.GET.get('pagesize', user_page_size))
- if pagesize <> user_page_size:
- pagesize_changed = True
- except ValueError:
- page = 1
- pagesize = user_page_size
- # save this pagesize to user database
- if pagesize_changed:
- request.session["pagesize"] = pagesize
- if request.user.is_authenticated():
- user = request.user
- user.questions_per_page = pagesize
- view_id = request.GET.get('sort', None)
- view_dic = {"latest":"-added_at", "active":"-last_activity_at", "hottest":"-answer_count", "mostvoted":"-score" }
- try:
- orderby = view_dic[view_id]
- except KeyError:
- view_id = "latest"
- orderby = "-added_at"
- def question_search(keywords, orderby):
- objects = Question.objects.filter(deleted=False).extra(where=['title like %s'], params=['%' + keywords + '%']).order_by(orderby)
- # RISK - inner join queries
- return objects.select_related();
- from forum.modules import get_handler
- question_search = get_handler('question_search', question_search)
- objects = question_search(keywords, orderby)
- objects_list = Paginator(objects, pagesize)
- questions =
- # Get related tags from this page objects
- related_tags = []
- for question in questions.object_list:
- tags = list(question.tags.all())
- for tag in tags:
- if tag not in related_tags:
- related_tags.append(tag)
- #if is_search is true in the context, prepend this string to soting tabs urls
- search_uri = "?q=%s&page=%d&t=question" % ("+".join(keywords.split()), page)
- return render_to_response(template_file, {
- "questions" : questions,
- "tab_id" : view_id,
- "questions_count" : objects_list.count,
- "tags" : related_tags,
- "searchtag" : None,
- "searchtitle" : keywords,
- "keywords" : keywords,
- "is_unanswered" : False,
- "is_search": True,
- "search_uri": search_uri,
- "context" : {
- 'is_paginated' : True,
- 'pages': objects_list.num_pages,
- 'page': page,
- 'has_previous': questions.has_previous(),
- 'has_next': questions.has_next(),
- 'previous': questions.previous_page_number(),
- 'next': questions.next_page_number(),
- 'base_url' : request.path + '?t=question&q=%s&sort=%s&' % (keywords, view_id),
- 'pagesize' : pagesize
- }}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+def question_search(request, keywords):
+ rank_feed = False
+ can_rank, initial =
+ if can_rank:
+ sort_order = None
+ if isinstance(can_rank, basestring):
+ sort_order = can_rank
+ rank_feed = True
+ paginator_context = QuestionListPaginatorContext()
+ paginator_context.sort_methods[_('ranking')] = pagination.SimpleSort(_('relevance'), sort_order, _("most relevant questions"))
+ paginator_context.force_sort = _('ranking')
- raise Http404
+ paginator_context = None
+ feed_url = mark_safe(escape(request.path + "?type=rss&q=" + keywords))
-def tag(request, tag):#stub generates listing of questions tagged with a single tag
- return questions(request, tagname=tag)
+ return question_list(request, initial,
+ _("questions matching '%(keywords)s'") % {'keywords': keywords},
+ None,
+ _("questions matching '%(keywords)s'") % {'keywords': keywords},
+ paginator_context=paginator_context,
+ feed_url=feed_url, feed_sort=rank_feed and (can_rank,) or '-added_at')
-def tags(request):#view showing a listing of available tags - plain list
+@decorators.render('tags.html', 'tags', _('tags'), weight=100)
+def tags(request):
stag = ""
- is_paginated = True
- sortby = request.GET.get('sort', 'used')
- try:
- page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
- except ValueError:
- page = 1
+ tags =
if request.method == "GET":
stag = request.GET.get("q", "").strip()
- if stag != '':
- objects_list = Paginator(Tag.objects.filter(deleted=False).exclude(used_count=0).extra(where=['name like %s'], params=['%' + stag + '%']), DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)
- else:
- if sortby == "name":
- objects_list = Paginator(Tag.objects.all().filter(deleted=False).exclude(used_count=0).order_by("name"), DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)
- else:
- objects_list = Paginator(Tag.objects.all().filter(deleted=False).exclude(used_count=0).order_by("-used_count"), DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)
+ if stag:
+ tags = tags.filter(name__icontains=stag)
- try:
- tags =
- except (EmptyPage, InvalidPage):
- tags =
- return render_to_response('tags.html', {
- "tags" : tags,
- "stag" : stag,
- "tab_id" : sortby,
- "keywords" : stag,
- "context" : {
- 'is_paginated' : is_paginated,
- 'pages': objects_list.num_pages,
- 'page': page,
- 'has_previous': tags.has_previous(),
- 'has_next': tags.has_next(),
- 'previous': tags.previous_page_number(),
- 'next': tags.next_page_number(),
- 'base_url' : reverse('tags') + '?sort=%s&' % sortby
- }
- }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
-def question(request, id):#refactor - long subroutine. display question body, answers and comments
- """view that displays body of the question and
- all answers to it
- """
- try:
- page = int(request.GET.get('page', '1'))
- except ValueError:
- page = 1
+ return pagination.paginated(request, ('tags', TagPaginatorContext()), {
+ "tags" : tags,
+ "stag" : stag,
+ "keywords" : stag
+ })
- view_id = request.GET.get('sort', None)
- view_dic = {"latest":"-added_at", "oldest":"added_at", "votes":"-score" }
- try:
- orderby = view_dic[view_id]
- except KeyError:
- qsm = request.session.get('questions_sort_method',None)
- if qsm in ('mostvoted','latest'):
- logging.debug('loaded from session ' + qsm)
- if qsm == 'mostvoted':
- view_id = 'votes'
- orderby = '-score'
- else:
- view_id = 'latest'
- orderby = '-added_at'
- else:
- view_id = "votes"
- orderby = "-score"
+def update_question_view_times(request, question):
+ last_seen_in_question = request.session.get('last_seen_in_question', {})
+ last_seen = last_seen_in_question.get(, None)
+ if (not last_seen) or (last_seen < question.last_activity_at):
+ QuestionViewAction(question, request.user, ip=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']).save()
+ last_seen_in_question[] =
+ request.session['last_seen_in_question'] = last_seen_in_question
+def match_question_slug(id, slug):
+ slug_words = slug.split('-')
+ qs = Question.objects.filter(title__istartswith=slug_words[0])
+ for q in qs:
+ if slug == urlquote(slugify(q.title)):
+ return q
+ return None
- logging.debug('view_id=' + str(view_id))
+def answer_redirect(request, answer):
+ pc = AnswerPaginatorContext()
- question = get_object_or_404(Question, id=id)
+ sort = pc.sort(request)
+ if sort == _('oldest'):
+ filter = Q(added_at__lt=answer.added_at)
+ elif sort == _('newest'):
+ filter = Q(added_at__gt=answer.added_at)
+ elif sort == _('votes'):
+ filter = Q(score__gt=answer.score) | Q(score=answer.score, added_at__lt=answer.added_at)
+ else:
+ raise Http404()
+ count = answer.question.answers.filter(Q(marked=True) | filter).exclude(state_string="(deleted)").count()
+ pagesize = pc.pagesize(request)
+ page = count / pagesize
+ if count % pagesize:
+ page += 1
+ if page == 0:
+ page = 1
+ return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect("%s?%s=%s#%s" % (
+ answer.question.get_absolute_url(), _('page'), page,
+@decorators.render("question.html", 'questions')
+def question(request, id, slug='', answer=None):
- pattern = r'/%s%s%d/([\w-]+)' % (settings.FORUM_SCRIPT_ALIAS,_('question/'),
- path_re = re.compile(pattern)
- logging.debug(pattern)
- logging.debug(request.path)
- m = path_re.match(request.path)
- if m:
- slug =
- logging.debug('have slug %s' % slug)
- assert(slug == slugify(question.title))
- else:
- logging.debug('no match!')
+ question = Question.objects.get(id=id)
- return HttpResponseRedirect(question.get_absolute_url())
+ if slug:
+ question = match_question_slug(id, slug)
+ if question is not None:
+ return HttpResponseRedirect(question.get_absolute_url())
- if question.deleted and not auth.can_view_deleted_post(request.user, question):
+ raise Http404()
+ if question.nis.deleted and not request.user.can_view_deleted_post(question):
raise Http404
- answer_form = AnswerForm(question,request.user)
- answers = Answer.objects.get_answers_from_question(question, request.user)
- answers = answers.select_related(depth=1)
- favorited = question.has_favorite_by_user(request.user)
- if request.user.is_authenticated():
- question_vote = question.votes.select_related().filter(user=request.user)
- else:
- question_vote = None #is this correct?
- if question_vote is not None and question_vote.count() > 0:
- question_vote = question_vote[0]
- user_answer_votes = {}
- for answer in answers:
- vote = answer.get_user_vote(request.user)
- if vote is not None and not user_answer_votes.has_key(
- vote_value = -1
- if vote.is_upvote():
- vote_value = 1
- user_answer_votes[] = vote_value
- if answers is not None:
- answers = answers.order_by("-accepted", orderby)
- filtered_answers = []
- for answer in answers:
- if answer.deleted == True:
- if answer.author_id ==
- filtered_answers.append(answer)
- else:
- filtered_answers.append(answer)
+ if request.GET.get('type', None) == 'rss':
+ return RssAnswerFeed(request, question, include_comments=request.GET.get('comments', None) == 'yes')(request)
- objects_list = Paginator(filtered_answers, ANSWERS_PAGE_SIZE)
- page_objects =
+ if answer:
+ answer = get_object_or_404(Answer, id=answer)
- #todo: merge view counts per user and per session
- #1) view count per session
- update_view_count = False
- if 'question_view_times' not in request.session:
- request.session['question_view_times'] = {}
+ if (question.nis.deleted and not request.user.can_view_deleted_post(question)) or answer.question != question:
+ raise Http404
- last_seen = request.session['question_view_times'].get(,None)
- updated_when, updated_who = question.get_last_update_info()
+ if answer.marked:
+ return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(question.get_absolute_url())
- if updated_who != request.user:
- if last_seen:
- if last_seen < updated_when:
- update_view_count = True
- else:
- update_view_count = True
+ return answer_redirect(request, answer)
+ if settings.FORCE_SINGLE_URL and (slug != slugify(question.title)):
+ return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect(question.get_absolute_url())
+ if request.POST:
+ answer_form = AnswerForm(request.POST, user=request.user)
+ else:
+ answer_form = AnswerForm(user=request.user)
- request.session['question_view_times'][] =
+ answers = request.user.get_visible_answers(question)
- if update_view_count:
- question.view_count += 1
+ update_question_view_times(request, question)
- #2) question view count per user
if request.user.is_authenticated():
- question_view = QuestionView.objects.get(who=request.user, question=question)
- except QuestionView.DoesNotExist:
- question_view = QuestionView(who=request.user, question=question)
- question_view.when =
- return render_to_response('question.html', {
- "question" : question,
- "question_vote" : question_vote,
- "question_comment_count":question.comments.count(),
- "answer" : answer_form,
- "answers" : page_objects.object_list,
- "user_answer_votes": user_answer_votes,
- "tags" : question.tags.all(),
- "tab_id" : view_id,
- "favorited" : favorited,
- "similar_questions" : Question.objects.get_similar_questions(question),
- "context" : {
- 'is_paginated' : True,
- 'pages': objects_list.num_pages,
- 'page': page,
- 'has_previous': page_objects.has_previous(),
- 'has_next': page_objects.has_next(),
- 'previous': page_objects.previous_page_number(),
- 'next': page_objects.next_page_number(),
- 'base_url' : request.path + '?sort=%s&' % view_id,
- 'extend_url' : "#sort-top"
- }
- }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
-QUESTION_REVISION_TEMPLATE = ('<h1>%(title)s</h1>\n'
- '<div class="text">%(html)s</div>\n'
- '<div class="tags">%(tags)s</div>')
-def question_revisions(request, id):
- post = get_object_or_404(Question, id=id)
- revisions = list(post.revisions.all())
- revisions.reverse()
+ subscription = QuestionSubscription.objects.get(question=question, user=request.user)
+ except:
+ subscription = False
+ else:
+ subscription = False
+ return pagination.paginated(request, ('answers', AnswerPaginatorContext()), {
+ "question" : question,
+ "answer" : answer_form,
+ "answers" : answers,
+ "similar_questions" : question.get_related_questions(),
+ "subscription": subscription,
+ "embed_youtube_videos" : settings.EMBED_YOUTUBE_VIDEOS,
+ })
+REVISION_TEMPLATE = template.loader.get_template('node/revision.html')
+def revisions(request, id):
+ post = get_object_or_404(Node, id=id).leaf
+ revisions = list(post.revisions.order_by('revised_at'))
+ rev_ctx = []
for i, revision in enumerate(revisions):
- revision.html = QUESTION_REVISION_TEMPLATE % {
- 'title': revision.title,
- 'html': sanitize_html(markdowner.convert(revision.text)),
- 'tags': ' '.join(['<a class="post-tag">%s</a>' % tag
- for tag in revision.tagnames.split(' ')]),
- }
+ rev_ctx.append(dict(inst=revision, html=template.loader.get_template('node/revision.html').render(template.Context({
+ 'title': revision.title,
+ 'html': revision.html,
+ 'tags': revision.tagname_list(),
+ }))))
if i > 0:
- revisions[i].diff = htmldiff(revisions[i-1].html, revision.html)
+ rev_ctx[i]['diff'] = mark_safe(htmldiff(rev_ctx[i-1]['html'], rev_ctx[i]['html']))
- revisions[i].diff = QUESTION_REVISION_TEMPLATE % {
- 'title': revisions[0].title,
- 'html': sanitize_html(markdowner.convert(revisions[0].text)),
- 'tags': ' '.join(['<a class="post-tag">%s</a>' % tag
- for tag in revisions[0].tagnames.split(' ')]),
- }
- revisions[i].summary = _('initial version')
- return render_to_response('revisions_question.html', {
- 'post': post,
- 'revisions': revisions,
- }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
-ANSWER_REVISION_TEMPLATE = ('<div class="text">%(html)s</div>')
-def answer_revisions(request, id):
- post = get_object_or_404(Answer, id=id)
- revisions = list(post.revisions.all())
- revisions.reverse()
- for i, revision in enumerate(revisions):
- revision.html = ANSWER_REVISION_TEMPLATE % {
- 'html': sanitize_html(markdowner.convert(revision.text))
- }
- if i > 0:
- revisions[i].diff = htmldiff(revisions[i-1].html, revision.html)
+ rev_ctx[i]['diff'] = mark_safe(rev_ctx[i]['html'])
+ if not (revision.summary):
+ rev_ctx[i]['summary'] = _('Revision n. %(rev_number)d') % {'rev_number': revision.revision}
- revisions[i].diff = revisions[i].text
- revisions[i].summary = _('initial version')
- return render_to_response('revisions_answer.html', {
- 'post': post,
- 'revisions': revisions,
- }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
+ rev_ctx[i]['summary'] = revision.summary
+ rev_ctx.reverse()
+ return render_to_response('revisions.html', {
+ 'post': post,
+ 'revisions': rev_ctx,
+ }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))