-import time, base64, md5\r
-from openid.store import nonce as oid_nonce\r
-from openid.store.interface import OpenIDStore\r
-from openid.association import Association as OIDAssociation\r
-from django.conf import settings\r
-from models import OpenIdNonce as Nonce, OpenIdAssociation as Association\r
-class OsqaOpenIDStore(OpenIDStore):\r
- def __init__(self):\r
- self.max_nonce_age = 6 * 60 * 60 # Six hours\r
- def storeAssociation(self, server_url, association):\r
- assoc = Association(\r
- server_url = server_url,\r
- handle = association.handle,\r
- secret = base64.encodestring(association.secret),\r
- issued = association.issued,\r
- lifetime = association.issued,\r
- assoc_type = association.assoc_type\r
- )\r
- assoc.save()\r
- def getAssociation(self, server_url, handle=None):\r
- assocs = []\r
- if handle is not None:\r
- assocs = Association.objects.filter(\r
- server_url = server_url, handle = handle\r
- )\r
- else:\r
- assocs = Association.objects.filter(\r
- server_url = server_url\r
- )\r
- if not assocs:\r
- return None\r
- associations = []\r
- for assoc in assocs:\r
- association = OIDAssociation(\r
- assoc.handle, base64.decodestring(assoc.secret), assoc.issued,\r
- assoc.lifetime, assoc.assoc_type\r
- )\r
- if association.getExpiresIn() == 0:\r
- self.removeAssociation(server_url, assoc.handle)\r
- else:\r
- associations.append((association.issued, association))\r
- if not associations:\r
- return None\r
- return associations[-1][1]\r
- def removeAssociation(self, server_url, handle):\r
- assocs = list(Association.objects.filter(\r
- server_url = server_url, handle = handle\r
- ))\r
- assocs_exist = len(assocs) > 0\r
- for assoc in assocs:\r
- assoc.delete()\r
- return assocs_exist\r
- def storeNonce(self, nonce):\r
- nonce, created = Nonce.objects.get_or_create(\r
- nonce = nonce, defaults={'expires': int(time.time())}\r
- )\r
- def useNonce(self, server_url, timestamp, salt):\r
- if abs(timestamp - time.time()) > oid_nonce.SKEW:\r
- return False\r
- try:\r
- nonce = Nonce( server_url=server_url, timestamp=timestamp, salt=salt)\r
- nonce.save()\r
- except:\r
- raise\r
- else:\r
- return 1\r
- def getAuthKey(self):\r
- # Use first AUTH_KEY_LEN characters of md5 hash of SECRET_KEY\r
- return md5.new(settings.SECRET_KEY).hexdigest()[:self.AUTH_KEY_LEN]\r
+import time, base64
+#thanks to alexlavr
+#see: http://meta.osqa.net/question/25/installation-issue-importerror-cannot-import-name-auth_providers#43
+ from hashlib import md5 as md
+except ImportError:
+ from md5 import new as md
+from openid.store import nonce as oid_nonce
+from openid.store.interface import OpenIDStore
+from openid.association import Association as OIDAssociation
+from django.conf import settings
+from models import OpenIdNonce as Nonce, OpenIdAssociation as Association
+class OsqaOpenIDStore(OpenIDStore):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.max_nonce_age = 6 * 60 * 60 # Six hours
+ def storeAssociation(self, server_url, association):
+ assoc = Association(
+ server_url = server_url,
+ handle = association.handle,
+ secret = base64.encodestring(association.secret),
+ issued = association.issued,
+ lifetime = association.lifetime,
+ assoc_type = association.assoc_type
+ )
+ assoc.save()
+ def getAssociation(self, server_url, handle=None):
+ assocs = []
+ if handle is not None:
+ assocs = Association.objects.filter(
+ server_url = server_url, handle = handle
+ )
+ else:
+ assocs = Association.objects.filter(
+ server_url = server_url
+ )
+ if not assocs:
+ return None
+ associations = []
+ for assoc in assocs:
+ association = OIDAssociation(
+ assoc.handle, base64.decodestring(assoc.secret), assoc.issued,
+ assoc.lifetime, assoc.assoc_type
+ )
+ if association.getExpiresIn() == 0:
+ self.removeAssociation(server_url, assoc.handle)
+ else:
+ associations.append((association.issued, association))
+ if not associations:
+ return None
+ return associations[-1][1]
+ def removeAssociation(self, server_url, handle):
+ assocs = list(Association.objects.filter(
+ server_url = server_url, handle = handle
+ ))
+ assocs_exist = len(assocs) > 0
+ for assoc in assocs:
+ assoc.delete()
+ return assocs_exist
+ def storeNonce(self, nonce):
+ nonce, created = Nonce.objects.get_or_create(
+ nonce = nonce, defaults={'expires': int(time.time())}
+ )
+ def useNonce(self, server_url, timestamp, salt):
+ if abs(timestamp - time.time()) > oid_nonce.SKEW:
+ return False
+ try:
+ nonce = Nonce( server_url=server_url, timestamp=timestamp, salt=salt)
+ nonce.save()
+ except:
+ raise
+ else:
+ return 1
+ def getAuthKey(self):
+ # Use first AUTH_KEY_LEN characters of md5 hash of SECRET_KEY
+ return md(settings.SECRET_KEY).hexdigest()[:self.AUTH_KEY_LEN]