+label = _("Show the Welcome box"),
+help_text = _("Do you want to show the welcome box when a user first visits your site."),
+APP_INTRO = Setting('APP_INTRO', u'<p>Ask and answer questions, make the world better!</p>', SIDEBAR_SET, dict(
+label = _("Application intro"),
+help_text = _("The introductory page that is visible in the sidebar for anonymous users."),
+ - **ask a question relevant to the |APP_TITLE| community**
+ - the title must be in the form of a question
+ - provide enough details
+ - be clear and concise
+, SIDEBAR_SET, dict(
+label = "Question title tips",
+help_text = "Tips visible on the ask or edit questions page about the question title.",
+ - Tags are words that will tell others what this question is about.
+ - They will help other find your question.
+ - A question can have up to |FORM_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TAGS| tags, but it must have at least |FORM_MIN_NUMBER_OF_TAGS|.
+, SIDEBAR_SET, dict(
+label = "Tagging tips",
+help_text = "Tips visible on the ask or edit questions page about good tagging.",