from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import time
import re
+import os
+import gc
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
from forum.models.utils import dbsafe_encode
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from zlib import compress, decompress
+from xml.sax import make_parser
+from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
+class SXTableHandler(ContentHandler):
+ def __init__(self, fname, callback):
+ self.in_row = False
+ self.el_data = {}
+ self.ch_data = ''
+ self.fname = fname.lower()
+ self.callback = callback
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ if name.lower() == self.fname:
+ pass
+ elif name.lower() == "row":
+ self.in_row = True
+ def characters(self, ch):
+ self.ch_data += ch
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ if name.lower() == self.fname:
+ pass
+ elif name.lower() == "row":
+ self.callback(self.el_data)
+ self.in_row = False
+ del self.el_data
+ self.el_data = {}
+ elif self.in_row:
+ self.el_data[name.lower()] = self.ch_data.strip()
+ del self.ch_data
+ self.ch_data = ''
+def readTable(path, name, callback):
+ parser = make_parser()
+ handler = SXTableHandler(name, callback)
+ parser.setContentHandler(handler)
+ f = os.path.join(path, "%s.xml" % name)
+ parser.parse(f)
def dbsafe_encode(value):
return force_unicode(b64encode(compress(dumps(deepcopy(value)))))
return datetime(*time.strptime(ts, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')[0:6])
-def readEl(el):
- return dict([(n.tagName.lower(), getText(n)) for n in el.childNodes if n.nodeType == el.ELEMENT_NODE])
+#def readEl(el):
+# return dict([(n.tagName.lower(), getText(n)) for n in el.childNodes if n.nodeType == el.ELEMENT_NODE])
-def readTable(dump, name):
- return [readEl(e) for e in minidom.parseString("%s.xml" % name)).getElementsByTagName('row')]
+#def readTable(dump, name):
+# for e in minidom.parseString("%s.xml" % name)).getElementsByTagName('row'):
+# yield readEl(e)
+#return [readEl(e) for e in minidom.parseString("%s.xml" % name)).getElementsByTagName('row')]
google_accounts_lookup = re.compile(r'^https?://')
yahoo_accounts_lookup = re.compile(r'^https?://')
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
super(IdMapper, self).__setitem__(int(key), int(value))
+class IdIncrementer():
+ def __init__(self, initial):
+ self.value = initial
+ def inc(self):
+ self.value += 1
openidre = re.compile('^https?\:\/\/')
-def userimport(dump, options):
- users = readTable(dump, "Users")
+def userimport(path, options):
+#users = readTable(dump, "Users")
- user_by_name = {}
+ usernames = []
+ openids = set()
uidmapper = IdMapper()
- merged_users = []
+ #merged_users = []
owneruid = options.get('owneruid', None)
#check for empty values
if not owneruid:
owneruid = None
- for sxu in users:
+ def callback(sxu):
create = True
if sxu.get('id') == '-1':
- continue
+ return
+ #print "\n".join(["%s : %s" % i for i in sxu.items()])
if int(sxu.get('id')) == int(owneruid):
osqau = orm.User.objects.get(id=1)
+ for assoc in orm.AuthKeyUserAssociation.objects.filter(user=osqau):
+ openids.add(assoc.key)
uidmapper[owneruid] = 1
uidmapper[-1] = 1
create = False
- username = sxu.get('displayname',
- sxu.get('displaynamecleaned', sxu.get('realname', final_username_attempt(sxu))))
+ username = unicode(sxu.get('displayname',
+ sxu.get('displaynamecleaned', sxu.get('realname', final_username_attempt(sxu)))))[:30]
- if not isinstance(username, UnknownUser) and username in user_by_name:
+ if username in usernames:
#if options.get('mergesimilar', False) and sxu.get('email', 'INVALID') == user_by_name[username].email:
# osqau = user_by_name[username]
# create = False
# uidmapper[sxu.get('id')] =
- inc = 1
- while ("%s %d" % (username, inc)) in user_by_name:
+ inc = 0
+ while True:
inc += 1
+ totest = "%s %d" % (username[:29 - len(str(inc))], inc)
- username = "%s %d" % (username, inc)
+ if not totest in usernames:
+ username = totest
+ break
sxbadges = sxu.get('badgesummary', None)
badges = {'1':'0', '2':'0', '3':'0'}
if create:
osqau = orm.User(
id = sxu.get('id'),
- username = unicode(username),
+ username = username,
password = '!',
email = sxu.get('email', ''),
is_superuser = sxu.get('usertypeid') == '5',
gold = int(badges['1']),
silver = int(badges['2']),
bronze = int(badges['3']),
- real_name = sxu.get('realname', ''),
+ real_name = sxu.get('realname', '')[:30],
location = sxu.get('location', ''),
osqau.location = sxu.get('location', '')
osqau.real_name = sxu.get('realname', '')
- merged_users.append(
+ #merged_users.append(
- user_by_name[osqau.username] = osqau
+ usernames.append(osqau.username)
openid = sxu.get('openid', None)
- if openid and openidre.match(openid):
+ if openid and openidre.match(openid) and (not openid in openids):
assoc = orm.AuthKeyUserAssociation(user=osqau, key=openid, provider="openidurl")
+ openids.add(openid)
+ openidalt = sxu.get('openidalt', None)
+ if openidalt and openidre.match(openidalt) and (not openidalt in openids):
+ assoc = orm.AuthKeyUserAssociation(user=osqau, key=openidalt, provider="openidurl")
+ openids.add(openidalt)
+ readTable(path, "Users", callback)
if uidmapper[-1] == -1:
uidmapper[-1] = 1
- return (uidmapper, merged_users)
+ return uidmapper
def tagsimport(dump, uidmap):
- tags = readTable(dump, "Tags")
+#tags = readTable(dump, "Tags")
tagmap = {}
- for sxtag in tags:
+ def callback(sxtag):
otag = orm.Tag(
id = int(sxtag['id']),
name = sxtag['name'],
tagmap[] = otag
+ readTable(dump, "Tags", callback)
return tagmap
def add_post_state(name, post, action):
post.state_string = "".join("(%s)" % s for s in re.findall('\w+', post.state_string) if s != name)
def postimport(dump, uidmap, tagmap):
- history = {}
- accepted = {}
- all = {}
+#history = {}
+#accepted = {}
+ all = []
- for h in readTable(dump, "PostHistory"):
- if not history.get(h.get('postid'), None):
- history[h.get('postid')] = []
+ #for h in readTable(dump, "PostHistory"):
+ # if not history.get(h.get('postid'), None):
+ # history[h.get('postid')] = []
+ #
+ # history[h.get('postid')].append(h)
- history[h.get('postid')].append(h)
+ #posts = readTable(dump, "Posts")
- posts = readTable(dump, "Posts")
- for sxpost in posts:
+ def callback(sxpost):
nodetype = (sxpost.get('posttypeid') == '1') and "nodetype" or "answer"
post = orm.Node(
post.extra_count = sxpost.get('viewcount', 0)
+ add_tags_to_post(post, tagmap)
post.parent_id = sxpost['parentid']
- all[int(] = post
+ all.append(int(
+ del post
+ readTable(dump, "Posts", callback)
return all
def comment_import(dump, uidmap, posts):
- comments = readTable(dump, "PostComments")
- currid = max(posts.keys())
+#comments = readTable(dump, "PostComments")
+ currid = IdIncrementer(max(posts))
mapping = {}
- for sxc in comments:
- currid += 1
+ def callback(sxc):
oc = orm.Node(
- id = currid,
+ id = currid.value,
node_type = "comment",
added_at = readTime(sxc['creationdate']),
author_id = uidmap[sxc.get('userid', 1)],
- posts[] = oc
+ posts.append(int(
mapping[int(sxc['id'])] = int(
+ readTable(dump, "PostComments", callback)
return posts, mapping
-def add_tags_to_posts(posts, tagmap):
- for post in posts.values():
- if post.node_type == "question":
- tags = [tag for tag in [tagmap.get(name.strip()) for name in post.tagnames.split(u' ') if name] if tag]
- post.tagnames = " ".join([ for t in tags]).strip()
- post.tags = tags
- create_and_activate_revision(post)
+def add_tags_to_post(post, tagmap):
+ tags = [tag for tag in [tagmap.get(name.strip()) for name in post.tagnames.split(u' ') if name] if tag]
+ post.tagnames = " ".join([ for t in tags]).strip()
+ post.tags = tags
+ create_and_activate_revision(post)
def create_and_activate_revision(post):
def post_vote_import(dump, uidmap, posts):
- votes = readTable(dump, "Posts2Votes")
- close_reasons = dict([(r['id'], r['name']) for r in readTable(dump, "CloseReasons")])
+#votes = readTable(dump, "Posts2Votes")
+ close_reasons = {}
+ def close_callback(r):
+ close_reasons[r['id']] = r['name']
+ readTable(dump, "CloseReasons", close_callback)
user2vote = []
- for sxv in votes:
+ def callback(sxv):
action = orm.Action(
action_date = readTime(sxv['creationdate']),
- node = posts.get(int(sxv['postid']), None)
- if not node: continue
+ if not int(sxv['postid']) in posts: return
+ node = orm.Node.objects.get(id=sxv['postid'])
action.node = node
if sxv['votetypeid'] == '1':
answer = node
- question = posts.get(int(answer.parent_id), None)
+ question = orm.Node.objects.get(id=answer.parent_id)
action.action_type = "acceptanswer"
state = {"acceptanswer": "accepted", "delete": "deleted", "close": "closed"}[action.action_type]
add_post_state(state, node, action)
+ readTable(dump, "Posts2Votes", callback)
-def comment_vote_import(dump, uidmap, comments, posts):
- votes = readTable(dump, "Comments2Votes")
+def comment_vote_import(dump, uidmap, comments):
+#votes = readTable(dump, "Comments2Votes")
user2vote = []
+ comments2score = {}
- for sxv in votes:
+ def callback(sxv):
if sxv['votetypeid'] == "2":
comment_id = comments[int(sxv['postcommentid'])]
user_id = uidmap[sxv['userid']]
- posts[int(action.node_id)].score += 1
- posts[int(action.node_id)].save()
+ if not comment_id in comments2score:
+ comments2score[comment_id] = 1
+ else:
+ comments2score[comment_id] += 1
+ readTable(dump, "Comments2Votes", callback)
+ for cid, score in comments2score.items():
+ orm.Node.objects.filter(id=cid).update(score=score)
def badges_import(dump, uidmap, post_list):
- node_ctype = orm['contenttypes.contenttype'].objects.get(name='node')
+#node_ctype = orm['contenttypes.contenttype'].objects.get(name='node')
+ sxbadges = {}
+ def sxcallback(b):
+ sxbadges[int(b['id'])] = b
+ readTable(dump, "Badges", sxcallback)
obadges = dict([(b.cls, b) for b in orm.Badge.objects.all()])
- sxbadges = dict([(int(b['id']), b) for b in readTable(dump, "Badges")])
user_badge_count = {}
sx_to_osqa = {}
sx_to_osqa[id] = osqab
- sxawards = readTable(dump, "Users2Badges")
osqaawards = []
- for sxa in sxawards:
+ def callback(sxa):
badge = sx_to_osqa[int(sxa['badgeid'])]
user_id = uidmap[sxa['userid']]
osqaa = orm.Award(
user_id = uidmap[sxa['userid']],
badge = badge,
- node = post_list[user_badge_count[user_id]],
+ node_id = post_list[user_badge_count[user_id]],
awarded_at = action.action_date,
action = action
badge.awarded_count += 1
user_badge_count[user_id] += 1
+ readTable(dump, "Users2Badges", callback)
for badge in obadges.values():
-def pages_import(dump):
+def pages_import(dump, currid):
+ currid = IdIncrementer(currid)
registry = {}
- sx_pages = readTable(dump, "FlatPages")
+ #sx_pages = readTable(dump, "FlatPages")
- for sxp in sx_pages:
+ def callback(sxp):
page = orm.Node(
+ id = currid.value,
node_type = "page",
title = sxp['name'],
body = b64decode(sxp['value']),
add_post_state("published", page, pub_action)
+ readTable(dump, "FlatPages", callback)
kv = orm.KeyValue(key='STATIC_PAGE_REGISTRY', value=dbsafe_encode(registry))
sx2osqa_set_map = {
u'': 'APP_TITLE',
-u'theme.html.footer': 'USE_CUSTOM_FOOTER',
+u'theme.html.footer': 'CUSTOM_FOOTER',
u'theme.html.sidebar': 'SIDEBAR_UPPER_TEXT',
u'theme.html.sidebar-low': 'SIDEBAR_LOWER_TEXT',
u'theme.html.welcome': 'APP_INTRO',
u'theme.html.head': 'CUSTOM_HEAD',
-u'theme.html.header': 'CUSTOM_HEADER'
+u'theme.html.header': 'CUSTOM_HEADER',
+u'theme.css': 'CUSTOM_CSS',
html_codes = (
def static_import(dump):
- sx_sets = readTable(dump, "ThemeTextResources")
+#sx_sets = readTable(dump, "ThemeTextResources")
sx_unknown = {}
- for set in sx_sets:
+ def callback(set):
if unicode(set['name']) in sx2osqa_set_map:
- kv = orm.KeyValue(
- key = sx2osqa_set_map[set['name']],
- value = dbsafe_encode(html_decode(set['value']))
- )
+ try:
+ kv = orm.KeyValue.objects.get(key=sx2osqa_set_map[set['name']])
+ kv.value = dbsafe_encode(html_decode(set['value']))
+ except:
+ kv = orm.KeyValue(
+ key = sx2osqa_set_map[set['name']],
+ value = dbsafe_encode(html_decode(set['value']))
+ )
sx_unknown[set['name']] = html_decode(set['value'])
+ readTable(dump, "ThemeTextResources", callback)
unknown = orm.KeyValue(key='SXIMPORT_UNKNOWN_SETS', value=dbsafe_encode(sx_unknown))
+def disable_triggers():
+ from south.db import db
+ if db.backend_name == "postgres":
+ db.execute_many(PG_DISABLE_TRIGGERS)
+ db.commit_transaction()
+ db.start_transaction()
+def enable_triggers():
+ from south.db import db
+ if db.backend_name == "postgres":
+ db.start_transaction()
+ db.execute_many(PG_ENABLE_TRIGGERS)
+ db.commit_transaction()
def reset_sequences():
from south.db import db
+def reindex_fts():
+ from south.db import db
+ if db.backend_name == "postgres":
+ db.start_transaction()
+ db.execute_many("UPDATE forum_noderevision set id = id WHERE TRUE;")
+ db.commit_transaction()
def sximport(dump, options):
- uidmap, merged_users = userimport(dump, options)
+ try:
+ disable_triggers()
+ triggers_disabled = True
+ except:
+ triggers_disabled = False
+ uidmap = userimport(dump, options)
tagmap = tagsimport(dump, uidmap)
+ gc.collect()
posts = postimport(dump, uidmap, tagmap)
+ gc.collect()
posts, comments = comment_import(dump, uidmap, posts)
- add_tags_to_posts(posts, tagmap)
+ gc.collect()
post_vote_import(dump, uidmap, posts)
- comment_vote_import(dump, uidmap, comments, posts)
- badges_import(dump, uidmap, posts.values())
+ gc.collect()
+ comment_vote_import(dump, uidmap, comments)
+ gc.collect()
+ badges_import(dump, uidmap, posts)
- pages_import(dump)
+ pages_import(dump, max(posts))
+ gc.collect()
from south.db import db
+ if triggers_disabled:
+ enable_triggers()
+ reindex_fts()
+ALTER table auth_user_groups DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table auth_user_user_permissions DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_keyvalue DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_action DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_actionrepute DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_subscriptionsettings DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_validationhash DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_authkeyuserassociation DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_markedtag DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_node DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_nodestate DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_node_tags DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_noderevision DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_node_tags DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_questionsubscription DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_vote DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_flag DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_badge DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_award DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_openidnonce DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_openidassociation DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table auth_user ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table auth_user_groups ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table auth_user_user_permissions ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_keyvalue ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_action ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_actionrepute ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_subscriptionsettings ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_validationhash ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_authkeyuserassociation ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_tag ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_markedtag ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_node ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_nodestate ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_node_tags ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_noderevision ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_node_tags ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_questionsubscription ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_vote ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_flag ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_badge ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_award ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_openidnonce ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
+ALTER table forum_openidassociation ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;
SELECT setval('"auth_user_id_seq"', coalesce(max("id"), 1) + 2, max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "auth_user";
SELECT setval('"forum_noderevision_id_seq"', coalesce(max("id"), 1) + 2, max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "forum_noderevision";
SELECT setval('"forum_node_tags_id_seq"', coalesce(max("id"), 1) + 2, max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "forum_node_tags";
SELECT setval('"forum_questionsubscription_id_seq"', coalesce(max("id"), 1) + 2, max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "forum_questionsubscription";
-SELECT setval('"forum_node_tags_id_seq"', coalesce(max("id"), 1) + 2, max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "forum_node_tags";
-SELECT setval('"forum_node_tags_id_seq"', coalesce(max("id"), 1) + 2, max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "forum_node_tags";
SELECT setval('"forum_vote_id_seq"', coalesce(max("id"), 1) + 2, max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "forum_vote";
SELECT setval('"forum_flag_id_seq"', coalesce(max("id"), 1) + 2, max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "forum_flag";
SELECT setval('"forum_badge_id_seq"', coalesce(max("id"), 1) + 2, max("id") IS NOT null) FROM "forum_badge";
\ No newline at end of file