-{% extends "base.html" %}\r
-<!-- question.html -->\r
-{% load extra_tags %}\r
-{% load extra_filters %}\r
-{% load smart_if %}\r
-{% load humanize %}\r
-{% load i18n %}\r
-{% block title %}{% spaceless %}{{ question.get_question_title }}{% endspaceless %}{% endblock %}\r
-{% block forejs %}\r
- <meta name="description" content="{{question.summary}}" />\r
- <meta name="keywords" content="{{question.tagname_meta_generator}}" />\r
- <link rel="canonical" href="{{settings.APP_URL}}{{question.get_absolute_url}}" />\r
- {% if not question.closed %}\r
- <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/com.cnprog.editor.js" %}'></script>\r
- <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/wmd/showdown.js" %}'></script>\r
- <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/wmd/wmd.js" %}'></script>\r
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% media "/media/js/wmd/wmd.css" %}" />\r
- {% endif %}\r
- <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/com.cnprog.post.js" %}'></script>\r
- <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/jquery.validate.pack.js" %}'></script>\r
- <script type="text/javascript">\r
- // define reputation needs for comments\r
- var repNeededForComments = 50;\r
- $().ready(function(){\r
- $("#nav_questions").attr('className',"on");\r
- var answer_sort_tab = "{{ tab_id }}";\r
- $("#" + answer_sort_tab).attr('className',"on");\r
- \r
- Vote.init({{ question.id }}, '{{ question.title|slugify }}', '{{ question.author.id }}','{{ request.user.id }}');\r
- \r
- {% if not question.closed and request.user.is_authenticated %}initEditor();{% endif %}\r
- \r
- lanai.highlightSyntax();\r
- $('#btLogin').bind('click', function(){window.location.href='{% url auth_signin %}'; } )\r
- });\r
- \r
- function initEditor(){\r
- $('#editor').TextAreaResizer();\r
- //highlight code synctax when editor has new text\r
- $("#editor").typeWatch({highlight: false, wait: 3000,\r
- captureLength: 5, callback: lanai.highlightSyntax});\r
- \r
- var display = true;\r
- var txt = "[{% trans "hide preview" %}]";\r
- $('#pre-collapse').text(txt);\r
- $('#pre-collapse').bind('click', function(){\r
- txt = display ? "[{% trans "show preview" %}]" : "[{% trans "hide preview" %}]";\r
- display = !display;\r
- $('#previewer').toggle();\r
- $('#pre-collapse').text(txt);\r
- });\r
- \r
- setupFormValidation("#fmanswer", CPValidator.getQuestionFormRules(), CPValidator.getQuestionFormMessages());\r
- }\r
- \r
- </script>\r
-{% endblock %}\r
- \r
-{% block content %}\r
-<div class="headNormal">\r
- <a href="{{ question.get_absolute_url }}">{{ question.get_question_title }}</a>\r
-<div id="main-body" class="">\r
- <div id="askform">\r
- <table style="width:100%;" id="question-table" {% if question.deleted %}class="deleted"{%endif%}>\r
- <tr>\r
- <td style="width:30px;vertical-align:top">\r
- <div class="vote-buttons">\r
- {% if question_vote %}\r
- <img id="question-img-upvote-{{ question.id }}" class="question-img-upvote" \r
- {% if question_vote.is_upvote %}\r
- src="{% media "/media/images/vote-arrow-up-on.png" %}" \r
- {% else %}\r
- src="{% media "/media/images/vote-arrow-up.png" %}" \r
- {% endif %}\r
- alt="{% trans "i like this post (click again to cancel)" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "i like this post (click again to cancel)" %}" />\r
- <div id="question-vote-number-{{ question.id }}" class="vote-number" \r
- title="{% trans "current number of votes" %}">\r
- {{ question.score }}\r
- </div>\r
- <img id="question-img-downvote-{{ question.id }}" class="question-img-downvote" \r
- {% if question_vote.is_downvote %}\r
- src="{% media "/media/images/vote-arrow-down-on.png" %}" \r
- {% else %}\r
- src="{% media "/media/images/vote-arrow-down.png" %}" \r
- {% endif %}\r
- alt="{% trans "i dont like this post (click again to cancel)" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "i dont like this post (click again to cancel)" %}" />\r
- \r
- {% else %}\r
- <img id="question-img-upvote-{{ question.id }}" class="question-img-upvote" \r
- alt="{% trans "i like this post (click again to cancel)" %}"\r
- src="{% media "/media/images/vote-arrow-up.png" %}" \r
- title="{% trans "i like this post (click again to cancel)" %}" />\r
- <div id="question-vote-number-{{ question.id }}" class="vote-number" \r
- title="{% trans "current number of votes" %}">\r
- {{ question.score }}\r
- </div>\r
- <img id="question-img-downvote-{{ question.id }}" class="question-img-downvote" \r
- src="{% media "/media/images/vote-arrow-down.png" %}"\r
- alt="{% trans "i dont like this post (click again to cancel)" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "i dont like this post (click again to cancel)" %}" />\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% if favorited %}\r
- <img class="question-img-favorite" src="{% media "/media/images/vote-favorite-on.png" %}"\r
- alt="{% trans "mark this question as favorite (click again to cancel)" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "mark this question as favorite (click again to cancel)" %}" />\r
- <div id="favorite-number" class="favorite-number my-favorite-number">\r
- {{ question.favourite_count }}\r
- </div>\r
- {% else %}\r
- <img class="question-img-favorite" src="{% media "/media/images/vote-favorite-off.png" %}"\r
- alt="{% trans "remove favorite mark from this question (click again to restore mark)" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "remove favorite mark from this question (click again to restore mark)" %}" />\r
- <div id="favorite-number" class="favorite-number">\r
- {% ifnotequal question.favourite_count 0 %}{{ question.favourite_count }}{% endifnotequal %}\r
- </div>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- \r
- </div>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>\r
- <div id="item-right">\r
- <div class="question-body">\r
- {{ question.html|safe }}\r
- </div>\r
- <div id="question-controls" class="post-controls">\r
- <div id="question-tags" class="tags">\r
- {% for tag in question.tagname_list %}\r
- <a href="{% url tag_questions tag|urlencode %}" class="post-tag"\r
- title="{% blocktrans with tag as tagname %}see questions tagged '{{ tagname }}'{% endblocktrans %}" rel="tag">{{ tag }}</a>\r
- {% endfor %}\r
- </div>\r
- {% joinitems using '<span class="action-link-separator">|</span>' %} \r
- {% if request.user|can_edit_post:question %}\r
- <span class="action-link"><a href="{% url edit_question question.id %}">{% trans 'edit' %}</a></span>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% separator %}\r
- {% if question.closed %}\r
- {% if request.user|can_reopen_question:question %}\r
- <span class="action-link"><a href="{% url reopen question.id %}">{% trans "reopen" %}</a></span>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% else %}\r
- {% if request.user|can_close_question:question %}\r
- <span class="action-link"><a href="{% url close question.id %}">{% trans "close" %}</a></span>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% separator %}\r
- {% if request.user|can_flag_offensive %}\r
- <span id="question-offensive-flag-{{ question.id }}" class="offensive-flag" \r
- title="{% trans "report as offensive (i.e containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)" %}">\r
- <a>{% trans "flag offensive" %}</a>\r
- {% if request.user|can_view_offensive_flags and question.offensive_flag_count %}\r
- <span class="darkred">({{ question.offensive_flag_count }})</span>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- </span>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% separator %}\r
- {% if request.user|can_delete_post:question %}\r
- <span class="action-link"><a id="question-delete-link-{{question.id}}">{% trans "delete" %}</a></span>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% endjoinitems %}\r
- </div>\r
- <div class="post-update-info-container">\r
- {% post_contributor_info question "original_author" %}\r
- {% post_contributor_info question "last_updater" %}\r
- </div>\r
- <div class="comments-container" id="comments-container-question-{{question.id}}">\r
- {% for comment in question.get_comments|slice:":5" %}\r
- <p class="comment" id="comment-{{comment.id}}">\r
- {{comment.comment}} \r
- - <a class="comment-user" href="{{comment.user.get_profile_url}}">{{comment.user}}</a>\r
- {% spaceless %}\r
- <span class="comment-age">({% diff_date comment.added_at %})</span>\r
- {% if request.user|can_delete_comment:comment %}\r
- <img class="delete-icon" \r
- src="{% media "/media/images/close-small.png" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "delete this comment" %}"/>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% endspaceless %}\r
- </p>\r
- {% endfor %}\r
- </div>\r
- <div class="post-comments" style="margin-bottom:20px">\r
- <input id="can-post-comments-question-{{question.id}}" type="hidden" value="{{ request.user|can_add_comments:question }}"/>\r
- {% if request.user|can_add_comments:question or question.comment_count > 5 %}\r
- <a id="comments-link-question-{{question.id}}" class="comments-link">\r
- {% if request.user|can_add_comments:question %}\r
- {% trans "add comment" %}\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% if question.comment_count > 5 %}\r
- {% if request.user|can_add_comments:question %}/\r
- {% blocktrans count question.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}\r
- see <strong>one</strong> more \r
- {% plural %}\r
- see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more\r
- {% endblocktrans %}\r
- {% else %}\r
- {% blocktrans count question.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}\r
- see <strong>one</strong> more comment\r
- {% plural %}\r
- see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more comments\r
- {% endblocktrans %}\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% endif %}</a>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- </div>\r
- </div>\r
- \r
- </td>\r
- </tr>\r
- </table>\r
- {% if question.closed %}\r
- <div class="question-status" style="margin-bottom:15px">\r
- <h3>{% blocktrans with question.get_close_reason_display as close_reason %}The question has been closed for the following reason "{{ close_reason }}" by{% endblocktrans %} \r
- <a href="{{ question.closed_by.get_profile_url }}">{{ question.closed_by.username }}</a> \r
- {% blocktrans with question.closed_at as closed_at %}close date {{closed_at}}{% endblocktrans %}</h3>\r
- </div>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% if answers %}\r
- <hr/>\r
- <div class="tabBar">\r
- <a name="sort-top"></a>\r
- <div class="headQuestions">\r
- {% blocktrans count answers|length as counter %}\r
- One Answer:\r
- {% plural %}\r
- {{counter}} Answers:\r
- {% endblocktrans %}\r
- </div>\r
- <div class="tabsA">\r
- <a id="oldest" href="{% url question question.id %}?sort=oldest#sort-top" \r
- title="{% trans "oldest answers will be shown first" %}">{% trans "oldest answers" %}</a>\r
- <a id="latest" href="{% url question question.id %}?sort=latest#sort-top" \r
- title="{% trans "newest answers will be shown first" %}">{% trans "newest answers" %}</a>\r
- <a id="votes" href="{% url question question.id %}?sort=votes#sort-top" \r
- title="{% trans "most voted answers will be shown first" %}">{% trans "popular answers" %}</a> \r
- </div>\r
- </div>\r
- {% cnprog_paginator context %}\r
- \r
- {% for answer in answers %}\r
- <a name="{{ answer.id }}"></a>\r
- <div id="answer-container-{{ answer.id }}" class="answer {% if answer.accepted %}accepted-answer{% endif %} {% ifequal answer.author_id question.author_id %} answered-by-owner{% endifequal %} {% if answer.deleted %}deleted{% endif %}">\r
- <table style="width:100%;">\r
- <tr>\r
- <td style="width:30px;vertical-align:top">\r
- <div class="vote-buttons">\r
- <img id="answer-img-upvote-{{ answer.id }}" class="answer-img-upvote" \r
- src="{% blockmedia %}/media/images/vote-arrow-up{% get_user_vote_image user_answer_votes answer.id 1 %}.png{% endblockmedia %}" \r
- alt="{% trans "i like this answer (click again to cancel)" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "i like this answer (click again to cancel)" %}"/>\r
- <div id="answer-vote-number-{{ answer.id }}" class="vote-number" title="{% trans "current number of votes" %}">\r
- {{ answer.score }}\r
- </div>\r
- <img id="answer-img-downvote-{{ answer.id }}" class="answer-img-downvote" \r
- src="{% blockmedia %}/media/images/vote-arrow-down{% get_user_vote_image user_answer_votes answer.id -1 %}.png{% endblockmedia %}" \r
- alt="{% trans "i dont like this answer (click again to cancel)" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "i dont like this answer (click again to cancel)" %}" />\r
- \r
- {% ifequal request.user question.author %}\r
- <img id="answer-img-accept-{{ answer.id }}" class="answer-img-accept" \r
- src="{% blockmedia %}/media/images/vote-accepted{% if answer.accepted %}-on{% endif %}.png{% endblockmedia %}" \r
- alt="{% trans "mark this answer as favorite (click again to undo)" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "mark this answer as favorite (click again to undo)" %}" />\r
- {% else %}\r
- {% if answer.accepted %}\r
- <img id="answer-img-accept-{{ answer.id }}" class="answer-img-accept" \r
- src="{% blockmedia %}/media/images/vote-accepted{% if answer.accepted %}-on{% endif %}.png{% endblockmedia %}" \r
- alt="{% trans "the author of the question has selected this answer as correct" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "the author of the question has selected this answer as correct" %}" />\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% endifequal %}\r
- </div>\r
- </td>\r
- <td>\r
- <div class="item-right">\r
- <div class="answer-body">\r
- {{ answer.html|safe }}\r
- </div>\r
- <div class="answer-controls post-controls">\r
- {% joinitems using '<span class="action-link-separator">|</span>' %} \r
- <span class="linksopt">\r
- <a href="#{{ answer.id }}" title="{% trans "answer permanent link" %}">\r
- {% trans "permanent link" %}\r
- </a>\r
- </span>\r
- {% separator %}\r
- {% if request.user|can_edit_post:answer %}\r
- <span class="action-link"><a href="{% url edit_answer answer.id %}">{% trans 'edit' %}</a></span>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% separator %}\r
- {% if request.user|can_flag_offensive %}\r
- <span id="answer-offensive-flag-{{ answer.id }}" class="offensive-flag" \r
- title="{% trans "report as offensive (i.e containing spam, advertising, malicious text, etc.)" %}">\r
- <a>{% trans "flag offensive" %}</a>\r
- {% if request.user|can_view_offensive_flags and answer.offensive_flag_count %}\r
- <span class="darkred">({{ answer.offensive_flag_count }})</span>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- </span>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% separator %}\r
- {% if request.user|can_delete_post:answer %}\r
- {% spaceless %}\r
- <span class="action-link">\r
- <a id="answer-delete-link-{{answer.id}}">\r
- {% if answer.deleted %}{% trans "undelete" %}{% else %}{% trans "delete" %}{% endif %}</a>\r
- </span>\r
- {% endspaceless %}\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% endjoinitems %}\r
- </div>\r
- <div class="post-update-info-container">\r
- {% post_contributor_info answer "original_author" %}\r
- {% post_contributor_info answer "last_updater" %}\r
- </div>\r
- <div class="comments-container" id="comments-container-answer-{{answer.id}}">\r
- {% for comment in answer.get_comments|slice:":5" %}\r
- <p id="comment-{{comment.id}}" class="comment">\r
- {{comment.comment}} \r
- - <a class="comment-user" href="{{comment.user.get_profile_url}}">{{comment.user}}</a>\r
- {% spaceless %}\r
- <span class="comment-age">({% diff_date comment.added_at %})</span>\r
- {% if request.user|can_delete_comment:comment %}\r
- <img class="delete-icon" \r
- src="{% media "/media/images/close-small.png" %}"\r
- title="{% trans "delete this comment" %}"/>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% endspaceless %}\r
- </p>\r
- {% endfor %}\r
- </div>\r
- <div class="post-comments" style="margin-bottom:20px">\r
- <input id="can-post-comments-answer-{{answer.id}}" type="hidden" value="{{ request.user|can_add_comments:answer}}"/>\r
- {% if request.user|can_add_comments:answer or answer.comment_count > 5 %}\r
- <a id="comments-link-answer-{{answer.id}}" class="comments-link">\r
- {% if request.user|can_add_comments:answer %}\r
- {% trans "add comment" %}\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% if answer.comment_count > 5 %}\r
- {% if request.user|can_add_comments:answer %}/\r
- {% blocktrans count answer.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}\r
- see <strong>one</strong> more \r
- {% plural %}\r
- see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more\r
- {% endblocktrans %}\r
- {% else %}\r
- {% blocktrans count answer.get_comments|slice:"5:"|length as counter %}\r
- see <strong>one</strong> more comment\r
- {% plural %}\r
- see <strong>{{counter}}</strong> more comments\r
- {% endblocktrans %}\r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% endif %}</a>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- </div>\r
- </div>\r
- \r
- </td>\r
- </tr>\r
- </table>\r
- </div>\r
- {% endfor %}\r
- <div class="paginator-container-left">\r
- {% cnprog_paginator context %}\r
- </div>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- <form id="fmanswer" action="{% url answer question.id %}" method="post">\r
- {% if request.user.is_authenticated %}\r
- <p style="padding-left:3px">\r
- {{ answer.email_notify }} \r
- <label for="question-subscribe-updates">\r
- {% ifequal request.user.get_q_sel_email_feed_frequency 'n' %}\r
- {% trans "Notify me once a day when there are any new answers" %}\r
- {% else %}\r
- {% ifequal request.user.get_q_sel_email_feed_frequency 'd' %}\r
- {% trans "Notify me once a day when there are any new answers" %}\r
- {% else %}\r
- {% ifequal request.user.get_q_sel_email_feed_frequency 'w' %}\r
- {% trans "Notify me weekly when there are any new answers" %}\r
- {% endifequal %}\r
- {% endifequal %}\r
- {% endifequal %}\r
- </label>\r
- {% blocktrans with request.user.get_profile_url as profile_url %}\r
- You can always adjust frequency of email updates from your {{profile_url}}\r
- {% endblocktrans %}\r
- </p>\r
- {% else %}\r
- <p style="padding-left:3px">\r
- <input class="nomargin" type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" />\r
- <label>{% trans "once you sign in you will be able to subscribe for any updates here" %}</label>\r
- </p>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- <div style="clear:both">\r
- </div>\r
- \r
- {% if not question.closed %}\r
- <div style="padding:10px 0 0 0;">\r
- {% spaceless %}\r
- <div class="headNormal">\r
- {% if answers %}\r
- {% trans "Your answer" %}\r
- {% else %}\r
- {% trans "Be the first one to answer this question!" %}\r
- {% endif %}\r
- </div>\r
- {% endspaceless %}\r
- </div>\r
- {% if not request.user.is_authenticated %}\r
- <div class="message">{% trans "you can answer anonymously and then login" %}</div>\r
- {% else %}\r
- <p class="message">\r
- {% ifequal request.user question.author %}\r
- {% trans "answer your own question only to give an answer" %}\r
- {% else %}\r
- {% trans "please only give an answer, no discussions" %}\r
- {% endifequal %}\r
- </p>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- <div id="description" class="" >\r
- <div id="wmd-button-bar" class="wmd-panel"></div>\r
- {{ answer.text }}\r
- <div class="preview-toggle">\r
- <table width="100%">\r
- <tr>\r
- <td>\r
- <span id="pre-collapse" \r
- title="{% trans "Toggle the real time Markdown editor preview" %}">\r
- {% trans "toggle preview" %}\r
- </span>\r
- </td>\r
- {% if settings.WIKI_ON %}\r
- <td style="text-align:right;">\r
- {{ answer.wiki }} \r
- <span style="font-weight:normal;cursor:help" \r
- title="{{answer.wiki.help_text}}">\r
- {{ answer.wiki.label_tag }} \r
- </span>\r
- </td>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- </tr>\r
- \r
- </table> \r
- </div>\r
- <div id="previewer" class="wmd-preview"></div>\r
- {{ answer.text.errors }}\r
- </div>\r
- <p><span class="form-error"></span></p>\r
- <input type="submit" \r
- {% if user.is_anonymous %}\r
- value="{% trans "Login/Signup to Post Your Answer" %}" \r
- {% else %}\r
- {% if user == question.author %}\r
- value="{% trans "Answer Your Own Question" %}" \r
- {% else %}\r
- value="{% trans "Answer the question" %}" \r
- {% endif %}\r
- {% endif %}\r
- class="submit" style="float:left"/>\r
- {% endif %}\r
- </form>\r
- </div>\r
-{% endblock %}\r
-{% block sidebar %}\r
-<div class="boxC">\r
- <p>\r
- {% trans "Question tags" %}:\r
- </p>\r
- <p class="tags" >\r
- {% for tag in tags %}\r
- <a href="{% url tag_questions tag.name|urlencode %}" \r
- title="{% trans "see questions tagged"%}'{{tag.name}}'{% trans "using tags" %}" \r
- rel="tag">{{ tag.name }}</a> <span class="tag-number">×{{ tag.used_count|intcomma }}</span><br/>\r
- {% endfor %}\r
- </p>\r
- <p>\r
- {% trans "question asked" %}: <strong title="{{ question.added_at }}">{% diff_date question.added_at %}</strong>\r
- </p>\r
- <p> \r
- {% trans "question was seen" %}: <strong>{{ question.view_count|intcomma }} {% trans "times" %}</strong>\r
- </p>\r
- <p> \r
- {% trans "last updated" %}: <strong title="{{ question.last_activity_at }}">{% diff_date question.last_activity_at %}</strong>\r
- </p>\r
-<div class="boxC">\r
- <h3 class="subtitle">{% trans "Related questions" %}</h3>\r
- <div class="questions-related">\r
- {% for question in similar_questions %}\r
- <p>\r
- <a href="{{ question.get_absolute_url }}">{{ question.get_question_title }}</a>\r
- </p>\r
- {% endfor %}\r
- </div>\r
-{% endblock %}\r
-{% block endjs %}\r
-{% endblock %}\r
-<!-- end question.html -->\r
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+<!-- question.html -->
+{% load node_tags %}
+{% load extra_tags %}
+{% load extra_filters %}
+{% load general_sidebar_tags %}
+{% load smart_if %}
+{% load humanize %}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% load cache %}
+{% block metadescription %}{{ question.meta_description }}{% endblock %}
+{% block metakeywords %}{{question.tagname_meta_generator}}{% endblock %}
+{% block meta %}
+ <link rel="canonical" href="{{settings.APP_BASE_URL}}{{question.get_absolute_url}}" />
+ <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="{{ question.get_absolute_url }}?type=rss">
+{% endblock %}
+{% block title %}{% spaceless %}{{ question.headline }}{% endspaceless %}{% endblock %}
+{% block forejs %}
+ {% if not question.nis.closed %}
+ <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/osqa.question.js" %}'></script>
+ <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/jquery.caret.js" %}'></script>
+ <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/wmd/showdown.js" %}'></script>
+ <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/wmd/wmd.js" %}'></script>
+ <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/html_sanitizer.js" %}'></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% media "/media/js/wmd/wmd.css" %}" />
+ {% if embed_youtube_videos %}
+ <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/viewbox_min.js" %}'></script>
+ <script type='text/javascript' src='{% media "/media/js/youtube.js" %}'></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% media "/media/js/viewbox.css" %}" />
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ $().ready(function(){
+ $("#nav_questions").attr('className',"on");
+ var answer_sort_tab = "{{ tab_id }}";
+ if (answer_sort_tab) {
+ $("#" + answer_sort_tab).attr('className',"on");
+ }
+ $('#editor').TextAreaResizer();
+ //toggle preview of editor
+ var display = true;
+ var txt = "[{% trans "hide preview" %}]";
+ $('#pre-collapse').text(txt);
+ $('#pre-collapse').bind('click', function(){
+ txt = display ? "[{% trans "show preview" %}]" : "[{% trans "hide preview" %}]";
+ display = !display;
+ $('#previewer').toggle();
+ $('#pre-collapse').text(txt);
+ });
+ });
+ function submitClicked(e, f) {
+ if(!(browserTester('chrome') || browserTester('safari'))) {
+ $("input.submit")[0].disabled=true;
+ }
+ window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnload, true);
+ if (f) {
+ f.submit();
+ }
+ }
+ function beforeUnload(e) {
+ if($("textarea#editor")[0].value != "") {
+ return yourWorkWillBeLost(e);
+ }
+ var commentBoxes = $("textarea.commentBox");
+ for(var index = 0; index < commentBoxes.length; index++) {
+ if(commentBoxes[index].value != "") {
+ return yourWorkWillBeLost(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ window.addEventListener('beforeunload', beforeUnload, true);
+ </script>
+ <noscript>
+ <style>
+ .comment.not_top_scorer {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ .comment-form-container {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ .div.comment-tools {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ </style>
+ </noscript>
+{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
+<div class="headNormal">
+ <h1><a href="{{ question.get_absolute_url }}">{{ question.headline }}</a></h1>
+<div id="main-body" class="">
+ <div id="askform">
+ <table style="width:100%;" id="question-table" {% post_classes question %}>
+ <tr>
+ <td style="width:30px;vertical-align:top">
+ <div class="vote-buttons">
+ {% vote_buttons question request.user %}
+ {% favorite_mark question request.user %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div id="item-right">
+ <div class="question-body">
+ {{ question.html|safe }}
+ </div>
+ <div id="question-tags" class="tags-container tags">
+ {% for tag in question.tagname_list %}
+ <a href="{% url "tag_questions" tag|urlencode %}" class="post-tag tag-link-{{ tag }}"
+ title="{% blocktrans with tag as tagname %}see questions tagged '{{ tagname }}'{% endblocktrans %}" rel="tag">{{ tag }}</a>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+ <div id="question-controls" class="post-controls">
+ {% post_controls question request.user %}
+ {% wiki_symbol request.user question %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="post-update-info-container">
+ {% contributors_info question %}
+ </div>
+ {% comments question request.user %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ {% if question.nis.closed %}
+ <div class="question-status" style="margin-bottom:15px">
+ <h3>
+ {% blocktrans with question.nstate.closed.extra as close_reason %}The question has been closed for the following reason "{{ close_reason }}" by{% endblocktrans %}
+ <a href="{{ question.nstate.closed.by.get_profile_url }}">{{ question.nstate.closed.by.username }}</a>
+ {% diff_date question.nstate.closed.at %}
+ </h3>
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% if answers %}
+ <hr/>
+ <div class="tabBar">
+ <a name="sort-top"></a>
+ <div class="headQuestions">
+ {% blocktrans count answers.paginator.count as counter %}One Answer:{% plural %}{{counter}} Answers:{% endblocktrans %}
+ </div>
+ {{ answers.paginator.sort_tabs }}
+ </div>
+ {{ answers.paginator.page_numbers }}
+ {% for answer in answers.paginator.page %}
+ <a name="{{ answer.id }}"></a>
+ <div id="answer-container-{{ answer.id }}" class="answer {% post_classes answer %}{% ifequal answer.id focused_answer_id %} focusedAnswer{% endifequal %}">
+ <table style="width:100%;">
+ <tr>
+ <td style="width:30px;vertical-align:top">
+ <div class="vote-buttons">
+ {% vote_buttons answer request.user %}
+ {% accept_button answer request.user %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <div class="item-right">
+ <div class="answer-body">
+ {{ answer.html|safe }}
+ </div>
+ <div class="answer-controls post-controls">
+ {% post_controls answer request.user %}
+ {% wiki_symbol request.user answer %}
+ </div>
+ <div class="post-update-info-container">
+ {% contributors_info answer %}
+ </div>
+ {% comments answer request.user %}
+ </div>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ {% endfor %}
+ <div class="paginator-container-left">
+ {{ answers.paginator.page_numbers }}
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
+ <form id="fmanswer" action="{% url "answer" question.id %}" method="post">
+ {% csrf_token %}
+ <div style="clear:both">
+ </div>
+ {% if not question.closed %}
+ <div style="padding:10px 0 0 0;">
+ {% spaceless %}
+ <div class="headNormal">
+ {% if answers %}
+ {% trans "Your answer" %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% trans "Be the first one to answer this question!" %}
+ {% endif %}
+ </div>
+ {% endspaceless %}
+ </div>
+ {% comment %}
+ {% if not request.user.is_authenticated %}
+ <div class="message">{% trans "You can answer anonymously and then login." %}</div>
+ {% else %}
+ <p class="message">
+ {% ifequal request.user question.author %}
+ {% trans "Answer your own question only to give an answer." %}
+ {% else %}
+ {% trans "Please only give an answer, no discussions." %}
+ {% endifequal %}
+ {% if not request.user.email_valid_and_can_answer %}
+ {% blocktrans %}Remember, your answer will not be published until you validate your email.{% endblocktrans %}
+ <a href="{% url "send_validation_email" %}">{% trans "Send me a validation link." %}</a>
+ {% endif %}
+ </p>
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endcomment %}
+ <div id="description" class="" >
+ <div id="wmd-button-bar" class="wmd-panel"></div>
+ {{ answer.text }}
+ <div class="preview-toggle">
+ <table width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <span id="pre-collapse"
+ title="{% trans "Toggle the real time Markdown editor preview" %}">
+ {% trans "toggle preview" %}
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ <td style="text-align: right;" id="editor-metrics"></td>
+ {% if settings.WIKI_ON %}
+ <td style="text-align:right;">
+ {{ answer.wiki }}
+ <span style="font-weight:normal;cursor:help"
+ title="{{answer.wiki.help_text}}">
+ {{ answer.wiki.label_tag }}
+ </span>
+ </td>
+ {% endif %}
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </div>
+ {{ answer.text.errors }}
+ <div id="previewer" class="wmd-preview"></div>
+ </div>
+ {% if answer.recaptcha %}
+ <div class="question-captcha" style="float: left;">
+ {{ answer.recaptcha.errors }}
+ {{ answer.recaptcha }}
+ </div>
+ <div class="clear"></div>
+ {% endif %}
+ <p><span class="form-error"></span></p>
+ <input type="button"
+ {% if user.is_anonymous %}
+ value="{% trans "Login/Signup to Post Your Answer" %}"
+ {% else %}
+ {% if user == question.author %}
+ value="{% trans "Answer Your Own Question" %}"
+ {% else %}
+ value="{% trans "Answer the question" %}"
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ class="submit" style="float:left" onclick="submitClicked(event, this.form)"/>
+ {% endif %}
+ </form>
+ </div>
+{% endblock %}
+{% block sidebar %}
+<div class="boxC" id="subscription_box">
+ {% include "subscription_status.html" %}
+{% markdown_help %}
+{% sidebar_upper %}
+{% cache 60 questions_tags settings.APP_URL question.id %}
+<div class="boxC">
+ <p>
+ {% trans "Question tags" %}:
+ </p>
+ <p class="tags" >
+ {% for tag in question.tags.all %}
+ <a href="{% url "tag_questions" tag.name|urlencode %}"
+ class="tag-link-{{ tag.name }}"
+ title="{% trans "see questions tagged"%}'{{tag.name}}'{% trans "using tags" %}"
+ rel="tag">{{ tag.name }}</a> <span class="tag-number">×{{ tag.used_count|intcomma }}</span><br/>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ {% trans "question asked" %}: <strong title="{{ question.added_at }}">{% diff_date question.added_at %}</strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ {% trans "question was seen" %}: <strong>{{ question.view_count|intcomma }} {% trans "times" %}</strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ {% trans "last updated" %}: <strong title="{{ question.last_activity_at }}">{% diff_date question.last_activity_at %}</strong>
+ </p>
+{% endcache %}
+{% sidebar_lower %}
+<div class="boxC">
+ <h3 class="subtitle">{% trans "Related questions" %}</h3>
+ <div class="questions-related">
+ {% for question in similar_questions %}
+ <p>
+ <a href="{{ question.get_absolute_url }}">{{ question.headline }}</a>
+ </p>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </div>
+{% endblock %}
+{% block endjs %}
+{% endblock %}
+<!-- end question.html -->