raise NotEnoughRepPointsException(vote_type == 'up' and _('upvote') or _('downvote'))
user_vote_count_today = user.get_vote_count_today()
+ user_can_vote_count_today = user.can_vote_count_today()
if user_vote_count_today >= user.can_vote_count_today():
raise NotEnoughLeftException(_('votes'), str(settings.MAX_VOTES_PER_DAY))
- votes_left = (int(settings.MAX_VOTES_PER_DAY) - user_vote_count_today) + (vote_type == 'none' and -1 or 1)
+ votes_left = (user_can_vote_count_today - user_vote_count_today) + (vote_type == 'none' and -1 or 1)
if int(settings.START_WARN_VOTES_LEFT) >= votes_left:
response['message'] = _("You have %(nvotes)s %(tvotes)s left today.") % \
points = int(request.POST['points'])
# We should check if the user has enough reputation points, otherwise we raise an exception.
+ if points < 0:
+ raise CommandException(_("The number of points to award needs to be a positive value."))
if user.reputation < points:
raise NotEnoughRepPointsException(_("award"))