#users = readTable(dump, "Users")
usernames = []
+ openids = set()
uidmapper = IdMapper()
#merged_users = []
#print "\n".join(["%s : %s" % i for i in sxu.items()])
if int(sxu.get('id')) == int(owneruid):
osqau = orm.User.objects.get(id=1)
+ for assoc in orm.AuthKeyUserAssociation.objects.filter(user=osqau):
+ openids.add(assoc.key)
uidmapper[owneruid] = 1
uidmapper[-1] = 1
create = False
openid = sxu.get('openid', None)
- if openid and openidre.match(openid):
+ if openid and openidre.match(openid) and (not openid in openids):
assoc = orm.AuthKeyUserAssociation(user=osqau, key=openid, provider="openidurl")
+ openids.add(openid)
+ openidalt = sxu.get('openidalt', None)
+ if openidalt and openidre.match(openidalt) and (not openidalt in openids):
+ assoc = orm.AuthKeyUserAssociation(user=osqau, key=openidalt, provider="openidurl")
+ assoc.save()
+ openids.add(openidalt)
readTable(path, "Users", callback)
\ No newline at end of file