+class IPListField(forms.CharField):
+ def clean(self, value):
+ ips = [ip.strip() for ip in value.strip().strip(',').split(',')]
+ iplist = []
+ if len(ips) < 1:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_('Please input at least one ip address'))
+ for ip in ips:
+ try:
+ socket.inet_aton(ip)
+ except socket.error:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_('Invalid ip address: %s' % ip))
+ if not len(ip.split('.')) == 4:
+ raise forms.ValidationError(_('Please use the dotted quad notation for the ip addresses'))
+ iplist.append(ip)
+ return iplist
+class MaintenanceModeForm(forms.Form):
+ ips = IPListField(label=_('Allow ips'),
+ help_text=_('Comma separated list of ips allowed to access the site while in maintenance'),
+ required=True,
+ widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'longstring'}))
+ message = forms.CharField(label=_('Message'),
+ help_text=_('A message to display to your site visitors while in maintainance mode'),
+ widget=forms.Textarea)